Love Next Door (2024) Episode 8
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Love Next Door (2024) full episodes
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 16
5 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 15
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Love Next Door (2024) Episode 14
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Love Next Door (2024) Episode 13
5 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 12
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Love Next Door (2024) Episode 11
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Love Next Door (2024) Episode 10
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Love Next Door (2024) Episode 9
6 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 8
6 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 7
6 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 6
6 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 5
6 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 4
7 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 3
7 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 2
7 months ago -
Love Next Door (2024) Episode 1
7 months ago
Not those two arguing who slept best at night when they obviously didn’t get any sleep at all🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I am going to say this again,I love the Jung Jung couple so much and I have always known Jung so min felt love for Jung hae in cos what I have been seeing was more than friendship or bestfriends duo!!
Personally,I feel the series just started after he confessed his feelings and I am here to enjoy the ride🤣🙌💕
The grinding of teeth part took me out🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
i started this series because I wanted to be happy!! Why am I crying? 70% of her stomach removed!! Then the preview!!! Naah!! My heart can’t take it😭😭😭😭
The next episode preview brought me tears. I thought she took a break for 1 year and did cooking vlogs but shehad cancer !
Love the cast and story they are trying to tell. Many relatable instances. Still I feel the script is lacking. We are half way done and our leads love story has seen no progress.
I want them to deal with every moment of seok-ryu’s cancer journey together.
like every second
I’m so sad, SeokRyu has cancer . Her mom isn’t even supportive at all. Her entire family have been so mean to her 😭. Only SeungHyo support her dream.
I hope this won’t end up like QOT 😭
The soup re-hot never works dear girl. And you don t deserve him how friend. Really.
Its pure bliss to a Slightly emotional Twist epi.
Hello everyone!
I see the episodes of this week are released. I haven’t watched any. Waiting for a volunteer to tell me if there is a cliffhanger or not. Without spoilers please. Thanks in advance
What the hell. The writer is really doing us dirty omg. what’s with this suddencancer plotline like really???? is there really little else to flesh out from the ongoing storyline that you have to add this absurd plot? and OF COURSE she hid it from her family and friends, I don’t know anyone in their right mind who would be diagnosed with cancer and deliberately hide it from their family and friends. like friends sure I can understand that but her family?? and what if hypothetically she died? they would’ve just found out at her funeral?? sorry but this type of “independent strong woman” they’re trying to portray her to be is the type I dislike the most. Especially with FL, I can (very faintly) see her hiding it from her family with their strained relationship but her childhood friends? the people she’s gone through nearly every stage of life with, the people who’ve seen her at her worst and best, the ones she told about her reason for coming home before anyone else??
Icl if this was real life and I was ML I wouldn’t even think about getting into a relationship with her after this. If she hid something this big from the people closest to her then imagine later down the line what other bigger or even smaller things she could easily hide. This isn’t a good foundation to the start of a relationship. I really thought this was gonna be my no1 drama of the year with the trailer and the first few episodes but now it doesn’t even take top 10 I fear. the only reason im still watching every weekend is cause the 2nd lead’s romance story is way more interesting than the first icl.🤷♀️
Anyway, I complain a lot but im still gonna be sat here every sat/sun waiting for it so lemme not say too much LMAOOO
I want someone to burn for me too..😩
It’s out everyone 😃, I repeat It’s out guys. The most awaited OST (3) ‘Reaching for you’ by Zerobaseone 🥳.
It’s soo soo good, fresh and makes me feel alive, a treat for the ears to listen 😌. These type of songs are my favorite (Recommendations are most welcome from you all 😊). Perfectly matches with the vibes of the drama. This song has made me a fan of Zerobaseone. It’s defenitely going to be one of the best OSTs of this year and also of all time. I will try to not listen it too much (It’s definetly going to be on repeat for the next few weeks 😝), so that I don’t get bored and forget it 😂. Enjoy 🎉🎊🕺.
