Monster Next Door (2024) Episode 5
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Monster Next Door (2024) full episodes
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Monster Next Door (2024) Episode 5
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Monster Next Door (2024) Episode 1
8 months ago
Jane, when I catch you, Janeeeeee!!! This girl needs to get a life.
On another note, I’m very uncomfortable with him being called ‘God,’ so I’m just manipulating my brain into thinking they’re making sub errors, and his name is actually Got. And honestly, Got is such a green flag! I am in need of someone like him😭 An extrovert who has a different personality but still respects every detail about you as an introvert. That’s a rare find. Seems like Diew feels a sense of peace with Got, even though Got is outgoing and Diew is more reserved. Such a peaceful couple!
😬Ok I’m dreading when that Tan guy will pop up.
I can already see the drama he’ll try and cause.😒
Was that actually my Latte and Almond🤭
Wan is such a baby and I have to be honest, I kind of love it hahaha…I can’t wait for him and beer to start dating, they are cute, and we already know that Beer is in love with him so let’s start this ship sailing
And yeah I love GodDiew, God is such a nice guy and I actually can relate to Diew so much, I was a lot like him when I was younger, but I didn’t have a P’God unfortunely, that would have been wonderful 😂🤣
Firstly, I hope that Jane girl would not appear in any of the episodes after this one. Next, I like to fire that communication teacher. Then Got should quit that band and join ones that are compatible with him.
Negative aside. The tension of wanting to hold Diew was about to make me snap, at the lakeside. But I’m happy with the selfie pose because Got did it. Even though, it felt awkward. So we are left at the cliffhanger as Got said he likes Diew. From experience, when things started to get right, then troubles came rolling in. Are we prepared for this Tan who was briefly brought up and that got Diew’s attention?
I don’t think that the teacher was right to say that.
But that ending, i loved it!❤️
Jane should watch her back cause my hands would love to make a tight necklace around her neck 🙂.
Drunk God is so cute wow annoying Jane please get some life girl 🙄side couple is also cute beer and Wan 🧘 that confession was awesome 😎
The closer Got/Diew get to each other, the more they fall in love. Got’s level of respect, grace under pressure and abundance of super cute and extra charming is just all shades of green flags for me. I so envy Diew and want what he’s got, a God, lol… I love they are both slowly opening up and communicating with each other more. Diew out here giving Got communication advice is funny because his lil effers/classmates and nasty teacher couldn’t even hear him on a mic during his presentation. That teacher is a perfect example of a text-book toxic teacher and how not to teach! Shaming Diew during/after his presentation, Ugh! Speaking of toxic, Win and Jane are equally toxic, but it’s obvious Win is the one with the bigger stick up his butt. Both annoying af! Beer/Wan are super cute too, but I need them to move from courtship into honeymoon phase soon. Really like Game too. Way up high or down low, Got will go wherever Diew will go.., “I like you, Diew!” is a picture perfect confession moment! Love it! Latte/Almond’s (miss them so much on Thursdays) cameo in this episode made my lunch a little more savory.., and sweet. Love them! Happy Thursday! Laters!
“It’s a pity, you look cute, but you act so boring” I mean she’s not wrong but does that give her the right to act like they are friends and try forcing him to do a photoshoot for her stupid bag while seeing that he’s clearly uncomfortable he can’t even look at her? ..No !
August 23, 2024 (4:45 AM)
☑️ Monster Next Door, Episode 5
That jane girl is pissing me off big time 🤬 I better not see her next ep. I mean wth she is just a poor attention seeker dts it and when she is not getting it 💥 boom insult. PLUS that band is also trash i mean come on Got move to a place where u can improve his band mate is literally touching my nerves whats his problem with Got ? Jealous!
i love how even though Got had a bad day he was still making efforts to make Diew feel better. How the ep ened made me feel good 😊
This bish Jane is just as bad if not worse than the jealous band singer.
I am not a fan of the singer that is in the band that God/Got is a part of. He got upset when Got/God got more attention than he did during their little performance and has now decided to be as nasty and rude as possible to God/Got. Also, Jane honey just get new friends at this point, no need to keep up with them if it is going to be your downfall. Got/God and Diew were the sweetest together again today.
I find it funny that the “enemy” here is also named Jane lol I remember when everyone was after Knock Knock Boys Jane’s butt but she was just really wholesome at the end haha
Hold on… Knock Knock Boys is in the same “universe” as Monster Next Door…?! Is it by the same author? Because Latte and Almond appearing as a cameo threw me off for a second there!
God and Diew are killing me with their chemistry and dynamics…. I just keep awwwwing and gashing at their cute interactions! THEY MAKE ME FEEL THE BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH, even though I am not the one being courted! The contrast between them makes it more somewhat mystical to me… The hair color, height, personality, room, and heck, even their skin color difference… Literally like Yin and Yang – just too fascinating, as I watch them fall in love.
honestly, is being druunk the only way to draw a cp together these days???
I’d be like: here’s some water, here’s a bucket/bowl to toss 🤢 in, and I’m out.
Good luck bro. 😆
at least Got remembers most of the night.
Jane is a bish!!!
and honestly that teacher inhales vigorously too.
Hope Diew doesn’t plan to go into a field where public speaking is a must. And I hope he can get through that awful class. smh
Anyone else find it annoying that Got is not that good of a drummer? I mean, he should EXCEL at his.
If those aren’t his ‘boys’ then he shouldn’t play in the band with them.
They can find another drummer.
Got’s clearly not having any fun with them.
wait a second!! Crossover from Knock Knock Boys!!! I almost didn’t recognize Latte with that dark hair. lol. Almond too! Makes sense since Diew and Got cameoed in THIER series. hahahah
the roomies: they have SO MANY opportunities to get close. they sleep in the same bed! let’s make some progress.
did anyone notice the way Wan had his toes hooked into the bottom or his pants? @26.15 lol
Diew going to check out the novel for this series was too cute.
His expressions in particular.
It was nice at their first date that Got confessed. Hopefully Diew will be ready to accept it.