Blood Free (2024) Episode 10
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Blood Free (2024) full episodes
Blood Free (2024) Episode 10
10 months ago -
Blood Free (2024) Episode 9
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Blood Free (2024) Episode 8
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Blood Free (2024) Episode 7
10 months ago -
Blood Free (2024) Episode 6
11 months ago -
Blood Free (2024) Episode 5
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Blood Free (2024) Episode 4
11 months ago -
Blood Free (2024) Episode 3
11 months ago -
Blood Free (2024) Episode 2
11 months ago -
Blood Free (2024) Episode 1
11 months ago
???? What happened ??? There must be a season 2! What is this ending?!!!!
there has to be season 2.
After working her as* off her whole life, everything fell into his hands???
both of them were on the verge of death…. so the bad guys got what they wanted….
this Bi*ch lost her memory…. which m not even sure she’s telling the truth or just pretending…..
unless they give another season, this just doesn’t make any sense…..
stupid me got spoiled coz I watched the first 15 mins of episode 10 instead of episode 9….😭😭😭😭😭
In the subtle art of the thriller, beauty lies in its ability to weave tangled mysteries, intriguing characters, and unpredictable twists and turns, forming a captivating tableau where tension and excitement dance in harmony with narrative complexity. In this futuristic thriller with current ideas, LSY the writer has once again proven her art of creating characters whose beauty lies in all their complexity and devoid of any manichaeism, they are often morally grey, and each shadow reveals an unexpected facet of humanity, thus defying the boundaries between good and evil.
And the writer reminds us again in a bitter way that life is not a movie and that the good guys are not often the ones who win. Unfortunately!
What kind of ending is this 😭😭 I need season 2 right now 💔💔 Did they lose all BF data, is Jayu okay and living a normal life after that major surgery???
Finally, thank god he is here. Even though it’s too much for him to handle them all alone, but I feel a bit relieved
Loved this scene 😂. I really enjoy seeing the downfall of a person who thinks he/she can do anything and is above everyone.
Jang Yeongsil, This doesn’t make sense 😂😂 give us S2
There has got to be season 2 with that ending!
Jang yeongsil, where is Jayu?
Our main leads barely appeared in episodes 9 and 10. I was so looking forward to their interactions but we didn’t even get like 5 mins of it TT
I loved Wednesdays because of Blood Free. But hated it at the same time right after I watch both episodes because I had to wait another week. But now… Season 2 please come sooner.
I’m missing the days were k-dramas didn’t need 2 seasons to tell their stories. Well there’s room for S2 at least. The question is will disney be satisfied enough to renew it ? Really hope so. BF come back soon please -_-
Who was the person he was talking about ? Was it jayu ?
A second season. They took the cat, I have to know what happened to it. They can’t leave the story like this.
Pause @ 20:55
Wait…they hacked into the system disguising it as BF’s own…so now Jang Yeong Sil cannot detect that the building is under attack? I thought once something happens with Ja Yu the whole building shuts down as defense, especially that organoids part of the whole building? So since she’s under surgery isn’t that supposed to be locked? will they get to the organoids? I hope not!
Almost halfway the episode…they will finish this all in this episode right? No season 2 right? I hope they can close it all well.
That cowardly researcher (not On San) infuriates me. He has been careless on so many counts and he’s always just afraid for his life. He is not a good fit for BF. So many things won’t have happened if not for him. TF did he leave the operating theatre? Just so that he can be a burden and get caught trying to leave and need Chaewoon to rescue him, and then lead the enemy to the operating theatre?
I take my words back, I underestimated him. He is the mastermind. He got everything that he wanted.
1. The technology of BF all for him. Attacked BF from all fronts. Eliminated the biggest hurdle Yun ja yu and woo chae won.
2. Got rid of his father who also wanted BF’s technology for himself only and was also the one who hurt his mother.
3. Created a good image in front of the public by
resigningstepping down. No loss for him as he already knew he has got rid of his father and will be taking the chairman’s position.Is jayu became woo chaewon? Well, I’m so confused with the ending. But I’m enjoying the story tho.
