Revenge of Others (2022)
Ok Chan Mi is a 19-year-old high school student. She used to be a shooter for a high school team. One day, Ok Chan Mi’s twin brother dies. She chases after the truth related to his death. She gets involved with Ji Soo Heon. On behalf of bullied students, Ji Soo Heon takes revenge on their tormentors.
Director: Kim Yoo Jin [김유진]
Also known as: 3인칭 복수 3inching Bogsu Third Person Revenge
Country: Korean
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2022
Genres: Drama, Revenge, School, Suspense, Thriller
Starring: Chae Sang Woo (1999), Han Seung Bin (2002), Jeong Soo Bin (1998), Jin Ho Eun (2000), Kang Yeol (1993), Kim Joo Ryeong (1976), Lee Joon Yeong (Yeon Oh) (1990), Lee Soo Min (2001), Park Jin Kyeong (Wooyeon - WOO!AH!) (2003), Park Solomon (1999), Seo Ji Hoon (1997), Shin Ye Eun (1998)
Revenge of Others (2022) trailer:
Revenge of Others (2022) full episodes
Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 12
2 years ago -
Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 11
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Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 10
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Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 9
2 years ago -
Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 8
2 years ago -
Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 7
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Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 6
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Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 5
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Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 4
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Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 3
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Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 2
2 years ago -
Revenge of Others (2022) Episode 1
2 years ago
I feel scammed.
*Spoiler alert*
I had very high expectations for this one and I thought of it as a drama that I just couldn’t miss out on. Now I ask myself, could I have lived without having watched it? The answer is yes. I thought taking revenge for others would be the main storyline but it was very much overshadowed by the murder investigation. I really liked the concept and I thought this drama would feature a new case per episode kind of like the kdrama Tomorrow, but throughout it’s course we only saw three main cases: Tae Soyeon’s, Min Seonha/Sa Junggyeong and Ju Hyeokgeon’s. I think they should have balanced the two storylines more, especially as the title of the drama literally is “Revenge of Others”. But although we didn’t get to see more cases, it still was very satisfying to see some of those people getting a taste of their own actions, but that wasn’t why I fell in love with this drama. I very much enjoyed Chae Sangwoo’s character Gi Osung. I think he did a brilliant job bringing him to life and he truly is the one character that elevated this drama. During this drama we only saw the bad sides of him although I’m sure he wasn’t all bad. I can both appreciate and frustrate over not knowing more about him. Usually we get some backstories on the main characters but it was common for all of them in this drama for us to not know much about who they were outside of Yongtan High, which I think makes the drama quite unique. It forces you to judge them solely based on the actions you do see with or without context. I remember Sa Junggyeong saying to himself that if the people around him knew that he cared he would be lame, and I could have wished that they had explored those other sides to him and those who were considered villains in this drama. While Ji Sooheon was the first suspect for the murder of Park Wonseok, the drama itself very quickly pointed at Gi Osung as the culprit and all the while he may not have been the one who physically kicked Park Wonseok off the window he is still very much an accomplice. He is still the main manipulator, instigator and he did attempt to kill Seok Jaebum. I enjoyed Gi Osung because of his intelligence, and how he always could figure out everyone around him and how to bend their weaknesses to his benefit. His and Seok Jaebum’s friendship was a lot more interesting to me than Ok Chanmi’s and Ji Sooheon’s because the power dynamic in the first mentioned was off. Seok Jaebum had lost his memories and Gi Osung had all the answers which Gi Osung was well aware of and it was impressive to see how he callously bend the situation to cover for himself. I thought that the drama was pretty straightforward until the last two episodes where I started to get confused. What had actually happened was that Gi Osung had kicked off Seok Jaebum from the roof in anger which caused him to lose his memories. He then told Seok Jaebum that Park Wonseok was the one who kicked him off, knowing that Park Wonseok wouldn’t be around to defend himself, which made Seok Jaebum retaliate by then pushing him out of the window, leaving Gi Osung in the clear. But what Gi Osung had explained at first was different. First he had said that Seok Jaebum had tried to commit suicide and when Seok Jaebum then tried to figure out why that could have been so, Gi Osung carefully selected a few polaroid photos that their friend group had taken together to try and convince Seok Jaebum that he was gay and in a relationship with Park Wonseok knowing he would be embarrassed and maybe try and kill himself out of shame. But as Seok Jaebum started to regain his memories Gi Osung had changed his explanation and said that it was Park Wonseok who had pushed him off. This drama takes on a lot of hard topics, one being grief. We see how torn Ok Chanmi is as she remembers and grieves a version of her brother that other people never got to see while having to hear about sides of her brother that she didn’t even know. But Ok Chanmi was not the only one grieving. Ji Sooheon was grieving his mother and the life he could have had with her while also being sick himself and grieving who he could have