Connection (2024) Episode 12
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Connection (2024) full episodes
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Connection (2024) Episode 12
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10 months ago
Well, I knew Sang Eui drugged JK, out of hatred and jealousy. SE is a psychopath. In the 3rd grade of high school, JS was his only friend, but then JK and YJ stole JS from him. When he caused JS and YJ to break up, JS became SE’s friend again. Out of jealousy, SE is taking revenge on JK by drugging him.
SE wants to catch TJ to complete his revenge for killing JS.
There is no antidote for the LM drug.
Whoever said bitterness and paranoia cohabit in a twisted mind wasn’t lying. That Jeong Sang Wi couldn’t see beyond his distorted thoughts or trust anyone else beyond himself speaks volumes about his psychotic nature. That he walked through life diseased with jealousy and envy, setting out to destroy people who weren’t even aware of his feelings and thoughts, blows my mind. Jealousy is indeed a mental cancer, and envy a powerful weapon.
I know JSW is involved, but I didn’t think he was the mastermind, and I still have lingering doubts. It’s a nagging feeling there is more, but I might be wrong. Maybe I wanted there to be more. Rather than do everything he did, JSW could have been a supportive and trustworthy friend to PSJ when no one else was; why wasn’t that a choice? Instead, he chose to weaponize his pain to avenge a delusional friendship that existed only in his mind. Yes, some people he hurt deserved it, but PJS, JK, and YJ did not.
so he drugged a perfectly normal being cz he was jealous that his only friend had made more friends and was looking happy??? and that all that happened in high school??? seriously??? well I guess its rightly said to choose your friends carefully….and Yoon jin is right, he isn’t normal….
I just can’t decipher the fact that he drugged Jae gyeong because he hated him??? then y only Jae gyeong??? y not Yoon jin??? y not Tae jin, whom he wants to take down so bad and is sure that he killed Jun Seo??? y not make him an addict with no antidote so he suffer all his life??? I just dun understand the purpose of drugging only Jae gyeong, in fact drugging Jae gyeong at all in the first place…..
I felt for him, so much, that I couldn’t help but laugh at his fate…..
man lent his “brain” to Jong soo all his life to make him successful, made him an addict, screwed his friend’s wife, pretended to love her because of a password, got caught, still didn’t get the password, is accused of his friend’s murder, was depending on the business deal to get through, and when it did, he was discarded 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I knew Chi hyun won’t kill him and would tell him to lie low till everything settles, or just go away so no one knows he’s alive, and that’s exactly what he did, but Yoon ho, he asked for it 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
someone clicked them when they entered the restaurant after Sang eui, and m more intrigued to find out the cameraman now….did they get someone to follow Jae gyeong or Sang eui???
I feel Jun Seo did commit suicide for all this to come to light, I dun think anyone murdered him and if he was murdered, then its someone else than the group….it could be that someone from the group hired a killer, and may be Park Tae jin really did get Jun seo killed, but m more inclined towards Jun seo committing suicide so he can expose what all of them were doing, cz he himself wasn’t able to stop them…..
Theory 1: Nobody killed Jun Seo but the smart Tae Jin used his brain 101% and remove his shoes to make sure it was a suicide case??
Theory 2: His wife knows their meeting location so she went there to push him off the building??
Theory 3: Tae Jin ordered someone to kill him?? But he’s someone who will never get involved with any killer directly. He plan things but never get his hands dirty so i am not so sure..
Theory 4: Chairman knew about Jun See’s plan to expose all of them so he killed him. He was aware of his son’s addiction, Tae Jin’s evil thoughts etc2
two episodes to go but the link to everyone and everything is still missing
Wow.. This pilot 🤐
Pause 12:08
Tae Jin really does manipulate Jong Soo and Chi Hyun…these “big 3” are like…the brain (Tae Jin), the muscle (Chi Hyun) and the money (Jong Soo)…the other 3 in that friend group was just…that Yoon Ho was like their somewhat (accidental because of his temper) trigger happy henchman, Jun Seo is still respected as their class president so it’s like he’s always the one organizing things for them…and the “he’s there but not really” Sang Eui…in truth he’s just there coz he wants to see how far he can camouflage within but in truth he’s the one observing and manipulating the group.
Even though I want that Yoon Ho dead…I still want Jae Gyeong to arrest him…just to say that he kept his promise to Yoon Ho’s wife… though she also doesn’t deserve it…but I do understand the feeling that you should have your husband’s back (I would also tell my husband to run away if that happens to me).