Mr. Queen (2020) Episode 14

Category: Mr. Queen (2020)

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34 Comments to “Mr. Queen (2020) Episode 14

  1. Those old f^&$&s covering up their sins by turning their blame to an innocent child. But that’s what humans do, it’s easy to make noise about other peoples’ problems by shifting the spot-light to them so that we appear innocent. One thing I was taught is “while you point a finger on another, remember that 3 of them are pointing back at you”! I wish we can remember that.

  2. I’m not sure what the issues is but Epi 14 is failing to play. The drama is so good especially the queen, who ever choose her made this whole drama for me. Her acting is on point.

  3. I’m starting to hate the Royal consort eui, the next episode better reveal who she really is to the king and I just hope next episode is a revelation episode for everyone

  4. Want to stay for some noodles? Ayieee!!!! Waiting for next week’s episode is a torture. Come fast Saturday, haha…thanks tvN!

  5. It really made me cry huhu… but I hope the kid is still alive… that finger crossed signed hahahahaha btw thanks for uploading

      1. 6 to 12 hours depends on the translator fairies ,12 hours is the longest ..sometimes they are fast , 6 hours will do.