been. Seok Jaebum grieves a life he can’t remember and the loss of his friend that he happened to be responsible for and how he tries to take his own life after being consumed by the guilt when he remembered what happened. I think the whole friend group could have come together in a much more needed way had they dared being open and sharing their heavy hearts instead of facing most of it alone. We heard different people talk about how they remembered Park Wonseok and while some of them where thankful for him standing up for them, a lot of them stated that he was a bully, but only made so by Gi Osung and for the longest time I couldn’t figure what he had on him. The only thing I could think of was the fact that he had a twin, but then again could that really be enough of a weakness for him to be controlled by Gi Osung? The answer was given to us in the last episode. Park Wonseok was gay and Gi Osung had of course taken great advantage of that. Park Wonseok was in a secret relationship with Kwon Sejin. I have strong feelings about that. In a lot of countries and cultures, with Korea being no different, being gay is considered a sin and shameful. However, I really appreciate the representation in this drama because I know that the actors might have caught a lot of heat for portraying gay characters, so credit is definitely due here. Speaking of, the big twist in this drama is that Seok Jaebum actually was the culprit but that he also has a split personality disorder. Now, mental health is also, unfortunately, shameful to talk about and that leaves a lot of people uneducated and uninformed. Still, this drama pushed the narrative that it was Seok Jaebum’s other personality Seok Jaejoon who killed Park Wonseok but the lack of them understanding what that means was torture for me to watch. It seemed like Ji Sooheon had figured out that he had another personality but still didn’t offer that context to Ok Chanmi which was really frustrating as that would have made a world of a difference. However it seemed like Ok Chanmi realized on her own, but in the final episode she implies that Seok Jaebum’s other personality is a demon and that he should leave his body which really pissed me off. I know the mental illness was added for shock value but it is these reckless and incorrect portrayals of mental illness that feeds and encourages the stigma around it. Seok Jaebum’s split personality disorder could have been something he was born with, or developed or was due to the trauma of his fall. It doesn’t mean that he was possessed. And that’s why it saddens me that we in the end don’t get to see his trial or what sentence he gets, because logically and humanly he shouldn’t be locked up in a jailcell but in a mental health facility to manage his disorder. While the students tried to figure out who had killed Park Wonseok, the police was also holding a parallel investigation. The main reason why they couldn’t figure out what happened first was because they didn’t have any inside information. Everything happened inside the walls of Yongtan High so when the police chief, who’s also Gi Osung’s father, grounded him for going anywhere but school and back I couldn’t help but laugh at his ignorance. Every sin was committed at that high school. It was the eye of the storm. In the end Seok Jaebum regained his memories and that became the downfall of Gi Osung. It all ended where it began, at Yongtan High. Gi Osung and Ji Sooheon fighting. Good vs evil. Hero vs villain. The good won and Gi Osung payed for his crimes with his life. Being pushed off the roof just as he had done to Seok Jaebum and had made Seok Jaebum do to Park Wonseok. However, when it was revealed to everyone else what had happened and that Ji Sooheon was the hero from previous cases the students rallied together to lie to protect their hero saying that Gi Osung had committed suicide. I think it’s quite symbolic that his death is covered up as a suicide because it is seen as the most shameful way of dying and it is the most underwhelming end for his intelligent character. When it then began to rain I thought of it as a symbol of the school being washed clean for it’s sins now that the last sin had been committed. And although detective Jin Sojung knew that it probably wasn’t suicide she still said “If everyone decides to collaborate a lie then it becomes the truth.” In the end I did have most of my burning questions answered and I do have an overall understanding of what happened, but my main question that I can’t figure out is: if Seok Jaebum was the one to kill Park Wonseok and it was after he had fallen and lost his memories, how come he doesn’t remember killing Park Wonseok? The answer to that is that it was his other personality that did it, but then, when was he Seok Jaebum and when was he Seok Jaejoon and when and how and why did he switch? This drama has been pretty slow in progressing and I feel like the drama had plenty of opportunities to hint and present to us that Seok Jaebum had a split personality disorder, but the fact that they introduced that just a few episodes before the final makes everything seem rushed and cramped together which is a shame. And also, the drama insinuated that the twin actually had existed but had died in an accident when Seok Jaebum was 13 or 14, and I wonder whether or not that ever happened or if it was just to cover up something that the other personality had done.
Overall this was your typical high school drama with a twist and it was indeed very entertaining despite me deciding to watch with other expectations. I still feel that the ending was too rushed, but it did have a happy ending in the sense that the murderer was apprehended and Gi Osung paid for his crimes.
Rating: 7/10
Bruh it really aint that deep to the point where u needa write a whole goddamn essay
haha exactly. I loved it though
nobody is reading this bro ?
lmao same i read 2 lines and the last sentence XD
I donno about anyone else but this drama is just perfect!! I really really loved this soo much thank you writer nim and actors and all of the cast for making such a beautiful drama ?
