Mr. Queen (2020) Episode 13

Category: Mr. Queen (2020)

Dear Dramacool users, you're watching Mr. Queen (2020) Episode 13 with english subs.

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20 Comments to “Mr. Queen (2020) Episode 13

  1. Hwa Jin is so frustrating. The Dowager Queen is right that she can’t see past the Queen! Everything she blames on the Queen but now she says will you still deny that your clan did this? The Queen never denied her clan did anything she only said that she did not kill her maid when HwaJin chose to believe she did that personally. Come on. The king already told her the Kim clan will easily dethron the Queen and discard her and that she does not work for them. And she’s stupid not to realize the body was out in the well right after she told someone else about their history with the well.

  2. one of the best kdrama i have ever watched…putting on my #1 list..hard to move on after this…the actors where very into the character especially the king & queen of this drama..hoping to see them again maybe on part2??..happily watching and laughing when i repeat each episode(as i said guys,, hard to move on)..the queen would surely drawn you to her character….all the best..deserves an award??? hello korea ..

  3. it’s already an hour after it was uploaded. and this is my nth time visiting the page checking if the subs were uploaded. huhuhuhu…. Patience is a virtue but…………. i guess i dunno what virtue is.

  4. waaahhhh!!!!!! so excited but still need to wait for the english sub. willing to wait though. can’t just help myself. uggghhh