Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 4
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) full episodes
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 4
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 3
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 2
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Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 1
7 months ago
The foundation theyve layed for a love triangle irks me exponentially but this episode’s preview boosted my interest in the drama so I won’t drop it…yet
I’m just hoping Lee goon succeeds in life either in his company or in tennis.
her english 😱😱😱 is she fluent? She sounds fluent.
Anyway seriously there are so many men like the sunbae. And wtf was he gonna do to lee goon in the next episode 😒
The best thing about this drama is how the younger brother finally, or beginning to, put the burden away. Her mom needs to realize that she makes his son achieve her dream and that’s so cruel cos she never finds it enough, even when he’s already a top tennis player.
I don’t really understand why he keeps going back to her. She has been very cold to him from the get-go and in real life, no one waits for you to melt your cold exterior. They just think of it as incompatibility. She said mean things to him, she hurt him with her words, erased his memory without his permission, even if he doesn’t know or remember somethings , she does. I am a ‘cold human’ ? What a load of bullshit- she is a psychiatrist isn’t she? doesn’t give her the right to insult people left and right woah I don’t like her even a bit. She, out of everyone else, ought to know better than that- words are a weapon. Idk what Lee goon sees in her to be so persistent. I would actually ship Goon more with Cha si on- she has always rooted for him. I like her a lot, among all the characters, she is the least suspicious and the most cheerful. The fl’s delusion about her sunbae is terrible.
I loved loved loved to watch the brothers hitting the ground and competing parallelly. It’s understandable that Lee goon was out of practice but he managed to hit one finally and his brother won. The mother didn’t look happy and I have hated her from ep1, I am adding the CEO to the hate list. The fl is already on it. I still don’t know how to feel about Shin. He has a tough time dealing with the pressures of performing well, apart of me wants to like him, but we also don’t know why he so badly wishes to hide what happened the day Goon fell into the waters. He was being really relatable with the eggs haha- I have those kind of beliefs too, if sI see somethings or hear somethings, or if a bad cycle starts repeating, I feel like the outcome will be bad too. I don’t like how the fl sets double standards.. is it a defense mechanism? to continue liking the ones she chooses, and rejecting the possibilty of real love from someone she didn’t choose? I was thinking if he’d give up on the final game, and maybe it would be right by him, even if it wouldn’t be his mother’s wish, turns out he <spoiler> won </spoiler>
I hate love triangle so much, shin is growing on me ahhh. I wonder what made her forget that she had actually saved him. Turns out Goon wasn’t wrong, but has she blocked memories from before her dad’s murder? Maybe she had left some of her belongings with the red haired newbie, and the gold medal was one of them, so she returned it the day of the reunion?
Setting up his own agency is how Jaejoong rolls haha
I liked her English, over the last few dramas it was hard to decipher what they were saying because of the accent and lack of subs for the english part. She is really good
Today’s favourite
What I liked about this scene was- they each needed the other- their parents were horrible to them, burdening them with their dreams, all they had was their brotherhood as solace. I loved this scene. I think somewhere they both missed each other, this time Goon offered a newer advice about doing well at what you enjoy, that winning and losing never mattered- maybe cliche, maybe we have heard it in so many other dramas, it’s surprising how the world wants results more than the hard work just like Miss Nigh and Day lead had no job to show her competence despite studying so much, so these simple things fade away.
FL swapping btw brothers, officially confirmed. I want to see kiss btw fl and sml first. It seems fl will genuinely get attracted to shin, she will only turns towards gun after learning dark secrets about shin. I hope I was wrong and it’s my worst imagination.
But the fl lead treats ml as piece of trash doesn’t give any good feeling.
If she gonna romantically attracted to ml, i needed most convincing and believable reason.
Why why he stopped her from seeing her sunbae with the other doctor in the car??
that ending gives me hope that there will be no triangle cuz now Shin has his own love interest, the scenes of Shin and Juyeong were very hard to watch for me lol, loved the scene of the brothers tho😕 i hope FL starts to treat ML better cuz till now its been very bad…
Right Now I don’t like the FL she is mean and not nice with her words. When she hit him and never said sorry for her actions was hurtful. Being his doctor and the fact she know some of his past. you would think she would be a bit more nicer. Don’t know about any one else but seeing ML room made me sad all the other rooms were nice and clean and bright and his is sad small and dark. i thought that it would hit her the difference of both brothers but yet finding her suitcase Suppressed any feeling of Sympathy of how Ml is treated in reality. The brother talk was sweet, the only part I liked.
Seems like there is a chance that FL might be the real 1st love and simply gave the medal to the other girl who she helped. For plot reasons she cannot remember due to her own trauma.
Young Lee Goon seems to be the best character in my eyes. He loved his brother very much.
stupid man why stop her from seeing the truth
why must she tip toe when she know nobody is home
I really dislike the FL. She’s dumb as a rock for a doctor and really mean.