7 Popular Crime Thriller Japanese Dramas of 2019

Yes! we are back again to remind the wonderful fans on some of the best Japanese crime thriller dramas that made us scratch our heads more than once. Since 2019 has been an absolute treat for lovers of the thriller genre – we decided to go the extra mile to find the best shows of the year. So we could get you our Top recommendations.

So specially for you, we have our list ready for the best 2019 Japanese’s thriller Dramas. Lets go!

1. It’s Your Turn (Anata No Ban Desu)

“It’s your turn (Anata No Ban Desu) is a crime thriller drama that revolves around a newly wed couple. Nana is a designer and Shota is a gym instructor. Their age difference is about 15 years. The story gets mysterious when residents at an apartment is being murdered one at a time. Nana and Shota gets involved in the cases to find out who the killer is. Watch the drama to find out who is causing the murders to take place.


Watch all the episodes at dramacool

2. Daughter of Lupin (Lupin No Musume)

“Daughter of Lupin aka Lupin No Musume) is a light romantic thriller drama focusing on Hana who is from a family of thieves called the “L Clan”. However, she chose not to be part of the family business and takes up a simple job as a librarian. Kazuma is a police officer who walks into the life of Hana at the library. A romance between them blossom but worryingly, Kazuma is on a mission to bring the L Clan to justice. However, he is forced to help the L Clan when he finds out Hana could be in trouble if he did not. Find out what happens in the story.


Watch all the episodes at Dramacool

3.Butterfly’s Mechanics: Murder Analysis Squad (Chou No Rikigagu)

“Butterfly’s Mechanic” is a fascinating murder crime thriller drama that unfolds around Toko Kisaragi as the detective from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Detective working with her senior, Hideaki Takano. Very soon Hideaki Takano gets transferred to another department but as he is moving to another department, a murder takes place in his own home with Hideaki’s wife missing. Toko is the in-charge on the case to find what happened who is finding it challenging as every detail gets revealed. Find out who the killer is.


Watch all the episodes at Dramacool 


Sherlock is the name of most intelligent man in Tokyo who has a profound fascination for crimes and people who commit them. He is currently working as a freelance consultant to the police. Watson is psychiatrist who becomes his sidekick to solve the mysterious cases they find. The two are worlds apart in the way they behave but find out how they team up to baddest of guys in town.


Watch all the episodes at Dramacool

5. Cheat

“Cheat” is crime drama where the con gets conned. It is a group members who are exceptionally skilled at conning criminals headed by rge detetctive Kazuki Anzai. The team consists of police officers, ex private detectives and hackers. Saki Hoshino is considered to be the brain of the group. Find out how they con their victims.


Watch all the episodes at Dramacool

6.Nippon Noir: Detective Y’s Rebellion

Kiyoharu Yusa was the typical detective working on cases. He wakes up one night to find out that his memory has been lost of the past few months. Whats more scary is that he is also the prime suspect of the murder case of a female detective who was his partner. Tension and suspense builds up each passing second while Kiyoharu finds details to related robbery case that maybe connected to his current situation. Find out what happens.


Watch all the episodes at Dramacool

7. Jikku Tantei Oyu

Jikju Tantei Oyu is a mystery Crime Drama starring Yuka Sekiguchi who is working at a real estate company. She finds herself travelling back in time as she was looking for an hidden closet kept secret by her Grandmother. After she goes back in time, finds herself in the middle of murder investigation carried out by Ukai Denzaburo.


Watch all the episodes at Dramacool 

Hope you have liked our top 7 list of Japanese Thriller Drama from 2019. If you have any comments,views or suggestions. Please feel to share with us.

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