Mask Girl (2023) Episode 7

Category: Mask Girl (2023)

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7 Comments to “Mask Girl (2023) Episode 7

  1. The moral of this story has NOTHING to do with physical beauty, unless to say that it is a lie and envying it and obsessing over it will destroy your life. Vanity! Love one another. Forgive one another. That’s how the world changes. Not by hating or punishing or blaming. Stop envying other people, what they have and who they are. Attractive people are mistreated, too. Can’t you imagine how it must be to be valued mainly for your appearance? Hypocrites! “Ugliness” is on the inside, and it can be on the inside of anyone — male, female, pretty, ugly, short, tall, fat, thin, etcetera. Be a good man. Be a good woman. Stop envying and hating! This show was garbage; I ended up watching all 7 episodes in less than an hour because it was so graphic and disturbing. I do NOT recommend it, but it does teach a good lesson: Mask Girl’s own decision to objectify and sexualize herself ultimately destroyed her own life. Yes, everyone was responsible for their own actions. The bullies, the victims–all made decisions that had consequences. Cruelty is horrible, but you cannot blame another’s cruel treatment of you for your own choices and behavior.

  2. The whole drama is heartbreaking… When you think there is a light, it turns out to be another misfortune. I never hated or disagreed with Mo-mi, when she first killed this ugly and disgusting man and then when she killed the other. Both were either rapist or violent, and such people shouldn’t exist, they’re just psychologically disturbed. I never stopped hoping that someone would find out the truth and see how Mo-mi has always be treated. But it never happened, and that’s just make me wanna cry more.
    Seeing her young was the most difficult thing for me. I mean, she just wanted to be loved… Problems always happen because of this society, even though people think it’s changing and getting better, it never really does. Men are as pervert as they used to be, beauty standards are as high as they’ve always been. And people never stop harrassing those who are different. This is just horrible. Mo-mi was a little girl with a sweet dream, and who changed her? Men, bullies, society, standards. She’s just a victim.
    I won’t talk about the stupid old woman, who always defended his son, without even knowing that he was a rapist. This woman is just going crazier episodes after episodes and I’m honestly relieved that she died. Don’t wanna think about this “person” anymore.
    I just wanna finish by saying that I’m happy to see Mi-mo feeling better at the end. It’s the only good thing that happened, and I’m also happy that she still has someone to rely on. This girl was born because of terrible circumstances but she found peace so I think everything’s alright for her now:)

    1. “She’s just a victim”. So, you’re saying that she was ultimately helpless? That she could not take responsibility for her own choices or life because it was the fault of someone else? I’m sorry, but I couldn’t disagree more with you. The evil things that happened to her were beyond her control, however, she in many ways created the situations herself.
      All human beings contribute to the evil that’s in the world, some more than others.
      Mo-mi, as a child, wanted applause and popularity, not love. Her mother was cruel, but many people are abused by their parents (including me). Many people are bullied (including me), but they choose to make different choices. She chose to allow her appearance to dominate her life, and as a result, she fell in with people whose main focus was looks, as well. There were no admirable characters in this drama, including Mo-mi. No one is “just a victim”; all people are capable of evil and good, and are responsible for their own choices.

      1. Hi
        I just read your answer, and I probably have to say thank you. I really like when people have other thoughts than me about this kind of situations, cause I have my point of vue and you have yours. I may be wrong, and that’s why I like sharing different opinion.
        I said that she was just a victim, and I still believe it, cause not everybody can be as brave as others can. She was harrassed and had no one to rely on, so I truly believe that she was a victim. But you’re right, she decided to let her looks influence all her choices. She decided to listen to her bullies. She and only her decided it. But did I say that she was perfect? I said that she were right, when she killed the two mans. I didn’t say that she were right when she did plastic surgery. And I only said that because it is a drama. But killing people in real life isn’t something I will agree with. Even if this drama shows the reality we’re living in, they are only fictional characters. And yeah, regarding her past, you said that she wanted popularity, not love. Is that bad? Is that really bad? Don’t all the childrens have dreams? It was a pretty dream, I mean, she didn’t have any bad intentions. But because of others, she became this person. If she was pretty, nobody would have bullied her. And that’s the saddest. She didn’t care about her looks, until others told her that she was ugly. If people were supporting and kind, do you think it would be the same? No. If people were respectful, everything would have been mucj better. But people aren’t. That’s the society we’re living in. And some people are able to ignore the standards, some others aren’t. Some people are helped, some others aren’t. So yeah, she chose to live her life like that, but I don’t think you can blame her. Everybody is different, even when they experience the same situation.
        And I’m sorry to hear that you’re bullied and abused by your parents. I may not know you, but I still feel bad about it. I may sound naive and too sensitive, but bullying is something that breaks my heart. So I hope this situation gets better for you, but more than anything, I hope you have someone to talk about that, or at least something that brings you a little happiness.

  3. The moral to this story is…. there will always be people who are prettier, taller and smarter then you, but there will always be someone who loves you the way you are… if you have to change yourself even the slightest for someone it’s not meant to be……..

  4. This is so sad ? mimo is so pitiful the first time she meets her mom was also her last… momi deserved so much better, she is the victim no matter what, I get why she had mimo despite her being a result of something so horrible she probably thought she’d find some solace in having her but I do agree it would have been better not to. And that hag I feel nothing but loathing towards her ugh she’s so frustrating all that because she can’t see her son for who he is and her inability to recognize the real victim, she just keeps hiding behind religion and thinking she’s some kind of prophet or something. And I judged the other kid too much, she was actually a good friend at the end.

  5. ugh i feel so bad for momi shes literally a victim of sexual assault and society but she shouldnt have had kim mimo considering the circumstances i just knew that kid would suffer so much poor mimo she shouldnt have had her and speaking of that CRAZY OLD LADY like yea i get you re heartbroken because your son was brutaly murdered but he was also a rapist and if anything you shouldnt torment an innocent child if youre willing to go that far you shouldve just went to prison and murdered her instead of traumatizing that innocent kid whom take shelter in you and trusted you damn UGHHH ALL BECAUSE OF FUCKING MEN