Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 20
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Alchemy of Souls (2022) full episodes
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 20
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 19
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 18
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 17
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 16.1
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 16
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 16.2
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 15
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 14
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 13
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 12
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 11
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 10
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 9
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 8
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 7
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 6
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 5
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 4
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 3
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 2
3 years ago -
Alchemy of Souls (2022) Episode 1
3 years ago
When would episode 21 be out? I can’t wait…
ep 20 is the last one
Buyeon/Mudeok’s character here is very underrated. She is the most powerful priestess yet not even Naksu is interested enough about her. She possessed Buyeon/Mudeok’s body and never once did she wonder about it (only one time when people who knew Soi were killed and nothing more). B/M even saved Uk when he was under the spell of Alchemy, she pulled him towards her. That was not Naksu, that was B/M. A justice needs to be served to completely eliminate B/M’s character here, otherwise, Naksu – the formidable mage who possessed the body of a blind girl, is a complete useless set-up. All in all, especially the graphics, this fantaseries is one of the best there are.
i tried to wait for the s2 nd i couldnt stop my self. Now im suffering!!!
I should have waited for s2 before watching the s1…
Me too I told myself not to watch season one until season 2 is out but I did
Yul deserve to be treated right too buyeon/ mu-deok should be with uk nd leave Naksu for Yul ??. Yul is really in pains. Does it mean dat after all de thing he shared with Naksu she will go to uk. Plzz the writer should check this. Naksu really belongs to Yul ?
I can’t imagine Mu-deok being replaced, she indeed is a good actor especially herr expresions were on point …
I love it. next season, please.
season naksu return to her original body ang maried to uk mudeok resurected and become boyuon the blind girl ang maried to her sweet childhood lover crown prince become king
If they replace somin I don’t think ,I can watch this drama…
dont be dismayed i tell you the brief story in season 2 remeber when naksu shifted her soul to bu yeon bu yeon soul was not shifted to naksu body naksu dead and frozen becasue of the power of ice stone naksu soul will returend back to his original body and mudeok body resurected again to her original body and soul buyeon season 2 mudeok become buyeon and meet her longing mother and child hood lover and got maried naksu and uk maried and live in the village crown prince become king
Am I the only one happy that they replaced her? ? Her acting is too obnoxious to me, the facial expressions were fun in the beginning but she is still making the same faces no matter the situation, it’s too much. On the other hand I love Uk and the actor that plays him so I’m excited to see him with some different girl that maybe will match him and his chemistry.
no you are not the only one–So-Min is actually very interesting only when she isn’t forced to speak that Dialect she so really tries hard to do; whilst she does it, her face goes awry–sometimes it’s cute; but the dialect itself doesn’t suit for her; she deserves to speak like Naksu, like when she speaks with Jung Uk when they are alone; if that was how her character was written–then this really would have been a sad replacement, cause her presence and imprint would have been too great to fill it with other actor.
But since that was not the case; I don’t think Naksu going back to her original body is greatly throwing me off. I’m excited to actually see two great female presence here; (So-Min suits Bu-Yeon much much much more than So-Min acting as Mu-Doek) ready to see So-Min’s yet another powerful presence through Bu-Yeon; and Naksu getting back to her original body–but I think the whole thing is going to be a darker part of AOS, so I’m not even sure if there’ll be great romance in the first place–regardless Naksu Actor is more beautiful than So-Min ;)) ; so I’m not gonna lie that I’m smiling when I’m seeing her.
So-Min acted her part; now as per the Hong Sisters, let’s really focus on how they are going to branch out the whole story and the darker, finale part of all this…hope they do get to have some romance, but the trailer really doesn’t seem to have a drop of it; full of dark tones and serious ending…think Naksu might have to die in the end for all the people she has killed…that’s the fitting ending aft4er all.
It seems I’m addicted to this but I watched this cus o so min
What the fu** they are replacing her?
she prob is gonna be there but as mudeok with buyeon’s soul like it was orignally
and Naksu is gonna be in her orignal body so the actor so min is gonna be in the season 2 HOPEFULLY
but even if she is not it doesnt mean the whole drama is gonna be bad
They ruined my mood now i love this drama i just finish episode 20 but i`m so sad know that they going to change the female role it`s not bc i don’t like the new one it`s bc it`s don’t feel the same no more. It`s feel like he cheat on Mu-Deok if he have some romentic with her so i will not watch season 2 but it`s sad i love this drama, now i`m going to Cry efter that move on with another drama????????????
Me too ???is soo heartbreaking
Same here, i don’t see any sense in that UK fell in love with mu-deok, why replace her?
It doesn’t make any sense please think twice….
ik its ur choice but u should give it a try atleast
it gonna be a bit weird at the start but then ull get used to it
and uk loved naksu cos her soul was in the body.
