180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) Episode 7
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180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) full episodes
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) Episode 8
2 years ago -
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) Episode 7
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180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) Episode 6
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180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) Episode 5
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180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) Episode 4
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180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) Episode 3
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180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) Episode 2
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180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (2022) Episode 1
3 years ago
okay guys. you were all talking about how selfish his mom is and everything. so i wanted to show my aspect of her that is not really hatred. so first of all, her mom is not narcissist in my opinion, she is an extroverted woman with a broad smile that if you see her as a director,she is strong and supportive. but that doesn’t mean she is really strong.i really don’t know why his dad did not think about the consequence of a one side love relationship, but as far as my feelings show, i sympathy with that woman.i respect her as a human being and i feel how much pain she must have felt during that relationship. she was always honest supportive and loving toward her husband but she felt like her life is turning to pieces after siam’s coldness. so it’s fine that she is mad about that but also she is feeling guilty toward what has happens witch in my opinion, it’s not her fault rather to say that it’s mostly SIAM’s fault. YES PEOPLE. when you start a serious relationship and having a BABY you should know that you have to do ANYTHING for your child because you made him by your choice. i don’t say he had to give up on his sexuality but at least he could get divorce. his wife did not know anything about what is happening inside your head so you should SPEAK UP for you child’s sake. but anyway, after his death she tried SO HARD to become successful, somebody her son could proud of. so she send him to boarding school that she thought is the best. but she thought wrong and what’s the problem with that?everybody do wrong but look at what she became. i remember for the very first episode wang describes her “his best friend”. and just look at how lonely she is feeling bc she loved her husband so do as her son.she just does not want wang to got rejected or bully and end up like his dad! i know you might not read the whole thing or simply disagreeng with what i wrote. all i wanted to say is that sometimes love is not enough. sometime emotions turn into love that were simply not related to love in the first place! be ware that a BL itself is a precious work cuz it shows and normalize sexuality but remember wang’s lonliness was MAYBE the reason what he had always wanted to see In in person. and loving what his dad adores, sign of depression don’t you think?
Not everyone is able to speak their mind. I believe that when Wang’s parents got married, homosexuality was not as acceptable as it is now, I think the dad only got married because of his fear of being rejected, disowned, bullied, hated…..etc., by relatives, siblings, and society.
The mother IS selfish, not narcissistic. she cares about her image and reputation; more than the happiness of her own son, it is like Wang said ” it is ok when other people have a gay son, but not when it is her own son”, double standards.
You can do anything to protect your child in a way that doesn’t hurt them or suffocate them, never try to raise your kids the way you have been raised, completely different times and generations, he is a grown man, he can defend himself, she can’t always be there for him.
From what I understood from In’s story is that Wang’s father never confessed his love to his partner, he never promised her anything, it felt like she had the final word in everything and the father did not stand a chance against her.
I think In, Wang, and his mother are all depressed, each deal with depression in their own way.
I kinda don’t agree with what you said about the mom and the dad. I look at it this way. She knew Siam and In for years. She pursued him and they were married. It makes literally NO SENSE that she didn’t have a suspicion that he loved IN when even the SON, upon finally meeting IN and talking to him a few times, realized for himself that his Dad loved him as more as a friend (that’s why he was so insistent on In admitting it himself). I refuse to believe that she was that DENSE. I believe that she knew/suspected something, but because of her homophobic mindset (yes, she is low-key homophobic and you can see it in the way she spoke on the phone to her gay co-worker and even her comments on BL and stuff), she believed that Siam and IN didn’t deserve to be together and also the fact that she wanted Siam ( why would she give up the person SHE loved to a MAN!). I think she knew of Siam’s feelings and realized that In was obvious (or pretending to be oblivious) to his, so she used him to get closer to Siam. All in all, the mom is manipulative. She said it herself. She realizes stuff but pretends not to realize it unless it suits her. It is said how everything went down, but I don’t feel all that sorry for her.
I definitely agree with you. The mom is definitely manipulative and selfish and you can see it since the beginning of episode 1.
She didn’t love her husband, she wanted to owe him. If she loved him she didn’t marry him against his real nature, she knew there was something between him and Inn from the beginning. She overwelmed him, “conquered” him with her strong will and selfishness. She wanted him for her own benefit, wanted to shine among their friends, he was beautiful and very talented, with a brilliant career ahead. When she realised that he cannot be something she wanted him to be and he refuses to “dance to her music”, she thrown him like a piece of trash, leaving him to drown in alcohol.
