Romance in the House (2024) Episode 7
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Romance in the House (2024) full episodes
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Romance in the House (2024) Episode 9
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Romance in the House (2024) Episode 7
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Romance in the House (2024) Episode 6
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Romance in the House (2024) Episode 5
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Romance in the House (2024) Episode 4
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Romance in the House (2024) Episode 3
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Romance in the House (2024) Episode 2
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Romance in the House (2024) Episode 1
7 months ago
I’m so disappointed the kiss didn’t happen
if you’re 30 and still live at home and someone else cooks for you, cleans for you, does your laundry then you’re not fully an adult and they have the right to have rules and if they’re a parent and are keeping you alive by helping like this, they have the right to ask where you go and who you’re with and why… if you don’t like it, move out. lots of us stay at home bc we have no other options, but it’s not your home, it’s your parents’ home when you’re older than 21-22. they’re letting you stay there, so respect their house as a guest would.
but also, if you’re the parent of a 30 year old who lives home, understand that they’re not a child anymore and you can’t control them like you used to. sure, a few things in their life depend on u but not all and they can definitely survive on theyre own if they need to. also, if you have a guest in your house, would you go through their stuff? No because people are entitled to their privacy
Ngl, I felt bad for the father this episode, and that’s because they gave us context to why the father-daughter relationship got bitter. This is what I wanted to see; progression in their relationship because that’s the only way the family can get back together (if they end up doing that). The mother still loves the dad, she even admitted she’s holding back because of Mirae so if the father wants to make things right, he has to start with the daughter. I’m glad he’s realized this as well.
I can finally understand the father’s perspective a bit through this episode. He had his shortcomings, but he also tried to be a good father and husband in his capacity, irrespective of whether it was enough or not.
Rule no. 1 of writing up a contract that you dont want your asian family to find: DO NOT HIDE IT IN YOUR ROOM.
I really do like this drama a lot! I like that they explored two very real events that happen in everyone’s life:
– One: When children grow up and they no longer need to abide by the rules set by parents. I think everyone in Asia goes through this since we happen to live with our parents even if we are adults. The mother’s struggles echoed with my own mother and how she came to terms with the fact that she can no longer “control” (i mean this in a loving way) me like she could when I was a child.
– Two: Is when you suck at adulting. I feel like no one talks about it but parents have a lot of regrets about their own relationship with adulthood. When the father said he hated himself for breaking promises, hate himself for not taking up responsibility or for failing at his job. I feel like everyone feels that.
I was team daughter all this while but I genuinely felt bad for the father and it’s stupid they are still hiding about the father’s job it’s actually making me lose interest!
And the daughter reminds me of younger Song Hye Ko and Hwang Jung Eum but with frozen expressions like why is she not able to move her face? I’m not hating I’m genuinely curious like is it because of a botox or something? I have no idea!
All in all, Minho is the reason I’m still watching this drama. And the Beautiful Stranger song is too good!
this was a nice episode, had everything in it
Father daughter fight never ends
there two sides to every story and m glad they showed the father’s side as well, and I have to admit, I felt for him….he did make wring decisions and that made his family’s lives a living hell, but he also had to take alot in, he had to leave what he loved to do, playing baseball, and it’s never easy for athletes to move on specially if u have to stop playing because of an injury and watch your juniors taking your place….
it’s so gud to see this being addressed….its so common in homes and in everyone’s lives that people dun realise how bad an impact it can have on kids and their lives in the long run and forever….I understand that parents also need to vent their frustration, but doing it in front of and with your children is never gonna give gud results…..of course kids themselves pick up the vibes as well and at some point, they know what’s going on and can make their own decisions, but a spouse, husband or wife badmouthing each other in front of kids shouldn’t be entertained….