Super excited for this episode (the magic number episode 8 of kdramas), let’s go 😁.
this made me cry AGAIN I really thought they gave her a break already but NOOOOO
gosh this mom… she’s starting to remind me of her role in Scarlet Heart…
starting with this episode we’re on the road for some water works we need to wait another week!!!!!!!
3 minutes in and i’m already blushing wthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. this two makes me insane
OOh, i can relate with u bro, # always Over thinker 😆
Just when I thought these two will progress, next episode is hinting waterworks.
i knew it she also like him omg my heart
So her coworkers in her previous job where gossiping and giggling over her taking a break 3 years ago and it wascancer IM PISSED !!
Writer gave us small clues but when mother said son had hole in his heart so she babies him and FL said this is how you treat a sick family member I knew something was happening in real time. I knew her ex also had the info its been ten years and she took a year off for chemo and surgery. My guess her Dr said avoid stress the silent killer and she had to either work or leave. Sadly she doesnt have much stomach left and just a guess but cancer is back?
8 more eps to go this is turning point
I did read somewhere that may be Seok ryu is sick and that’s y she took a year off from her job in US and may be it doesn’t have a happy ending….waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa one half has come true and I dun want that for the second half…..the writer really went all out, if not a murder in a rom com this time, then let’s put terminal illness 🫤🫤🫤
Goodbye to the best ex! She’s such a refreshing character that we haven’t seen awhile in kdrama land, I love how she’s not the typical vindictive bitchy ex-gf. She knows what she’s in it for: she knows that Seunghyo has feelings for Seokryu, she understands that he’s not obligated to reciprocate her feelings, but she still interacts with him the way she does because of her love for him. And then when Seonghyo reveals that he had made known of his feelings to Seokryu, she finally sets the boundary and coolly saunters off. And throughout all that, she was kind and friendly to Seokryu, her ‘love rival’. I LOVE HER 🫡🥰
Now onto Seokryu’s ex. For the past few episodes, I’ve been wondering as to why she’s still so cordial to her ex, someone whom we’ve seen cheating on her in ep2 when he kissed a girl by the pool. We know that she has quite a temper, and I didn’t understand how she could still put up with Hyeonjun and be all polite with him. But after the cancer reveal, I’m guessing that she feels majorly indebted to him because he must have been her primary caretaker when she was recovering in US. That and the fact that she was in love with him for several years; all those years of love and trust forged amidst illness and hardship couldn’t easily dissipate. It’s not so easy to break off such bonds.
So while Seunghyo’s ex has exited the story, it seems that Seokryu’s ex will be staying awhile 🫠
Sorry but I’m not for this writing transition. I feel that the flow was just right, childhood friends to more. The interactions of leads awkwardly finding this truth is great. Add her cooking aspirations, cute side couple, parent nuisance, simple yet effective. With new developments, my high vibes just dropped. Also, i can’t understand why she can’t just tell the ex to give her space, she definitely told him they’re done, so allowing him everywhere near her is encouraging him yet her buddy has confessed to her. Shouldn’t she give him a fair chance. Irritating. There always comes that part in dramas I fear where great stories shift downwards so I’m hoping upon hoping the intent now doesn’t do that because I’ve been hooked on this one. Sheesh, I thought we’d see some relationship skinship but that fizzled real quick. dud
i understand her leaning on Hyeon jun and going to the hospital with him cz he knows about her condition and she didn’t want anyone to know
but I felt so bad for ma boi 😔😔😔😔
but everything apart, did she seriously not tell anyone??? not even her family??? y?? I dun understand y people in dramas and films dun tell their families and loved ones about their health conditions??? and that too such a serious condition??? she had chemo, she would’ve stayed in the hospital, she would’ve lost weight, lost hair, chemo is hard, it’s painful, it drains u not just physically but mentally as well, how come the family didn’t even notice??? and dun tell me they never had a single video call with her all that time….cancer isn’t flu, it doesn’t go away in 2 or 3 days, it would’ve taken time, I can take that Hyeon jun would’ve become her guardian, and he would’ve taken care of her, but she didn’t tell her family is plain stupid….what if she had died?? the family would just get the news that their daughter had cancer, she underwent treatment, but she couldn’t make it….sorry but no sorry, I can’t relate to this…..
m quite patiently waiting for the reason of their breakup, but the way he’s being clingy, is sucking up my patience quite rapidly…..
