Century of Love (2024) Episode 5
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Century of Love (2024) full episodes
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Century of Love (2024) Episode 8
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Century of Love (2024) Episode 7
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Century of Love (2024) Episode 6
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Century of Love (2024) Episode 5
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Century of Love (2024) Episode 4
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Century of Love (2024) Episode 3
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Century of Love (2024) Episode 2
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Century of Love (2024) Episode 1
9 months ago
Favorite ongoing serie along with Meet you at the blossom, same energy.
I dropped their previous work but this time, i’m totally in. Great Granpa is the king of pressure😂😂
😮… DID WE JUST ALMOST KISS … nd that preview!!! I long suspected that grandma may know San.
May Wee develop a guilty conscience that ends him. I want to know what he is thinking. 🧐 was he gonna rub that stone all over grandma and pray it works?? AND If I tell you I dnt fuk with someone for so and so reason and u let them into MY house.. im kicking both of u out. the disrespect. Then again I was pissed off at San for telling the bad guys information needed to use the stone.. my dude. WHAT IS U DOOOINN 😩.. I dont believe thats’ the last of them.. I need to see dead bodies.
Wee is making many many mistakes.. stealing the “stone” was just 1 of them.. now we got annoying doc too?? ughh I just hope its not too late or troupey. I dnt want San to be 2 seconds from dying and then a miracle fairytale ending happens.
Well that was quick. GPS tracks the thieves who took the stone. It was not surprising to the family that Suchat was the traitor. Bad guys taken down and away by police.
The rest of the episode is about San being tormented by jealousy and half is about worrying that Wee would be hurt by Prince Trai reincarnated as P’Third.
i was wondering how does the grandma knows sun since she said he looks like her friend she seemed hella mad as if thy were enemiessss imagine if the grandma used to love sun back in her days😂😂😂😂messyy
when will get to the nitty gritty😭😭
This series is SO GO OODDD!!!!!
Retro Grandpa said ‘Nope! you won’t take him away from me in this lifetime!’
I burst out laughing when San was spying on them at the gallery. His oversized shoes popped the balloon.
It’s great to see the sexy guy from ‘180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us’ who made me sweat with his particular way of touching his body with the towel 😊 No sex scene in that series BUT I felt it coming” lol
Waiiit… the grandma had said she fell in love with someone when she was younger. and now next episode she tells him he looks like her friend? I’m so confused. I was gonna say maybe it’s Ms. Wad but she’d probably be over a 100 yrs old by now so who is this grandma to him?
They are so cute together, dinosaur San and Wee. 😁. It is a really interesting series
Soooooo cuuuutteeeee🥰🥰 Wee rolling in bed kicking his feet in happiness is me watching BL lolol
Another hilarious episode. I love it so much I wasn’t even mad the kiss was interrupted and this isn’t GGMTV so I had fully expected them to kiss, no fake outs dwl…. But the hand holding after and Wee’s sheer giddiness had me grinning like an idiot and more than made up for it.
We definitely haven’t seen the last of the bad guys. Somebody for sure’s gonna end up kidnapped so he has to ‘willingly’ give them the stone😑
I missed grandma this episode. From she mentioned an ‘old friend’ or whatever I KNEW it was gon be San. She def not 100 years old so she wouldn’t know him from back then but I think she said someone saved her when she was young. Maybe that some how tied her family to San and how now end up with Wee??
bro does San understand how reincarnation works??