It’s scary how powerful the AI, yeongsil is. It can do almost everything and what’s even more scary is that even this strong AI can be penetrated/hacked.
In today’s world we can’t avoid the technology or we will be left behind, but the more we depend on them the more vulnerable we get.
I feel soo sad for mansik 🥺, he might be feeling soo lonely. The only 2 person he is comfortable with are not there.
I am pretty sure there’s gonna be a S2. Because there’s no way they are going to end it after giving it such an open ending and with all the hints pointing to a 2nd season.
Happy to see Disney+ giving such good kdramas worst of evil, shadow detective, a shop for killers, vigilante and now blood free.
It was a good drama as expected of writer Lee soo yeon. Enjoyed watching it till the end and also enjoyed reading everyone’s comment. See you all in S2, till then take care and bye bye.
Deep down she knows what kind of person she was.
So there’s S2? Coz with all the cliffhanger I think they can answer us with 2 more episodes…but since there’s still so much to explore…S2 would be alright. Please add a romance tag in S2 ok? And please don’t take too long.
That Seonu Jae… he’s equally as evil as his father…well I guess like father like son…I hope those data they stole are useless.
I was a little (just a tiny bit) disappointed that they didn’t show Chae Woon’s abilities in that fight scene…coz we all know he is an incredible fighter…but they didn’t show his strength and he wasn’t wearing the suit (did he returned it already? I think I forgot about that part)
It was a good drama… incredible acting… the plot is interesting… hoping for S2 to come fast…I need to see if Ja Yu finished her house…maybe that’s where Manshik went. And also if there’s a new additional ability for Chae Woon.
One thing is for sure, this wasn’t blood free
When will production team release full song of the ending ost. Been waiting for it.
Chae-Woon opens his eyes.
Yeah, there’s definitely going to be a 2nd season. Unless they do a Vagabond or Gu Family Book, meaning leaving the series uncompleted. But you won’t let them do that, will you Disney? You need this series!
so in the end?????????
Well….the “accident” happening while Chaewoon was away was pretty convenient, huh…Ugh. I feel that the final episode probably wouldn’t be so rushed if it had maybe 2 more episodes. A lot of things happening in just the first 20 minutes were all way too coincidental. Yea they could’ve been planned by the PM, but things progressed so quickly that it didn’t seem like it.
I feel that the pace and all were great until ep9, but with the final one, it suddenly became sort of all over the place. And that ending! Whaaaat….please don’t tell me they did a consciousness transfer thing because that would be SO messed up.
And Seonu Geun barely got punished. Or at least we didn’t see it? And as I expected!!!! The PM had his own agenda from the very beginning too. They were just all using each other. I really wished they didn’t end the story this way and we got a longer season with a proper ending. But anyway, I hope both Yun and Woo survived and not just one of them. Glad they didn’t forget Mansik though.
I think this series really had a lot of potential with the concept. Leads were both very clever and level-headed. But honestly didn’t fancy the final episode that much. I really enjoyed the other 9 episodes. Even though some may think the pace was slow, I personally felt it was just right, except for the final episode which felt so rushed.
Please don’t tell me her brain is transplanted into ML body.
I’m sorry but WTH kind of ending is this?
Writer Lee Soo Yeon is not disappointing; she delivers a novel and mature script that resonates well with the type of audience it is meant for. In fact, everybody delivers, from the main and supporting cast to the director, cinematherapy, and soundtrack – well done.
My only real critique is that, as others have pointed out, there should be two more episodes to flesh out certain aspects of the story and characters. For example, who was actually the engineer/hitman, how did they brainwash Shin Gu, what was Hae Deun’s motivation? She was recruited by Ja Yoo and hinted that she was forced to betray BF, but what happened in between?