She doesn’t love Wang either. She keeps him hidden, like a shame, being the son of a gay man, spoiling her image of a respectable woman. She plans his future and family after her own wishes, not his. She keeps him prisoner to endure her, her much younger lovers (almost Wang’s age), drunkenness, moods, etc. She put him into the bording school only to have own freedom, building own career, become famous, earn lots of money, being the center of attention. Wang endured humiliations, abuses, beatings, bullying in the school – she didn’t even know and I doubt she did something if she knew. Too busy with her lovers and drinking… She just wants Wang not to be gay, that’s her wish, like you could change something like this by wish. She hates Inn, even she plays “the best friend” because she knew Siam loved HIM not HER.
She is a control freak, she wants to be in control of every aspect of Wang’s life. She agrees with him studying philosphy – I laughed when she said she agrees, like he could do it only if she allowed him to do it. She wants him a girlfriend, he is not allowed to drive, he must come back to Bangkok with her … Hello, he is 20!
If Wang was depressed it was because of her. Not his father, he was 4 when Siam died and Wang didn’t know the truth before Inn told him. Depressed because of a selfish and self-centered mother, who played the perfect woman outside while she was calculated, alcoholic, unable to have honest friends and a real relationship with a man in her life, flattering herself with young lovers. Pathetic woman.
There are children in this world raised by gay couples that are normal kids, without traumas, balanced and well educated. Wang was a good man if he “end up like his dad”, a great guy. Siam had everything. Mol should love her son in the way he is, this is real love. And respect his wishes and dreams, supporting him unconditionally whatever he chooses to love, learn, work in his life. Parents duty is to give a pair of wings to their children, teach them to fly alone and help them when they need help.
own not owe. My English is rusty.
My God,this is a complete mess ??♂️ history repeating itself ?
I feel like Wang wants to open the scars and heal them properly this time
I kind of want this to end in tragedy. I want in In and wang’s mom to go through grief again like they did for Wang’s father. Just so they realize that they never learned and that their same mistakes led to yet another death.
From the first episode I can say we all saw how his mom is a selfish narcissist this made me soo angry
Oh Gods, that poor young man, being torn to pieces by his self-absorbed and careless Mother and a man who still is not able to face his truth and putting his needs last again. I just pray this won’t end in tragedy, I don’t like the preview of the last episode.
I can’t describe how much I love this series, the story, the dialogue, the chemistry between Inn and Wang, it is so beautifully written and filmed, I can’t believe there is only one episode left, I want more, I am hungry for more.
P.S. I really dislike the mom now, guilt-tripping Wang to stick by her side forever, so selfish, wanting to sacrifice her son’s happiness for her own convivence, awful. She is like my mother, I understand exactly how Wang feels, poor boy.
I live in Northern Europe, I simply cannot understand why parents must have so great influence in their children’s lives. We bring children into this world for their own sakes, not for ours as parents. Here in Scandinavia, children are treated like individuals since birth, parents guide, protect and nurture them without expecting any reward or submission. Children have rights, are allowed to express themselves, school, society and family encourage them to speak free their minds, choose what and how they wish to live, love, work, marry, etc.
Every time I see parents like Mol, I think about the reaction she/he/they would receive here. They would never see their son again. Maybe we understand love and respect in another way.
That mom is a selfish monster. Wang is not good for her public image, a son from a hidden marriage with an alcoholic and gay husband. Her fame, awards, career, name… are more important than her own child,which must obey her decisions.
the fact that she didn’t want to mention Wang in her acceptance speech
Hej Charli 🙂
Siam gave her the hardest blow of her life, she couldn’t own him for herself, to manipulate him, to show him to the world like “Look what I gained! It’s all mine!” – like a decoration on the lapel of her coat.
He didn’t want her only because he loved a man, but for what she was/is, a selfish monster. She didn’t love him, she only wanted a “perfect” family with a beautiful and capable man, with a brilliant career ahead of him. She wanted to have him even she knew for sure that something was going on between him and Inn, she is a movie director, knows a lot about human nature.
She dumped Siam leaving him to fight alone with his demons when she understood he will never give himself to her in the way she wanted (Wang is like his father, cannot deceive himself). She spoke poorly about him to his son, family and friends. She wanted a good reputation and he was like a black stain. She is not a widow, she said proudly, but a divorcee, she didn’t want even his name associated to hers. She hides Wang because she would have to explain who his father is and the media would dig in her past and find Siam.
She won those prizes against some BL series, the awards are not necessarily about her talent but about her mentality. Still a lot of conservatorism in society, not promoting new and progressive mentality. She deceives herself that those prizes and real and represent her geniality. Nobody wants her, has no friends. That’s why she is so possessive over Wang, making from him a hidden “maid of honor”, she being a queen, of course, forcing him to bear her and her “high and mighty”, her young lovers, drunkenness, moods, hangovers.
Poor Wang. But there is hope 🙂
So basically the mom is the only drawback in this series
This series is a MASTERPIECE . Everything is so real and perfect