First Penguin! (2022)
The “first penguin” is the courageous first penguin that dives into the sea filled with enemies. Iwasaki Nodoka is a young single mother with no money, no house, and no work. While Nodoka decides that she will do anything to eat, she meets a fisherman who offers her “10,000 yen to rebuild the coast”. Thus, Nodoka now carries the dreams of the local fishermen whose lives are on her shoulders. Despite her limited knowledge of the fishing industry, Nodoka does her best working with the stubborn sea men, breaks through the old common sense and customs with her boldness, and creates a revolution in the industry.
Original Network: NTV;
Director: Uchida Hidemi [内田秀実]
Also known as: ファーストペンギン! Fasuto Pengin!
Country: Japanese
Status: Upcoming
Release Year: 2022
Genres: Drama, Life, Miniseries
Starring: First Summer Uika (1990), Fukikoshi Mitsuru (1965), Ishizuka Rikuto (2015), Kajihara Zen (1966), Matsumoto Wakana (1984), Nakagoshi Noriko (1979), Nao Honda (1995), Shida Mirai (1993), Suzuki Nobuyuki (1992), Tsutsumi Shinichi (1964), Uemura Yuu (2002), Umezawa Tomio (1950), Watanabe Daichi (1990)
First Penguin! (2022) full episodes
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 10
2 years ago -
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 9
2 years ago -
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 8
2 years ago -
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 7
2 years ago -
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 6
2 years ago -
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 5
2 years ago -
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 4
2 years ago -
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 3
2 years ago -
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 2
2 years ago -
First Penguin! (2022) Episode 1
2 years ago
When the teacher said use watch while studying h meant use stop watch while answering and try every time to break your records never be satisfied with the time every day must be faster ? than yesterday day
Exams is never about i pray to remember then that is wrong ?
It is about i am going to write ✍️ every thing in a very short time
To do that lots & lots& lots of training concentration focusing answering every day an exam about what you take that day serch wat was your week points over come it then examine your self did you overcome or not did you do it in a shorter time or not
The more you answer exams every day the faster you will be the more you get used to it the more you will not have any fear
Single mothers the garbage ? of any factory ? can produce marvellous products enough to feed you
People tends to make lower ceilings for the decorating with light
That youtuber is extremely genius he used the space between the true ceiling and the ceiling he add as a storage in every room in his house ? bet he will forever be clean
I believe so much in japan ?? way of sleep ? after sleeping they bent what they sleep on and hide it in a capboard so the bed would not
tempts them to sleep in order to help them achieve
Can I suggest
As a child ? barriers an USA ?? Episodes children ? slept in the same storage think ? of it it was for the same japan ?? Reason +plus to keep their children ? far from cold ? a well known fact worm air is lighter so it is always close to the ceilings i.e they hit four important gol by one stone
1 saved the space in small houses ? especially if it was in all rooms
Giving more space for achieving activities
2 no oversleeping temptations for the yung
3 yung ? are in a warm place
4reduce power bill ?
5 children activity is around the family not in an isolated room not so lonely ? feeling but please :
the place designated for yung sleep ? ? please place a good barrier from wall to wall
And on the floor 20 inches anti bacteria ? anti fungus foam
Any child room must have anti bacteria anti fungus 20 to 50 inches soft foam
Please use the free space in achieving science excavation activity mechanical activity understanding how electrical things work making electrical circle constructing fax ? radio ? health joy ? activities
(beg of you join them in all those activities this is where you build a real bondage
They until they die will church those memories so much please if you have money hire professionals to refine those activities and always be with them in it you will refine yourself too)
and libraries please the library room must also be a warship INER house ? MOSQUE ? room too for is lam says :Seeking useful science for goodness is warship .
British concord the word only by having libraries from ceiling to floor in their own houses ? watch any old classic movies to Charles dikenes :
Oliver twist
Pride and prejudice
And so on
You need to help your country to fight inflation make it a trend every house ? must have a library room full of the references books ? of all fields engineering,medicine science ? of all branches ,
Great people biographies prophets biographies
Scientists biographies
Knowledge from all around the world ? even if you can’t understand it hope your descendants will
also it would be great ? if all the above would be in an exciting drama ,games ,animation.
The more they read the more they can link the information that can help
Make it natural in kindergarten that children? instinct is to help the more you bloom it the higher you can get
I am extremely sorry ? my son i was piny? -less and was graduated from Literary university against my will, and i did not at that age know asking .
i could not give you any of my dreams
How about making schools ? in holidays a community centre with professionals of all filed to do such activities with professional toys ? educative gadgets for children ? and their parents ???? to improve all of them
had my father left me to my will the word would had advanced million years
But a true Muslim must never have excuses with what ever he have he must help
Please can we have the Eng. Sub for Episodes 3,4 & 5.
Thank you.