Moon Lovers – Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Episode 9

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10 Comments to “Moon Lovers – Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Episode 9

  1. Okay what is this shii. Imma drop this cause wtf??? The plot was going so well and now mc acts like a complete idiot. duuude u can clearly see that u changed him and u still gonna treat him that way?? u’re leading him to the future u saw u dumb btch. bruh and I swear to god if she ends up with that dude that was married, absolutely hate him. had a whole ahh wife and still tried to shoot his shot with mc. dude belongs to the streets…

    my anger issues can’t handle this stupid plot.

    bye bye I tried to gave it a chance bc everyone said its so good, but thats it for me. so stupid.

  2. They both kinda fucked up like she led him on and the 4th prince kissed her aggressively when she was scared of him

  3. He kinda fucked up in the end, poor hae soo is afraid to death of him and he just tells her that he owns her in a manipulative manner and kisses her aggressively, i would also be scared to death. No offense ??‍♀️

    1. I dont agree, Hae Soo so far has led on 10th prince and 4th prince, and she even admitted it twice. She’s scared of him because she knows what happens in the future. How unfair, 4th prince hasn’t even committed those acts yet and she already judges him. Does she not know her leading him on and now rejecting him due to her own selfishness and “foresight” will lead him to the path she fears the most?

      Although, i do agree that Wang So shouldnt have claimed her like a property, but hey we’re literally watching a periodic drama and the setting is women were property. I mean bruh, 8th prince’s sister wants to marry her own half brother… yes it’s horribly wrong, but this is a drama and they are trying to almost replicate Goryeo.

      1. You think exactly like me and say things exactly the way I would’ve put it. The first paragraph is splendid and perfectly written. I cannot disagree with anything. And for the second paragraph it’s so accurate. I was like, are they not related? because I’m sure I heard her call the King father, and she’s literally the princess and he’s a prince so they obviously have the same dad. But the third prince also wants to marry the princess so I was wondering if I actually missed something. Thanks for catching me up to speed that it’s okay for these siblings to marry their half-siblings just for more power or only because they want to