Bad and Crazy (2021)
Other name: 배드 앤 크레이지 Baedeu Aen Keuleiji Baedeu Aen Keureiji
Synopsis: “Bad and Crazy” revolves around a materialistic police detective who transforms into a justice fighter when a hidden persona called “K” awakens inside him.
Soo-Yeol (Lee Dong-Wook) is a police officer at the Mooui Police Department. He is good at his job, but he also has questionable ethics. He will do anything to achieve success. His life suddenly changes when “K” (Wi Ha-Joon) appears.
K is a righteous person with a strong sence of justice. But he is also a crazy person who is prone to outbursts of uncontrollable rage.
Hee-Gyeom (Han Ji-Eun) works as a police lieutenant at the drug squad. She is also a righteous person and love what she does. She once dated Soo-Yeol.
Original Network: OCN;
Also known as: 배드 앤 크레이지 Baedeu Aen Keuleiji Baedeu Aen Keureiji
Airs from 12/17/2021 on Fridays and Saturdays at 22:40
Country: Korean
Status: Completed
Release Year: 2021
Air Date: Dec 17, 2021
Genres: Corruption, Crime, Detective, Drama, Mystery
Starring: Han Ji Eun (1987), Lee Dong Wook (1981)
Bad and Crazy (2021) trailer:
Bad and Crazy (2021) full episodes
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 12
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 11
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 10
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 9
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 8
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 7
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 6
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 5
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 4
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 3
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 2
3 years ago -
Bad and Crazy (2021) Episode 1
3 years ago
I had high expectations for this one.
*Spoiler alert*
Though I am late to this party I just couldn’t miss out on this drama. This drama had two incredible actors for their main characters. I knew when I saw Lee Dong-Wook and Wi Ha-Joon as leads that this would be a high-quality drama. However, I honestly feel that this one was a little too goofy for my personal liking and in regard to what I’ve seen of them in other dramas, I prefer them in more serious roles. This drama has multiple storylines and it gets confusing. I found it refreshing that Ryu Su Yeol wasn’t passionate about his job in the beginning, he was competent but just didn’t seem to care much. In almost all of the dramas that feature detectives and police work you see the main character taking lead on the case and almost drowning in it, but in this case, Ryu Su Yeol kept his head low and was even willing to destroy evidence to avoid investigating a case. In the beginning, I couldn’t tell whether or not Ryu Su Yeol was plain stupid or if it was because he didn’t care much about the cases handed to him. However, towards the end, he seemed to quickly catch on about the things that were happening around him and it was satisfying to see him connecting the dots. He seemed quite superficial to me at first but K really added depth to his personality. I really liked the psychological spin to it although it still bothers me how mental health continues to be added for shock value without any proper representation of the actually mentioned illnesses. I think it’s such a shame that they mock psychiatry and how it is presented as a sham. I must say having watched the whole show I liked the first couple of episodes a lot more than I did the last. I liked K’s rouge personality, aggression, and questionable ethics which thankfully remained even as K and Ryu Su Yeol became friends. It is the first drama I’ve watched where they push a split-personality disorder where we also get to know the other personality and I thought it was cool that we also got to know K as he manifests as his own character. As we learn about Ryu Su Yeol’s past and his relation to Jeong Yun Ho we also learn why K was created. It turns out that Ryu Su Yeol and Jeong Yun Ho had been at the same shelter at the same time as kids running away from their abusive fathers and that is when Jeong Yun Ho talked about murdering each other’s fathers to escape the loop of misery. Ryu Su Yeol was beaten so often by his father that his maín personality couldn’t protect him and that is why K, his split personality, was created. It is revealed that Ryu Su Yeol agrees to kill Jeong Yun Ho’s father not knowing his personality has split and that it actually was K who committed the murder. After the incident, he represses his memories