I understand that she doesn’t know if she has moved on from Hyeon jun and is ready to accept Seung hyo’s love, but I just hate this thing in dramas when women/men can’t or dun tell them to just stay back, take a step back and wait…..
y the hell did he stay there when he came for consultation and it was already done??? Seung hyo was right, it was his office, y did Seok ryu not ask that leech of an ex to just leave for today? cz he was gonna come back tomorrow anyway….
and y the hell did he take popcorn from Seung hyo when he was giving it to Seok ryu??? who the hell is he??? and Seok ryu didn’t even say anything, she should’ve snatched that pack that she will eat it, trans fat my a**!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬😤😤😤
but at least she ate, and I can’t get over ma boy’s “winning smile” 😂😂😂❤️❤️
I thought they’d do Lovely Runner moment of him catching a petal for her…..
I really need to know that reason of them living together….the son and the husband both suspected an extra marital affair, in fact, not just suspected, they seem to be sure of it, then y did he not ask for divorce??? may be because Seung hyo was young at that time, but it seems like he never even mentioned that to her, y???? at least the couple can have a conversation about it, but they both seem to be such slaves of their ego that they won’t even communicate about the most important issues in their relationship…..
I loved that he properly served her the food so she can have a proper meal, how happy she was, but he’s frustrating me with his silence….
The ring scene has to be a flashback, I mean she can’t be that coldhearted to get back with the ex just like that, already knowing ML’s feelings.
Another interesting point is ML’s parents, I wonder what happened there?
n she went through it alone? without any support from the family??? that is so much worse…
being the eldest child, sucks!!! that’s all I have to say…..
and m sure it’ll take her parents to know that she was also sick, and that too more than their other child, for them to consider her a human and not a robot and allow her to do what makes her happy… if she won’t be sick, they’ll stick to their ideals….😐😐😐
y did I love this scene, I watched it thrice 😁😁❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰 he looked so cute 😍 😍
how could he say that with a straight face 😁😁😊😊
he’s more shocked and concerned than her 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
God the drunk father duo and Professor Choi constantly asking WAEEE ?! WAEEE?! was hilarious … Their drunken scene was so silly and dramatic
So positive note is ML did confess before he knew so she cant say oh you just feel sorry for me. But she probably still will say it. She really fights with her brother thats going be huge scene when he starts being nice to her major tears
everyone may complaint about the mother bcoz of this situation, But I find it very relatable. Seeing all middle class family in my country, it is very common. Most of the Parents couldn’t achieve their dreams bcoz of financial or other problems. So they try their best to achieve thier dreams through their child. U can’t imagine the pressure a 5 years child face in my country ( asian). Like singing, dancing, drawing, recitation etc. I, myself is also a victim here.
My big bro isn’t good in studies. So i had to work extra hard to fulfill that. Now they have sky high expectations from me. On the other hand, for my bro, they will be like,” u know he is immature, u r the smart one., u have to look after him.” Sometimes i feel wronged, unfair Again i feel sympathy for them. It is really tough😩
Haven’t watched the whole episode yet, but WTH!!!🤣
Just like what knetz predict, the FM got cancer, and SFL will be by her side trying to saves her, the SML will write cover story about her and lastly ML will build forever home for her
I kind of understand everyone not liking the fact that she hid it, but like, it makes so much sense. She didn’t want her family to go through the same pain they went through with her brother, as for her friends, she was in the us for YEARS, their relationship just isn’t the same anymore, and probably aren’t in much contact.
Damn, I hate her.
I tried to resonate with her in the begining but she is literally the worst.
As a mother, she doesn’t try to understand her own daughter. She assumes the worst and then blame it all on her daughter.