Thank you for the show.i really enjoyed it.waiting for season 2 no matter who will appear or won’t am ready for it.
OMG it’s been amazing???…. can’t wait for the next season to see the real Naksu???
wait WHAT ?! Jung So Min unni IS REPLACED BY SOME JUNIOR ACTRESS in S2?! ?☹️☹️☹️WHY??? SO UNFAIR !! We just got to see her fight in last epi! So-Min unni, WILL MISS YOU! ?I started this drama because of her. ??☹️
i think she will go back to being bu-yun and naksu will go back to her body somehow
I hope so?
Did y’all notice that Jang-Uk was using Naksus’s sword ?!
Yes, so my theory is that Naksus soul shifted into jang uk in season 2 maybe.
U know what, I literally thought the same, that maybe they switched souls
Part 2 is about to get really really dark and I would be down for that.
Why the heck they removed Jung So-Min in upcoming eps on December ????????? Why would they do that and ruining the drama? We are already connected with Jung So Min and suddenly the ep 20 is just like that???? No more for her?? This is really unfair, i never imagined that she will get removed in alchemy? Makes me upset and no idea if I should continue watching it,, she’s too good to her acting and that’s all she got just replaced, its not even nice the ending for her in ep 20 how suckssssss!!!!!
Exactly !!!!!!! DISAPPOINTED ☹️ So-Min unni !!
her contract didn’t get renewed, as she signed to star in other projects i.e show
im sure they would of loved to have her in season 2 but that could not be possible
Learn to move on
Please December is too long
Waiting for S2
Really enjoyed this season ?
It’s sad that they could not wait to film with the main character and had to change to a new woman. This has been the DOWNFALL of so many series. I am sure this is going to lose its popularity especially if the first episode of season two does not fit the imagination of viewers.
Yeah definitely,same with the love alarm season 2,
Wow ? truly enjoyed this show I know that season 2 will also be great ? btw the lead actress changed to the original naksu right I’m in dilemma whether jung uk likes bu-yeon or naksu but I’m more into thinking he loves naksu bcuz I think he fell for her personality not her body
I don’t think Naksu will want to be with him especially after stabbing him like that. Thats gonna leave deep scarring on her (or at least I hope it would)
They just ruined the whole story like how can they ignore buyeon’s character the msot poewrful priest they said what a joke, it really was a waste!!!
This drama was only focused in naksus and mudeoks story they did not fucking ruin it omg. Also they’re making s2 and it will air this year 2022. So pls stfu and have some passion for this drama cuz there’s no fucking way it can like that. Jang uk came back from the dead and two random girls saving naksu from dying. It just can’t end like that.
As the last comment said, this isn’t the end. There’s a Part 2 coming in December. They have a lot of story threads to resolve. Buyeon is probably gonna play an even bigger role in the next part. Patience.
Just a little message to the people that say they have wasted there time watching this, or are not going to watch season 2 main reason being, they going to change the female lead, she has got another (show) project work on… my question is to you people, did you enjoy this season, if you like myself, loved everything about it, why drop the show. I know i know i will miss Jung So-min also, but we will be getting the original lady from episode 1 the very gorgeous and talented Go Yoon Jung who first appeared as Naksu.. im personally happy with that bring on December.
Me too ?
Ending left me with thought that In S2 as Nasku’s body is in songrim and Nasku’s soul might return to her original body and what of mudoek she’s the one jang uk fell for and my brain is arising this question what will jang uk do when mudoek won’t be there whom he loved wholeheartedly.. will he accept naksu or wottttt ???
It’s the delusion my mind created for me. Somebody pls enlighten me with logic that’ll put my mind at ease..
I believe he fell in love with the whole time Naksu.
C’était trop cool!! Vivement Décembre!!
If they are going to change the female character in next season then I wasted my time to watch first season they need to continue with same pair
you should just poison yourself and die ? no one give a f*
? ? ? ?
Such an immature reply. I really hope you’re 10 years old or younger, otherwise there are no other justification for your immaturity. Please don’t go around telling people to die, do you even have parents?
How do you even think, it just a movie, now u want some one to die cause of that, how mannerless.
We gonna watch it whether there is sung min or not
I think mudeok/buyeon is still alive. did anyone notice the girl whom maidservent kim looking at. her hair is bit like mudeok.
Alchemy of souls!!! Bestest drama ever… I’m crying????
This drama is same level as goblin who doesn’t agree i don’t mind them….
Such a great drama it was?? this is not only best drama of 2022 but this is best drama of all over!!
Mind blowing story and acting!! How can i wait for season 2 now? i need it jigeum right now!!
Please anyhow bring so min as buyeon or anyone on season 2…there is no fun without her!! I was fascinated by watching her acting ??
All of them deed bestest?
AOS forever?
