Hide (2024) Episode 4
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Hide (2024) full episodes
Hide (2024) Episode 12
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Hide (2024) Episode 11
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Hide (2024) Episode 4
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Hide (2024) Episode 3
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Hide (2024) Episode 2
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Hide (2024) Episode 1
12 months ago
Ugh, I hate that they have made Moonyoung such an idiot when it comes to anything related to her husband despite her being otherwise capable. Woman, HE FAKED HIS DEATH! He told the biggest lie he could ever say! He made you and your small child go through such a traumatic experience! There is no real excuse for that! Also, for the love of God, please don’t let that child alone or with anyone other than immediate family! Who would be so fast and loose with their preschool kid when they’re in the middle of a huge conspiracy? Bleh, I don’t know if there’s any chance for Moonyoung x Jinwoo, but at the very least, I hope she gets over Sungjae the Scammer, whether he lives or dies at the end.
😯 The neighbor has got to be Ma Kang’s boss! That’s why she knows everything!!! This is so excellent!! The perfect thing to help ease the pain from Goryeo Khitan War ending!!
Why do I have trouble believing in her husband’s innocence??? I predicted that she would let herself be fooled by his
sweet words and here she is, tangled in a kind of imbroglio.
That neighbor is a psychoB©tch like no other.
I keep wondering if this isn’t a set up by her and the husband 😆
The only person I trust in here is Do Jin !
I knew it!!! her neighbor is the mastermind. she lived next door to keep an eye on her.
Struggling to watch this. It doesn’t make me anxious to find out what happens next or leave me with any anticipation for next the episode. It might be that watching this after Queen of Tears dulls my senses abit? 😅
I don’t buy the husbands story completely though, key reasons being the mother knowing he’s alive and the dad seems out of the loop~
everything from this drama is so obvious if you are used to watch this type of drama.
The drama only have 12 episodes but they revealed husband being alive and the neighbor so early.
Only cliche missing now is if they make the neighbor her husband lover lol.
That trial was amazing! I loved it! The way the FL wrapped up everything so beautifully. She is smart even though she chose to believe her husband; I guess she is in denial and doesn’t want to lose him like she lost her dad. I’ll give her a pass for now!
Umm, I don’t know if I trust the husband yet. After all, he was capable of devising such an elaborate plan, fabricating his death.
I knew that neighbour would have a bigger role in all of this. Seems like she’s the mastermind of it all.
Idk who to believe or trust but i defiently don’t trust that woman. She is pure evil. Crazy how she can just openly pretend to be kind and sweet. That’s what’s scares me the most about people like her she capable of doing anything and everything knowin she has people she could easily use.
i agree with a lot of people in the comments, the husband is not trustworthy. I feel like hes very selfish, any decent human being that actually cared for his family wouldn’t just leave their wife and kids in such a mess. Where people constantly come and attack their work place. This situation in general is way too violent for anybody. He didn’t come back to his wife, because he cares about her. I think even he didnt fathom that she would directly go to ma kangs and look around into her husbands death. And for some reason he needs her now, thats why hes back. in this specific moment it works in his favor that she believes and trusts him again.
Damn👍🏼😎 Moon Young🙌🏼
I love how she left Chief Ma speechless😝🤣😭
The last scene showin’ a smiling Ms. Ha was chillingly creepy…😬😰😵💫
Sigh is Sung Jae even trustworthy LoL? Oh no poor Do Jin Woo..
wowww what a showww