Meet You at the Blossom (2024) Episode 7
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Meet You at the Blossom (2024) full episodes
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8 months ago
July 31, 2024 (9:48 PM)
☑️Meet You at the Blossoms, Episode 7 @kisskh*co
I am getting confused, so many characters… I can only identify the main couple, Huaien’s 2 body guards/sidekicks and Jin Xiaboa’s 2 body guards… And Su Yin…
Am so scared of watching this episode… someone please spoil it for me.🥺
This episode is finally out!
Kinda scared of what is going to happen in this episode..
I feel bad for Xiao Bao, he doesn’t deserve anything that is happening to him:(
I feel bad for Huai En, his father is crazy crazy:(
Su Yin is really sweet:)
Have you ever wanted to hate someone but can’t because they are going through their own crap too. That’s how I feel about Huai En. I don’t like him, but I can’t hate him. I despise him for the pain he caused our sweet innocent Xiao Bao, but at the same time is dad is a new level of crazy, so it no wonder Huai En is manic too.
I am just going to say thank heavens for Su Yin. I was suspicious of him, and right now feel bad for that. Even if he has feelings for Xia Bao, at least, he does what he can to protects and not hurt the ones he loves.
Honestly, this whole episode just hurt. It both hurts and angers me that the most innocent person Xia Bao is the one paying for other’s sins. 😭💔
my poor baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
This episode breaks my heart 😭
Give them a break 😭😭😭
Did y’all see the guy standing to stop the horse. So funny.
SML syndrome is strong in this one.
Well dang. HOW is Qi Xiaobin even allowed to torture our sweet boy like this???? Ah, so Mr Chang arranged it.
Are they going all the way into this skin, and disappearing under there?? And HOW will they cure him, cuz this CAN NOT BE his fate!!!!!
I’m gonna have to skip this part.
Su Yin to the rescue.
But who’s gonna rescue Huai En? His father is truly a psycho.
How adorable do Jin Bao and Zhao Cai look in their new clothes? Love the colors and how they co-ordinate. lol
Hold up, they gonna go to Annna, as a family of FIVE??? they forgot about LITTLE SISTER???
Wait a minute. that can’t be right. Lil sister can’t be the SISTER of Huai En.
His parents had an affair, she gave birth to ONE child, and she was murdered when HE was young. (since he remembers her, and she gave him the jade necklace, although they didn’t tell us how young he was.)
You’d think if she had also had a daughter, who is MANY years younger than HE they would have mentioned it during her back story.
Plus HE said his dad set up a HOUSEHOLD FOR THE TWO OF THEM. (meaning, him and his dad)
And if she was his sister, (and not a cousin) why would she have been at the Xue’s household? As his cousin, her living their with Lainyu, and Lainyu asking XB to save her as he was dying, THAT makes more sense.
ok, that driver just straight up RAN AWAY. hahahahaha
ah, decoy carriage.
Wait, what? Left and Right Shadow didn’t even SEE XB. Are they lying and telling HE that XB doesn’t want to be with him, because Su Yin threatened them?
A ticked off HE is really something to behold.
I’m sad that after ALL the abuse, and all the years he’s had to put up with the beatings, that HE wasn’t strong enough to defeat his father.
Man actually STABBED his OWN SON! Are you kidding me??? a CHAIN around his neck?????? If he no longer stands, sags in any way, he will choke to deaath.
A captive animal is right.
I just can’t. waaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Assume that guy is the magically healer.
Oiy, what an episode.