We gonna watch it whether there is sung min or not
Makes sense that the story didn’t end with season 1. The story shouldn’t end until Jang Uk’s identity as the King’s Star becomes known and he comes face-to-face with his entitlement to the throne. So sad that Mudeok won’t be around in season 2, but I’m trying to stay hopeful that the new actress will do a good job at portraying Naksu’s character as it was depicted in season 1. Splendid drama – definitely one of my favs!
I hate and sad of this episode…we know that Naksu body was Buyeon who powerful priestess that most powerful than shaman Choi..Hong sister I’m so dis appointed a priestess became a powerless by low mage Jin mu…write something that Buyeon can appeared at season 2 she’s not easy to die because her power can trap and control the we’ve seen at episode 8..Buyeon hold Uk for not releasing his God how could be this episode 20..I’m feeling run wild hong sisters ???
Seriouslyyy, WHAT WAS THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!! im so so so shocked, amazed and confused! Why she became so powerless cause of those bells? She is BUYEON, the most powerfull preistess!!!! CANT WAIT TILL DECEMBER, HELP HAHAHA
We’re not watching next season if it’s not Jung so min.
You’re foolish to watch a show then focus on the actress more than the plot. Why should it matter that the og actress from ep1 is back for s2? It was obviously the plan from the start smh
Plot twist, season 2 have been cancelled
Check Mate you all liberal arts majors
i almost cried when Mudeok stabbed jang Uk…what a hurtful scene ….gonna miss them sooo baddd…. see u on december Alchemy of Souls
Damn ..Mu Deok looks likes she saved by two women, thinking it must be her real mother’s people. she has a strong feel that its her daughter and not So-i.
I think in a way. would be nice for Mu Beok to survive. ..and still have Naksu inside. .as that is who Jang is attracted to. ..I cant envision Naksu going back to her old body and Jang falling in love FULLY in Naksus body. ..hes physially attracted to Mu Deok …
This proves that Jang has the ice stone within and practically invincible. Now…they just have to get rid of Jin and Choi clang …and everyone will have a peaceful life.
Amazing how he rose from that fire right? That was hella impressive. Great cast, script and overall effort. No wonder this drama is getting so much viewership !!!! Its amazing. .?
This is how i feel too.
I’m crying I don’t think I’ll recover from this episode. I want to see the real Naksu and Jang Uk together or I won’t watch the new season..
We want Jung so min ( mu dork)
Yeah she’s the reason why I started the show in the first place she better be in the S2 her chemistry is in whole level with the cast
IM SHEDDING TEARS OF BLOOD.??THIS CAN’T BE. literally they gave us hopes of our ukiedokie couple and then suddenly they changed the whole freaking thingiii. Wtff?
First of all y’all are dumb that you still dont know that jang uk and naksu will be the endgame mudeok/buyeon has nothing to do with him . I mean he already knew that it was naksu. Naksu was in luv with him and he was in luv with her. Why are y’all so confused. Anyways ?
Btw They showed mudeok getting rescue by someone. What’ll happen to her .I heard that jung somin has literally no scene in s2 so im kinda confused.
But the fact that lady jin didn’t know that she her daughter is literally getting on mah nevers. Ik that lady jin will know about it but ig buyeon will not be alive by then. And master lee he literally know every single thing since the beginning. I cant tell y’all how much i want jin mu to die . He should rot in hell fire fucking bitchh seriouslyyyy. Why did do that????? the ending is hurting like hell to me.every single scenes since she got possessed felt like someone was taking my breath away. Im getting too emotional lol? I didn’t expect crown prince to be this slow. How can he fell for jin mu .? I mean no one expected it from him ?. Anyways Rooting for naksu! gooyoung looks hella pretty damn fuck?❤️? park Jin’s hair nooo way where did it goo??. Cant wait until December comes. Should pray that it’ll come fast.
I hate and sad of this episode…we know that Naksu body was Buyeon who powerful priestess that most powerful than shaman Choi..Hong sister I’m so dis appointed a priestess became a powerless by low mage Jin mu…write something that Buyeon can appeared at season 2 she’s not easy to die because her power can trap and control the we’ve seen at episode 8..Buyeon hold Uk for not releasing his God how could be this episode 20..I’m feeling run wild hong sisters ??
I fucking hate Jin Mu
am 100 persent sure guessing mu-deok will be on season 2 ………..
because the posture of the film is already a big spoiler
as we saw at the end of season one jang uk is welding naskus sword and the same sword hes welding in the posture
But they already confirmed that jung somin will not appear in s2…
What!! When?? Where?
It was only confirmed that she isn’t the lead actress guys
No…too many un-answers … damm cliff hanger…4 months have to wait…
Omggggg I thought Jang Uk would die from Naksu. I seriously cried my eyes out??. But we’ll all gotta wait to see the epic S2 in December I’m so hyped up for this.
Can’t wait for season 2
Did I waste my time for this? What happens next? Is it over? That impossible. How can it be? ?
