Oh! Boarding House (2022)
Other name: 하숙집 오!번지 하숙집오번지 Hasukjibohbeonji Boarding House Number 5
The story follows Sulwon as he takes over his parents’ apartment as the owner and the quirky tenants who live there and romance with one of them.
Adapted from the webtoon “Hasuk 5” (하숙집 5번지) by Penguin (펭귄).
Original Network: Viki;
Also known as: 하숙집 오!번지 하숙집오번지 Hasukjibohbeonji Boarding House Number 5
Country: Korean
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2022
Genres: BL, Bromance, Friendship, Romance
Starring: Im Sung Kyun, Kim Hee Joong (1990), Shin Yong Seok (1990)
Oh! Boarding House (2022) trailer:
Oh! Boarding House (2022) full episodes
Oh! Boarding House (2022) Episode 8
3 years ago -
Oh! Boarding House (2022) Episode 7
3 years ago -
Oh! Boarding House (2022) Episode 6
3 years ago -
Oh! Boarding House (2022) Episode 5
3 years ago -
Oh! Boarding House (2022) Episode 4
3 years ago -
Oh! Boarding House (2022) Episode 3
3 years ago -
Oh! Boarding House (2022) Episode 2
3 years ago -
Oh! Boarding House (2022) Episode 1
3 years ago
1/10 its boring its not good.
Like for real they should be exercising patience.. It’s for free boo. C’mon now, leaving bad comments here won’t help buh make it worse
FR BROO if you really can’t be patient then watch another drama or smth until all the episodes of this drama is out, that’s what i do
To everyone who just likes to complain and stuff, you guys are so entitled eh! I mean you are getting things for free on here… c’mon. If you cannot be patient why don’t you pay and go watch on the legal site. If this site closes down because of your inability to be polite and thankful let me see where you’ll go next to rant!! Sheesh!!
Like for real they should be exercising patience.. It’s for free boo. C’mon now, leaving bad comments here won’t help buh make it worse
I miss them
Omg I recommend everyone to watch this cutest drama ❤️
Is it finshed yet?
You can watch until episode 7 on bichill tv or bichill.net.
Unfortunately without sub. Better than nothing
upload other episodes too plss i beg
bro dramacool what the fuck is this. If your gonna post new k-dramas make sure to post eahc episode when they come out. You literally missed every single fucking episode and its annoying. Please post the rest of the episodes and the episode that is gonna be coming out in 2 days, thank you.
You can watch until episode 7 on bichill tv or bichill.net.
Unfortunately without sub. Better than nothing
Hey she/ he must be working really hard to put up this content for us . If we just wait patiently the world is not gonna break down on us the next day right so u can wait . Imagine how much hours it would take to upload every dramas episode besides they are not some robots to work with no breaks . We appreciate your work❤️
y r the uploads coming out so slow?
Ok Dramacool team, Now this is getting a bit ridiculous that you haven’t updated this when 3 additional episodes have already come out. Update this with the latest episodes. Thank you.
Pls upload next episodes, ep 6 ia almost out and here u haven’t even upload ep 3?
You can find them on bilibili tv
Pls upload next episodes -_-
Plis upload the next tow episode ???
please upload next episode
plsss upload the next two episodes (3 and 4)
Next episode plzzzz
Please upload episode 3 and 4 ??????