Ransom (2022)
A disaster-thriller that unfolds after a major earthquake hits a building where ransom bargaining for various reasons took place. It depicts the merciless struggle of human beings to survive in the chaos created by complete disconnection from the outside world.
Based on a 2015 short film of the same title.
Director: Jeon Woo Seong [전우성]
Country: Korean
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2022
Genres: Disaster, Drama, Survival, Suspense, Thriller
Starring: Chang Ryeol (1989), Jeon Jong Seo (1994), Jin Seon Kyu (1977), Jo Han Joon (1995), Kang Gil Woo (1986)
Ransom (2022) trailer:
Ransom (2022) full episodes
Ransom (2022) Episode 6
2 years ago -
Ransom (2022) Episode 5
2 years ago -
Ransom (2022) Episode 4
2 years ago -
Ransom (2022) Episode 3
2 years ago -
Ransom (2022) Episode 2
2 years ago -
Ransom (2022) Episode 1
2 years ago
I’ve watched the first 2 episodes and I find the content interesting so far, however, I am left feeling very frustrated with the quality of the subtitles. They are just so poorly written it’s hard to ignore.
@RajaKdramaAvi Avistaz!!!, do better!
subs please
Subs please
Please give subs ?
is there website that can translate make subtitle video, i cant wait
still waiting for subs for eps 4,5,6
this series has been good so far…looking forwards to subs for episodes 4,5,6 please!!
yesss same
Subs plz….
upload sub pls we luv u
Plz upload Sub soon
Impatiently waiting to get sub for the last 3eps?
Need subtitle soon . Want to watch this one. Please and thank you.
I love dramas , can’t wait for the subs thank you for your hardwork !!