Cinderellas Sister (2010) Episode 20

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2 Comments to “Cinderellas Sister (2010) Episode 20

  1. Right up to the end, the blubbering, clingy, whining annoying sister remains a self absorbed princess and the bi#ch mom and daughter remain pretty much the same. This is a slow drama with almost all unlikable characters. On a scale of 1×10, it gets a 5.

    1. Though I somewhat agree with you about the mother (and even SHE has at least some minute character development), I don’t really agree about Hyo Seon, and especially Eun Jo. If there’s someone with the biggest character improvement, it’s Eun Jo. If anything, I think it conveys a realistic way that someone can change, because no one can really completely or drastically change their personality. Even the subtlest change in a ‘bad’ character is a huge step ahead. Eun Jo will forever have a hard time being transparent and sweet-talking, because it’s simply not her. You can’t expect her to suddenly feel like hugging and loving everyone. But she has at least become more cooperative and feel less hatred towards everyone. The same goes for Hyo Seon, a character who’s on the other spectrum from Eun Jo, someone she’d never even thought is possible to exist. For someone so empathetic and soft-hearted, you can’t expect her to abandon her own conscience. But you can slowly see her maturity surfacing as she’s taught the hard, brutal way. She’s actually the one person I ache and feel the most sorry for in the whole drama. She’s been wronged in so many ways I’m not surprised if she ends up with some mental issue. It’s a slow drama, yes, but you can’t deny the excellent emotions portrayed by each character.