and switches back to his main personality unaware of what has happened and that is when he is found and adopted by Ryu Dong-Yeol and his mother. After Ryu Su Yeol is adopted he doesn’t see K or Jeong Yun Ho again until 22 years later when K reappears as Ryu Su Yeol experiences a bit of stress at work. The twist in this drama is that while reinvestigating an old case Ryu Su Yeol figures out that the culprit is the same: Jeong Yun Ho who has now stolen a new identity and has become a therapist who is manipulating and gaslighting abused children into killing for each other claiming it is the only way out of misery. I think Jeong Yun Ho is a really interesting character and I wish we had heard more about his past and really had gotten to know his mind. He justifies the role he has in the killings by convincing himself that it is the only way to escape misery and that he isn’t a murderer but a just guarding angel who saves abused children wanting to escape the abuse. He justifies his actions by gaslighting himself into believing that he is helping other kids to escape and that murder is only a means to an end and a smaller price to pay than continuing to be abused. This internalized view of himself is how he keeps his cover. However, when Ryu Su Yeol learns about his true identity he goes to see Jeong Yun Ho as a client in hopes to provoke Jeong Yun Ho enough to reveal his true self. Ryu Su Yeol and Jeong Yun Ho reveal themselves to each other and they end up in a psychical fight where Jeong Yun Ho tries to kill Ryu Su Yeol and his latest gaslight victim but Ryu Su Yeol persists and escapes while chasing after him. Jeong Yun Ho’s identity is revealed and he is apprehended. In the end, Ryu Su Yeol learned to confront his past and in doing so he lets K go while showing determination to do better at his job and at fighting for justice. This drama had a bitter-sweet ending as K leaves but all ends were tied and Ryu Su Yeol got a happy ending.
Rating: 7/10
Without a doubt this spurs forward Lee Dong-Wook performance and quite literally proved the thespian maxim that there are no small parts of any drama that he cant act. Lee Dong-Wook got into the skin of the role and he did an amazing job as a typecast actor. You have proven that he can take versatile roles and excel. Thumps up to you Wi Ha-Joon, as well, you played your role in an awesome way even though in was an imaginary character.
Looking forward to seeing Lee Dong-Wook and Wi Ha-Joon winning awards on this series.
Bad and Crazy is truly worth watching.
why is it still says ongoing?
bad and crazy kdrama of the year. so sad this already ended
when will episode 12 be released?
Haaai odata ca imi iau spoilere pana il bagati voi
Wow în sfârșit o persoana din ro pe dramacool
It’s here! Very late in your case :))
its bcz it was postponed due sports competition in korea i GUESS!!!?????
is there no episode 10 or is it just very late?
I believe that it will come late. So the series will end a week later than planned
It was delayed till next week i think
Ep 10 please
Why isn’t episode 10 out yet???
It’s reported that it has been delayed. Episode 10 will be released next week.
The 10th episode won’t air this week because of a football match going on between South Korea and Iceland. Please be patient till next week + it’s not dramacool’s fault that the episode hasn’t come out yet.
Episode 10 please…. 🙁 Thank you for your hard work dramacool.
yes pls ¡-¡
It released today right??
ep 10 will air next week due to a football match
the 10 episode has not been updated or the series. there seems to be a delay.
EPISODE 10 PLS ¡_¡ good job tho dramacool teammmmmmm
you guys please be patient and respectful they’re doing their best to get kdramas for us for free, so a delay in posting new episodes is totally, at least you get to watch it for free. please be nice, kindness is free
episode 7 : January 7
Ep.8 : January 8
Ep. 9 January 14
Ep 10 January 15
Ep 11 January 21
Ep 12 (Final) January 22
whatttt it only has 12 eps??
Leedongwook ???
Why 7th episode has not uploaded yet?
it will be on january 7
it will be published in 3 hours
its still airing, 2 episodes come out a week, one on friday and one on saturday
Someone please ask this network to get a new prosecutors office set, I have seen this one in at least seven different dramas so far
only watching for wi ha joon!!!!
is bc its on air the channel post episodes on fridays and sutardays☺
Guys, the drama is ongoing, the fifth episode is not even aired (My drama list calendar) and it takes time to add subtitles, so please respect Dramacool people.
