Gray Shelter (2024) Episode 5
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Gray Shelter (2024) full episodes
Gray Shelter (2024) Episode 5
11 months ago -
Gray Shelter (2024) Episode 4
12 months ago -
Gray Shelter (2024) Episode 3
12 months ago -
Gray Shelter (2024) Episode 2
12 months ago -
Gray Shelter (2024) Episode 1
12 months ago
Episode 6??no?
It’s good, but it’s not the usual fluffy kind of bl series. Though they decided to give themselves a shot of normalizing life together (in other words “happy ending”) they still have issues with their own biological fathers.
The good thing I like about Gray Shelter is that it is very realistic. Life can be complicated for some. Another good thing is the acting. I can relate with their characters and feel their inner struggle. Though I don’t like that Yoon Dae is drifting his life with an uncertain plan I know that he craves love and a home which he lacked growing up. As for his older brother, he does not want to face criticism from his own family like when he was younger.
Overall, I’ll give this ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ full mark and recommend it.
Well that was a completely confusing ending. They are kissing but breaking apart. My assumption with plans for the future to not be apart?. Ugh no idea but that ending left me feeling betrayed. I was invested and that was a sorta modge podge of what shoulda been included. I said this on another drama post on this site. Like it’s okay to just focus on just two characters in a crama this short we actually don’t care if the dad went to prison or the workplace has a two for one coupon. Most of the scenes need to be shot linar with a straight forward simple moving forward plotline and no distractions. Every interaction needs to move the plot, not add something new to think of and explore. We are not shooting long form. We don’t have time to explore why, anything outside the main plotline happened. In this it’s already so streamlined and yet I think some stuff could still have been cut. We are being given such short short scenes world building is not necessary we actually don’t need to go to six different drinking scenes. Maybe all six could have been condensed to two. The father and mother could have been one scene condensed together. One episode for family drama. These studios have to stop trying to follow the big studios sixteen step kdrama rehabilitation plan to finding your one true love. They don’t have that kinda time. And so the development in the end falls flat. This had so much potential and it was even capable of working with 5 episodes 6-8 would have been slightly better. But 5 was workable for sure. If they left the right stuff on the cutting floor.
Ok, this was a vague ending. Seems like they came to a mutual agreement to try and live a normal life TOGETHER, so it is a happy ending for them. There were still some things left unresolved such as touching upon the reason why the older brother always felt guilty. What did he do in the past that everyone resents him for running away from? But then again, since this was a 5 ep series, maybe the writers intentionally did not delve too much into the subplots as that might’ve been difficult to manage in the short amount of time, while making sure the leads’ story is fully developed.
Having said that, I enjoyed the series for what was prented on our screens. I liked how it tried to portray life as it is. It’s not always pretty and you have to work around that. The acting was was good and I could see these actors working well mainstream.
What this ending is?? They’re couples or not??
It’s confusing
Wish it had more than 5 episodes it was a lovely series ,different from any bl other series
April 12-25, 2024 (4:40 PM)
Gray Shelter (8/10)
Lee Jae Bin as Lee Yoon Dae
(May 12, ,1997)
Jang Woo Young as Chaa Soo Hyuk
(September 30, ????)
This is rightly called ‘gray shelter’, Lord it feels so heavy on my emotions.
In a way even though the ending is had to piece together. I think in the end they stayed together and are working through their problems.
I really enjoyed this and the realistic-ness of it all.
Would not mind a s2 either.
So he wants him to be independent and not rely on him as his home and if he does that then they can be in a relationship? It’s hard to figure out the ending.
Beautiful, bittersweet series. Director was confident that audience is capable of understanding and putting pieces together without over explaining everything. Quite rare and bold choice nowadays, but I appreciated that. As far as production itself, both boys did a great job, and cinematographer gave us some quite beautifully composed scenes. I liked this a lot.
As expected from this production. They never leave an obvious clear ending..but one that makes u want more answers… and leaves u feeling many things.
I hate guessing what may have happened cause i get wild with my theories 🤣
what a confusing ending lol
Awwww….Is it wrong for me to be disappointed with this ‘artsy wishy washy’ sort of an ending???!!!!! We can be realistic, we cannot spect for the gloomy and the grey and the troubled life to be wisked away just because…but I was really looking forward to shared smiles and a clear display of affection and acceptance of each other? I don´t necessarily mean a heavy kiss, initmacy or sex…just a bit of clearly shown warth towards each other?
I have to say this series is really good. 9/10
A complicated but realistic story, grey because many times in life we can’t have black or white (happy or sad) and we stay in the middle.
I think someone can interpreted the ending different but personally I think both had some romantic story but Soohyuk end up running away. He is tired of being responsible of his father and Yoondae is afraid of his father, both want to be free.
Now I guess Soohyuk doesn’t want to take care of anyone and he can see Yoondae relays so much on him and he can be afraid of not being able to handle it.
Yoondae doesn’t know what to do with his life but he knows he wants Soohyuk by his side, so he decides to get a normal life and try to be together. The phone call of both of them getting together for dinner is what makes me think that.
Damn, these two really know how to apply intense over the edge pressure to their already drama-filled somewhat sadistic fraternal relationship, lol… And to me, it’s self-inflicted. Their emotional suffering (depression, anxiety, stress, grief) stems from their own unguarded thoughts with their glass half empty’ mentality, so to speak.., completely weakening their sense of happiness. “Having someone to share a meal with and go home together. That’s the normal life for me” Yes honey YoonDae, that’s normal for all of us, but you need to start getting your act together and SooHyuk needs to start being a little more honest with himself. I’m happy they moved away from their, are we just talking, dating, or still brothers, shady gray area. That said, there needed to be more episodes to at least give me an idea where their relationship is at now, but ehh, whatever! I’m happy with this ending, but YoonDae/SooHyuk deserve more… a little more clarity. Kudos to my honey Choco, amazing actors in the roles of SooHyuk/Kyung, cast, crew, subbers and all involved for this ‘all over the place’ emotionally intense series. I enjoyed it! Gomawoyo, South Korea! Happy Thursday! Gotta go, laterssss…..
I wanted a bit more but it is what it is that’s why i give 4/5.
This is one of the few times I did not want them to get together in the end. They are both so broken and struggling. Yoondae will be able to get support from Soo hyuk but I genuinely dont think YD is in a mental space to properly return that love and support and it’s just not fair to SH because he NEEDS that as well. They both need to heal first.
I really like that the ending had Soo Hyuk be firm that he just cannot mentally manage. He has given sooo much of himself to everyone. He broke my heart when he asked about dying after the blow out with his Dad😢 TBH no one but his co workers deserve him!😅
Glad they agreed to give Yoondae some time to grow and figure himself out and then they can try. Definitely the better way to go, I really liked that for the ending.
It good
Was not my cup of MILO! The Heck!!