I get why Seok Ryu didn’t tell her family about her illness. But how the hell her own mother can’t sense that she is in trouble in the US. I mean she used to talk with her and if she knew anything about Seok Ryu, she would’ve known that she was in distress.
Seokryu is definitely sick. They’ve hinted way too many times for us to ignore. All these theories on Twitter and reddit might come true but i just hope her disease is not fatal.
i hope it is treatable/curable. That mother is… just hopeless
WWhy would u do that to our baby?.. Our baby is sad😥
I have watched Jung Hae In’s previous works and have admired him as a good actor. But never swooned over him. During Olympics since we did not have any dramas I watched A Piece of Your Mind for the first time and liked it though it was slow. Rewatched While you were sleeping, One Spring Night, Something in the Rain. So was super hyped and all ready to swoon him in full fledged RomCom Love Next Door as his previous works as romance lead had to go through so much suffering to be with FLs. But now I feel all the previous characters were far better than Seung Ho. I know I will still be back the second the next episode is uploaded on Netflix next Saturday. Yet disappointed with the writer. The script is decent for all the characters in the drama except main leads.
the preview made me sobber D;
Next episode seems full of emotional roller coaster. Don’t make our boy cry 😭 😭
May be since next week I will just read comments instead of watching. Ahh.. My mistake. I should have watched it after it ends. What did she expect?? To tell everyone after worst things will happen?? Mo Eum was her sensible friend. at least one person from her life. Nope she didn’t want to tell them. Seung Ho’s ex is such a cool person. I like her character.
So FL ex doesn’t deserve redemption or doesn’t deserve second chance?.
It still not clear, he cheated on her while being in relationship with FL. So why so much negativity against his character?.
He may done some reflection while being apart with her and realised he truly love her and came back to see if he has another chance with her?. They are in relationship for years. Doesn’t he deserve a chance to redeem himself?.
What the heck I was expecting something else and it’s going somewhere else what’s up with the plot twist I don’t like it at all after knowing about his feelings how could she lean on his ex and hide such a serious matter from him when he has been with her through thick and thin through every aspect of her life when she should be moving on and start fresh life
everyone is filling with negative comments…. but i am liking this drama… we must have guessed for the worst scenario because of her sudden return from abroad in the first episode, how she must have been felt and gone through.she didnot return with happy face or good reason. Since the cancer was in 2 stage and treated, as being the responsible daughter and being alone for so many years in abroad, form her point of view she didnot want to burden others
And wait for a whole week, it’s too long for me
When you’re in love with your best friend. This guy never misses his chance to roast her AHAHAHA
Ex-fiancee: You don’t understand the kind of special bond that me and Seok Ryu have.
Also Ex-fiancee: saying it to the person who practically spent his childhood, teenagehood, and adulthood with Seok Ryu.
I was like. BOI you also wouldn’t know the kind of bond Seok Ryu and Seung Hyo had 💀💀💀
So here’s another drama where the little brother is kinda… “useless”.
And AHHHHH most of the theories came true already 😭😭😭😭
My heart breaks when she shrugged off his hands like that 🥲
I bet the ex-fiance was too “overwhelmed” taking care of Seok Ryu when they were in the US and so they ended up breaking up. I don’t think a man like him could ever hold a candle to someone like Seung Hyo.
Also did I miss a plot or something. I remember in one of the episodes Seok Ryu saw her ex-fiancee kissing someone at a party? So he did technically cheat? Or maybe it was post break-up who knows.
Are they gonna give Jung Hae In another tragic ending again 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔 GIVE THIS MAN A BREAK. Snowdrop alumnis haven’t even recovered yet 😭
But I’m gonna say it. Knetz are crazy good. Their prediction about the plotline is really onpoint 😂
The cancer plot is not out of nowhere , since the beginning they were hinting about her disease, like her loosing weight and stuffs
I loved that scene where the family argued, the acting was so natural and that scene itself was so real !!
im gonna prepare myself for next week