Well one thing I must say young master seo is handsome even while crying I wished he was the leading male
Maybe he will get his girl next season. MD is not in season 2 so I guess UK will find his lady but not in MD body.. which is sad, how can you hold another , MD was who he was attracted too as well. This is sad. broke my heart that the writers just let such a beautiful person just go wild due to bells ringing , while there is 2 powerful souls in MD.. stupid really, This will have UK fighting and him looking for his love. She will not be like MD , but we will have to see how cheesy season 2 well become…….. I still say they should of waited for So min to be available to do season 2…………..I think it will not be the same and will not be as popular……….. but I loved the drama a lot ,disappointed in the ending more MD taking over by that evil man The writers should of gave us marriage first .. and have a season 3 where MD comes back. Mother gets her daughter back too……….
Whoever wrote the half of the ending i hope you have a great life cuz i will not be having any..these is the worst drama ever.why did i get so attached to how will i live..tomorrow i have an exam here i am crying.. This did not need any 2nd season atleast not for me. I would have been fine if ended where modeoki got drunk and confessed how much she likes uk..whatever happened after that scene i did not need that..why did you do this why did i continue after that, whyyyyy.waeeee!? I am so so so sad ????????
I feel the same too sad
Kdrama are the best anytime, anyday
I really cried my eyes out.???So this is the end of mudeok??? Jang UK is still alive but what will happened to mudeok ??? They were going to be happy together.
Mudeok deserves to be alive as the eldest daughter of jin family as BUYEON.
Naksu can return to her body and mudeok can stay as buyeon the writer could’ve do this but he didn’t. Really hate it????
But still I will look forward to season 2 ?And Of course I will appreciate real naksu in season 2.
But I still can’t endure this pain??? I will really miss her mudeok ?
Fucking Jin mu is really getting on my nerves I want to kill him by myself ?
Somin you really did a good job. you will always stay in my heart. I really loved your acting and expression everything.
I hope in season 2 there’ll be a magic and you will be there. I’m really gonna pray for that❤️
Is the relationship between Jang UK and Naksu or is it mudeok god this driving my brain nuts?
It is Jang Uk and Naksu. Naksu is in mudeok/buyeon, thus he has been spending time with Naksu. I mean he is technically physically attracted to Buyeon, but the one he is in love with is Naksu.
It is Jang Uk and Naksu. Naksu is in mudeok/buyeon, thus he has been spending time with Naksu. I mean he is technically physically attracted to Buyeon, but the one he is in love with is Naksu.
The relationship is between Naksu and Jang UK. The one he has been spending time with and fell in love with is Naksu, who is in Buyeon’s/Mudeok’s body. He is technically physically attracted to Buyeon tho
Tbh technically we are all attracted by mudeok I’m also attached by mudeok ? I can’t let her go?
come to think of it, what if, it has been Buyeon controlling Mudeok since.
Jang and naksu, tehnicly…naksu soul is in mudeok body…
Jang changed naksu from an heartless killer, to a heartfull woman…Its Jin Mu’s foult that she “killed” jang, real naksu never wanted to?(not including the begining of the kdrama)….BUT tehnicly naksu never really did do tbat, it was a power of a that stupid bell
I think he loves them both
I guess dat Naksu will go back to her normal self nd mudeok/buyeon will get married to uk nd den Naksu will go back to Yul seriously Yul loves Naksu so much i don’t kn if am de only one seeing dis Yul always restless and depressed bec he is not with his naksu ??. Please de writer should do something about this plzz
I just can’t believe my eyes, the beautiful cheerful wedding day became a blood bath . It was heart wrenching to see Jang UK killed by naksu. Ughhh I wish I could kill Jin my rn. How will I wait till dec. Everyone shocked at hell.
I bet Naksu body was never burned. I hope they bring Mu-Deok ( Jung So-Min) back into the role.
Yeah me too. I want Jung So Min to be in S2????
Damn!!!!! The best best best drama 2022!! Like bro my head hurts ?? This drama will give you all the excitement and now I have to wait until December for S2 ? much love for this drama ❤️?
no this episode had me CRYING
jang uk wielding naksu’s sword heart freaking eyes. how can I wait til december T_T
270p here we go agaim
Let’s meet December
Disappointed. Hong sisters have gone crazy
Its is lagging alott and its honestly sooo annoying
They should of made the ending the way our fans wanted it to be, Happy with MD and UK together married , THey are playing with the fans hearts ..
Yeah!!! Last episode till December
At the end the story got tangled
Till December?? Is it for the season 2??
Yes season 2 in December 12 weeks, i for one will be marking each week off, what a awesome show from start to finish, only thing i have to do now if find another show watch, as im currently not watching anything else for weeks only AoS…..
You can watch big mouth
ill check it out thanks
watch big mouth, it’s amazing