Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 3
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) full episodes
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 15
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 14
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 8
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 7
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 5
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 4
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 3
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 2
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 1
7 months ago
Love the ML …but….not really getting this drama plot at all,its way too choppy going from one thing to another
Thanks Subbers
Is this drama good?
Its kinda strange to see him in a drama because he likes to flaunt his wealth.
I am just immensely happy to see jaejoong smiling
Is the police instigating that it could have been Lee shin who threw him into the waters and then rushed to save him because he realised it was a mistake and then called the paramedics? I’d never thought of that but now I am sure that the mysterious jacket person has witnessed someone throwing Lee goon into the waters.
How many Aura points did lee goon lose for being a loser for the doc?
What I did like about this show was- while some memories are bad and might not impact your life a lot, some others can have a domino effect- everything collapses and the mind gets stuck in the time before it happened. Just like we saw in Atypical Family where the lead kept going back to the moments before the fire started, Goon’s life was stuck in the moment where he lost his good right hand’s abilities. I don’t think all the sportsmen give up because of one injury, even in Lovely runner and Run on, we could see them work on their shortcomings post surgeries. 2521 could be a better example to support what Lee goon went through- a slump, murderous loss of confidence. I don’t think it was something he could shake off, and while meds and counselling and therapy can control it, sometimes it doesn’t. I wonder if he was driven to the point of suicide all these years- and the family being so unsupportive.
I noticed that her dialogue “Why would he jump in after the trauma”, was added to give us a hint that he didn’t commit suicide, even though it felt so.
Forgive me, but I assumed that it was a double role for the fl. They look so similar, but the actresses are different- Jin Seyeon and Yang Hyeji. The brother doesn’t seem like someone who would throw his own brother into the waters- but I can’t really say anything. I hope the investigation doesn’t halt midseries.
I don’t know how to feel about the last scene- maybe Goon believes that growing out of love would hurt lesser than having to see someone you like betray you. I’d rather not be kept in the dark- somethings are to be seen as black and white- no grey can exist there, unless of course you wish to harm yourself. At this point they are each lying to themselves- Goon, the doc, the brother. I don’t know what will happen if Goon happens to find out that his new life is a lie. I hope the leads don’t fall in love and she actually feels bad for everything she said to him before the jump. I can’t believe she calls herself a doctor. If they fall in love before he finds out it’s going to be a smooth ride for her- he’d never punish her for what she did.
I hope the brother is a good guy. I like him.
loved this ep but based on the preview of next ep i think there’s gonna be a triangle between Goon, Ju yeon and Sin and i hate that😵💫, if that really happens i hope it lasts very little, based on the cast i thought Sin would be second couple with the girl that went to Ju yeons house, no? idk its still not very clear but i really hope there is no triangle whatsoever👍🏼👍🏼 also i really hope Sin is a good guy, that investigation did seem a bit suspicious but we’ll see ig.
still watching the episode but the gag is he’s obsessed with a women that contributed to his suicide lol
I hope no love triangle please
wow just wow. Shin is acting all sorts of sus.. whilst I dnt believe he pushed his brother I wonder if he even attempted to save him or was lucky someone else did? I mean he seemed pretty convincing that he was worried at the hospital that day. Could it have been an accident during an argument that they had nd he pushed Gun? 🧐 It just feels like they are purposely tryin to lead us one way to then flip it later.. be with Gun’s past memories or how Sus Shin is acting now.
Shin is displaying some psychological symptoms.. Now did this stem from the past incident itself or from how the parents treated both of them afterwords? His parents clearly forced their expectations of Gun onto him nd it seems he never had a say in how he wanted his life to be. He is not living his life on his on terms but living the life his brother couldve had. so my question is did his past guilt nd mom hounding him turn into anger towards his brother? or does he legit care about him? 🧐 Because wtf they are implying that he may have pushed him and is taking the credit for saving him as well. Not only that but they better not push no love triangle. It’s bad enough they have us thinkin Shin took his first love, now u want him to go after the current “first love” too?
His awful family is making it so hard for me to watch this drama! The mother tried to justify what she did last episode but I am not convinced. She does value people only based on their productivity and obedience to her. The dad has no backbone. His brother has severe victim mentality( I bet thats what he fought about with LG at the bridge and maybe accidentally pushed him off or LG fell trying to save him because his brother was acting like the victim and mentioning how difficult life has been for him). I can still give the brother a pass because they both were kids but definitely not the parents. I really hated the scene where they were all hugging on the tennis court, they have never involved LG like that. Poor child!!!
And lets not get into the ethics of what that department head and FL is doing! And then there is the brother’s manager…
I really like both the ML and SL but the awfulness of it all is so hard to watch.
Preview just crushed my hopes for this drama. I hope there isn’t gonna be a LOVE triangle.
Whenever I see Lee Goon laughing and enjoying his “new life” with his family while believing that the Doctor is his first love falling in love with her again and again, I feel horrible seeing his live a LIE!! I seriously cannot enjoy the “romance” they are trying to set up 😔😔
why doctor wear high heel shoe?
It’s a shame, because I think we have a love triangle based off the preview for next episode. Hopefully it won’t ruined this drama for me.
Hard time staying focused. The signs pointing fingers at the brother and/or agency head for w/e are lackluster. Mom is annoying as f’k and is the dominant cause of massive emotional damage to both sons. The attempts to cover the side effects of the procedure by FL and head doctor are unethical and sickening. FL is plain uninteresting character wise and definitely never been impressed with the actress herself in any role to date~
Story wise, ML needs to back off, she’s clearly setting boundaries and has ignored every single one. When he grabbed her face directly after the warning, twasn’t cute. She should’ve slapped the hell out of him~
Dude, the preview, UGH!!! I don’t want a love triangle with the brother, PLEASE Jagganim!!!! Already this guy has the worst and most traumatic set-up and in this new oblivion world, I don’t want him to suffer bcoz of his brother
3 points need to be mentioned:
First of all today I want to highlight the brother’s struggles and who he must have suffered another type of pressure being the substitute to his brother, the new trophy of the family, the only chance for the family, the food boy, the perfect athlete etc. The gap between him and his elder brother became bigger with time until no one of them tried to reach out and communicate.
I can’t though accept how he didn’t show his brother how much he cared about him infront go others, and kept quite while seeing his older brother get laughed at and looked down upon (he might have seen it as difficult to openly oppose the agency for the family’s sake… but still… not to this extent).
AAAAnd have you noticed how the ML is being suspicious about everything and catching up with the chain of lies they made up for him (it started already when he woke up, and his suspicion still continues)? And in general it feels like he’s making himself seem more dump than he actually is to discover the truth about his “lost” memories
– Questioning why he isn’t afraid of stairs
– Questioning why he’s getting psychological treatment for a staircase accident (which doesn’t need much intelligence to question hahaha but still)
– Him getting out to meet up with people and coming back just in time to pretend that he never left the hospital… as if he’s unfolding secrets and he dosen’t want people to know that he did.
ONE last THING! WHO was that person who watched the brother get in the car after the investigation? The man wearing a khaki jacket and shoes (in min 13:55)
Could it be the ML? But they right after showed us him in a scene with the FL in another outfit… so if not the ML… who is he/she? And why (to make a scandal afterwards about the SML?)?
I really hope FL doesn’t swap btw brothers. It will be disgusting.