Are you looking for an intriguing revenge drama full of well-planned mysteries and smart characters? Then this is not the drama you’re looking for. This started out decently but went downhill fast. There are many dramas where the “genius” protagonist suddenly becomes stupid to suit the plot. But that’s not the case here; the protagonist is DUMB from the start. I have never watched a worst attempt at “revenge”. I was honestly getting second-hand embarrassment by how many idiotic decisions several characters were making. I’m not expecting anyone to have Agatha Christie levels of criminal planning and solving, but at least don’t make the basic rookie mistakes that any random viewer can understand at once. This was disappointing and there was honestly little satisfaction to be felt after the finale. 2/5 with one point being just for the solid soundtrack.
On the contrary, I like that this isn’t some well woven expertly written mastermind protagonist story. I think a charming element in this story is that the viewers suspect as much as the mc does, like the show is written about an average girl who wants justice for her brother. I don’t think this needs to be anymore than it already is, sure the characters aren’t wildly smart but that’s how normal humans are. And they pull it off without making the story boring either, I think a 2/5 is real harsh.
can you suggest me some then?
چی راٹول شم دا سلگو بدل با اخلم
Where is ep 11 & 12 , it’s already wednesday !!!!!
waiting eps 11-12☹️♥️
Use kissdrama ?
Does this has only 12 episodes?
Waiting for ep 12
wwaiting for ep 11:)
Waiting for episode 11 ?
meron na sa hiTV kaso wala pang subtitles
Waiting for ep 11 ?
When will they release episode 9 and 10??
Atleast tell us the time?
Every Wednesday
when are you guys releasing ep 11 & 12 please
bro it’s every Wednesday stop asking
when will ep 9 and 10 be realease
Awh vanya ma Pani wait garirako
Kahiley upload hudainw EP 9
Timi nii garerako xau? Ma nii ?
Iengtikam ep a suok ding unauhai…!?
Thank you dramacool for giving us (people that dosen’t have netflix) the ability to watch k-dramas <3
Its on disney+ also.
It won’t release because of GMT depends where u live
It’s Wednesday, and the episodes are still not released…
When will they release it
its wednesday 30th why can i not see ep 7&8??
Plz drop episode 7-8??
And today is Wednesday why they didn’t upload it?
when will ep7 …8 come out and when is the realese date?
It will come out every Wednesday
It’s coming Wednesday Nov 30th
I think at 30th afternoon
You should be grateful that there are even posting and dont be so mean like just shut up
When will 7 and 8 come out??
yall should go to hitv its upptated to 6
they said eps 5 and 6 are uploaded at 23rd and its already 23 where is it 🙁
Waiting for episode 11 12 to come out .
Guys I think these dramas are replaced by the soccer world cup. Once that’s done and dusted schedule should get back to normal
U guys are so slow at releasing the episodes, it’s not fair ?
shut up and be patient
Episode 5 and 6 when it release?
Ep 5 and 6 available now in Kisskh, I just checked here so that I may able to download and watched it offline.. but still not yet.. so therefore I’ll watch it in Kisskh online.. BTW! This so Gooood drama ??
Slayyyyy ?
I need ep 5 ASAP!!!!
This kdrana is so fuckn good can’t wait for episode 5
Jeez!was jst thinking the same thing thou??
aye Fiji ??
Where is episode 5✍️
Epi 5 & 6 will probably come out next week 🙁
Thank you dramacool for your hard work and consistancy (insert praising and crying emojis)
Y’all gotta understand that they usually uploads two episodes on Wednesday KOREAN TIME so if it’s a little bit late that means it’s because of the time zone
If it’s Wednesday to them then it’s early morning Thursday to us (international time)
Brooo, people are so rude and impatient for a service thats illegal and FREE you would think theyd have some common sense smh
I was thinking the same thing. some people are so ungrateful and zero patience
RIGHTTT ungrateful MOTHER FU- …. fudgers haha….ha..ha..
episode 3 & 4????
Ep.3 where is it 🙁 ;(??
When will you release the episodes ?
ahhhhhhh i cant wait anymoreeeeeeee
Damn…love this actor..wanna watch it..but my exam? is knocking at my door??️??️??️??️??️??️??️
Mine too. That’s why I can’t watch it now…????
each Wednesday
its wednesday they still haven’t released ep 3? im crying
really,it’s so frustrating. I’m waiting for so long.
sameeeeee ugh
episode 3 plssssssssssss <3 <3 <3
It’s been so long. Why haven’t they posted yet?
I am also waiting
I cannot wait anymore…. This is so frustrating…. They said ep 3 is supposed to be released today
When do they release episodes??
U should be quick with the release, it’s an interesting movie
shut up they’re doing their best to upload
Thank you dramacool.