Totally agree, dramacool is working hard to get subtitles as soon as they are able. They are working on many series guys!!!!
I literally can’t get this drama out of my mind!
I love the movie so much can’t wait to watch the next episode
Do I really have to download a VPN to watch a simple episode
NO dont, just close the tab and keep pressing
Noooo! you don’t, you can watch it here without doing anything or you can download it for free! If you get any weird VPN or other weird ads THEY ARE POP-UP ADS! Not dramacools system! don’t click them! just go back to the original drama page and redo what you’re trying to do. I recommend getting an ad blocker
There are supposed to be 12 episodes…but there are only 4 episodes…why???…. anyone know??!!!!…
Because its still releasing each episode gets released each Friday and on IQIYI if ur a vip there u can watch 2 newly released episodes
it is an ONGOING drama gurlll…
you must be new but the episode come out once a week
the full drama havent been released yet,I think
Because the drama is just going on in Korea, the fifth ep will be airing in a day, and it also takes time to add subtitles. You can find out when will be the next episode airing on my drama list.
because its an ongoing drama. weekly they release two episodes 🙂
thats because its still ongoing whic means the episodes come out on a spesific day like bad and crazy comes out on fridays aaand saturdays thats why theres only 4 eps right now
Only 2 episodes are releasing every week Friday and Saturday
it’s still on-going
It’s ongoing they release week by week
it airs on every friday-saturday at 22:40kst
It’s not out yet. Every Friday and Saturday is new episode.
the show is still airing
There is supposed to be 12 episodes….but there are only 4 episodes.why????? anyone know????
Because the drama is just going on in Korea, the fifth ep will be airing in a day, and it also takes time to add subtitles. You can find out when will be the next episode airing on my drama list.
because the show is running live at the moment and there are also holidays in korea so there might be days or weeks where the show is halted, also know as a hiatus until the holiday season is over
it’s still airing, they air 2 episodes a week i think one is one thursday and the other one friday, but since dramacool has to translate them they might come out 1 day later here.
I hope this was of any help
It’s an ongoing drama. They will be releasing 1/2 episodes per week i guess.
The reason is because they are still coming out. This is an ongoing drama which means that there will be more episode but will come out on different days so its ongoing. Hope this helped!
Episodes come out every Friday and Saturday, so not all episodes are already available
That’s because it recently started and it only airs on Friday and Saturday so the other episodes haven’t yet been aired yet
It’s 2episodes per week
Why haven’t they released ep5???
Because the drama is just going on in Korea, the fifth ep will be airing in a day, and it also takes time to add subtitles. You can find out when will be the next episode (in Korea) airing on My drama list.
holiday season and hiatus. the programm tends to be put on hold during that time
Airs on Fridays and Saturdays at 11:40pm
i think its bc K got coronavirus and they myb wont realse any episodes till hes not recoverd thats just what i think myb they just forgot to or will later but because one of them got covid they didnt
it will be released today
It airs Friday and Saturday
Pls ? u people should release it fast, what a good drama
The drama is just going on in Korea, the fifth ep will be airing in a day, and it also takes time to add subtitles. You can find out when will be the next episode airing in Korea on My drama list.
I didn’t read the synopsis or watch the trailer so this was a major plot twist and shocker for me!! Didn’t really expect it !!
Which ep. Are you
Omgggg finally I was waiting patiently on Netflix but I didn’t know that it’s just here in this website ahhh can’t wait for all the episodes..
It’s so interesting, I can’t really wait for more episodes
Reply to this comment when the ep comes out w subtitles thankyou!
hey two eps are there….
im soooo excitedhow long lefttttt?????
Guys Lisa is waiting for this lol
Huh why???
Can’t wait
Can’t wait!!!
I’m so excited ?
Hihihi! Finaly verry soon?
cant wait
Can’t Wait
Can’t wait for thissssss
Ma patiently waiting for this movie
It’s not a movie it’s a kdrama
excited for this
Can’t Waiit!!!!