No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) Episode 6
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No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) full episodes
No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) Episode 8
7 months ago -
No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) Episode 7
7 months ago -
No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) Episode 6
7 months ago -
No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) Episode 5
7 months ago -
No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) Episode 4
7 months ago -
No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) Episode 3
7 months ago -
No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) Episode 2
7 months ago -
No Way Out: The Roulette (2024) Episode 1
7 months ago
Greg Hsu! Yes! I’ve been waiting for him!
I thought their would be many game but look like it stop on this guy kim. Since ep 2 until now(ep 6) he still alive and I think after he being killed it will be the end of this drama.
This episode was madddddd. No one is safe
This episode feels a bit messy somehow. Everybody’s getting shot out but then what ? Also the detective’s storyline is really useless in my opinion. I really hope officer Park isn’t dead even though the blood on the floor is telling another story, she’s really sweet ðŸ˜
Mama and her son better be prepared for retaliation now…..
Parents wrong deeds always effect their children future.
Had to check if I was watching the same drama after a few minutes into the episode
no uniformed police officer goes around alone!!!
no no no no
syringes’ needles can’t be bent like a wire!!!!
I’m sorry Lee Kwang-soo but I don’t feel the threat, I think you need a transformation like Na In-woo…. goofy IRL but I bought his acting as Yoo Ji-hyuk that I questions if his antics on 2D1N was all an act.
You see Kim Mu-yeol there? That’s how an actor transforms, all this while he’s been acting as a tough guy, mild mannered hidden fighter…… here, he convinced me that he’s an ambulance chaser, a leech of the law.
does this basta*d has nine lives or what???? he just doesn’t die….even the car didn’t hit anything properly, and it stopped in front of the police station, so he’s safe again….like what the actual fu*k????
poor mother and son, they tried their best to get rid of this parasite, but in no vain….they’ll recieve the punishment, and he isn’t even dead….😔😔😔
Everyone except that bastard is getting killed.
Had to make an account just for the simple fact that the lady stabbed him multiple times including the son. She also had a shot to his heart yet the wounds weren’t life threatening? I mean really? Really? Come on… This is just stupid and whoever came up with this needs to get sacked.
I know he needed money, and he saw a bag full of it and couldn’t resist, but he deserves what he’s getting….
I just hope she’s alive, poor girl got involved with him, she didn’t deserve this…
and I was waiting to see Kwang soo in this role, but he’s just not scary enough, criminal enough, threatening enough, not even enjoying his performance much….
is everyone an immortal in this drama??? like, is no one supposed to die??? the guy was shot 4 times, not punched, shot, 4 bloody times, and he still wasn’t dead…..🤯🤯🫤🫤🫤, the writer director really need to stop whatever they’re smoking….