As things stand, and with Ja Yoo in the fish tank (?) and Chae Woon recovering (?), it is hard not to see the writer write a follow-up, and I am all for that 😎
Also, I am all in favor of the more mature and realistic approach, e.g., more realistic makeup, healthy weight, normal contrate levels, etc. It suits thrillers very much.
It is the best role I have seen by Ju Ji Hoon since Kingdom; he really suited the bodyguard role.
HHJ completes the action/thriller hattrick ” Happiness—Moving—Blood Free.” The latter also marks the end of an incredible action/thriller streak that goes all the way back to 2018! (minus guest roles). Her next project is a J-romcom. I guess I will have to venture into Jdrama land 😙
I wholeheartedly believe there is some truth in every fictional story. Blood Free is no exception, especially in the way it depicts how the 1% delusional wealthy believe themselves to be superior to everybody else and think, not just accept but demand that the laws of man and land not apply to them in any way, shape, or form. They deserve immortality just for being wealthy, for no reason other than that. It boggles the mind. It makes me wonder. I know power corrupts, but does it have to corrupt one’s soul, too? How can a parent such as Seon Woo Jae’s ( I love me some Lee Hee Joon) mother, who loves her child so much, have such disregard for someone else’s child; what makes them think only their child is precious? I will never understand. That said, what a brilliantly made drama!
Watching a fantastic show on TV or a great movie in the theatre sometimes leaves us thinking about what made that so great and why it moved us or made us nervous. I have come to understand that a TV show or movie can only become influential when all the key elements such as plot, character, thought, diction, spectacle, musical score, mystery, action, directing, and acting are done correctly — all of which were intelligently weaved in Blood-free to make it beyond excellent, superb in fact. I think Blood Free is undoubtedly one of the best K-dramas Disney+ has ever produced, right there with A Shop for Killers, if not the best. Kudos to all, especially Han Hyo Joo. She was outstanding, and so was Ju Ji Hoon and everybody else. I know there must be a season 2. I patiently await it.
Cruelly underrated that I worry we may not get the s2 but I need it so bad . That ending was so well done. So many possibilities. And Ofc woo cheon survived too . I need my romance so s2 please happen
I haven’t watched episode 10 yet bcoz’ its my habit to check on the comments.
After, learning all the comments so far…i’d rather not watch Episode 10 atleast for now.
This series needs a Season 2. I want a happy ending for Jayu and Chaewoon with Mansik in it.😔😊
But the reality sinks … now that #BloodFree is finally overrr…my Wednesday viewing Kdrama habit would never be the same again. I already miss our main couple!😔
A lot of stupid things happened. All the time she was speaking with 2-3 people? They didn’t even understand that they were hacked. Morons. There was only one person doing the task. If that person was not there, there was no one to react. Like idiots they were not prepared for what was coming. FL like complete idiot went to meet a killer on a rooftop? Drama is nothing to write about. Started well but the end was meh. They were supposed to be smart. But they were not.
The ending was so much hinged. I don’t like it at all. The whole series made so much suspense, a bit of revelation was needed for the end. My unsatisfaction is so much so that it seems like its not the final episode but another one will come out next week.
This is Vagabond all over again. Why do they do this to us viewers? What’s the point?
What a way to ruin a good drama
Definitely not the episode to watch while eating 🙄
Well, this is dumb. What an ending 😐😐
Idk but i got the feeling that we ain’t gonna see a spot of light for season 2 on this drama 🤷🏻♂️
For a company that is so advanced yet the ppl who run it are so stupid? The writer sure got brain aneurysm mid way writing this huh? Hmm. Yea, im good with no season 2
After watching episode 10, this series deserves another season. Please writer …make it happen!🥰
Where is Jayu? Did the Writer already gave us a hint? Is she is behind that big door …where her twin sister supposed to be recuperated?
Left a bad taste in mouth! Everything was in the lab—literally everything—aside from two things ‘you are unaware that someone is attempting to breach your system and you don’t have any backup system for such cutting-edge lab.’ Wow! How? Even non-techy like me store my data in a different location in case the computer system unexpectedly crashes. Disappointed.