Squid Games (2021) Episode 1

Category: Squid Games (2021)

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26 Comments to “Squid Games (2021) Episode 1

  1. I seriously don’t understand how or why anyone can enjoy this debauched spectacle. It’s horrible. SO much blood and gore. The most depraved human behaviors on repeat. Saddest down and out stories. People willing to kill other people for money. Depraved sexuality is absolutely nasty! Super annoying characters. Lots if really bad cussing. The best part was the police officer who was so brave and smart. I loved his character, but then he’s shot by his brother, whom he went to save, not knowing he was the bad guy heading it all up.

    I watched it in fast forward, mostly. Covering the screen for the gorey parts if I missed fast forwarding it. Seriously, so offensive. Why did I watch it?

    1. It’s the most popular drama ever aired on Netflix.

    2. My children were exposed to it, and one watched the whole thing.

    I wanted to know what such a large section of humans were interested in, and what my teenager saw. Pretty bummed about it on several levels. It’s disgustingly depraved and sad. Totally NOT entertaining.

    Please don’t be be entertained by such inhumanity!

    1. how did you miss the whole part that criticizes capitalism in this… like if you can’t watch gore maybe just don’t. also if you aren’t even able to grasp what this serie is about maybe that’s on you.

    2. Ma’am, THIS IS FICTION. This isn’t even real action; its fake and they are acting
      so that means that YOU don’t have to be so Karen about it and if your kids were exposed to it then how old are they? I believe that al least 14+ can watch this and why did you even watch it if they were so called cussing? AND PLUS you even spoiled half the series for me. how are the characters annoying? I read about this show and I loved it so much that I got attached to this like a drug. I know it’s your opinion but you don’t have to waste all of ur time writing bullshit that people will probably or most likely hate on. And btw I LOVE VIOLENCE AND ACTION its my own opinion so stop being so Karen pls for the love of God.

  2. really amazing show . i love creepy things and this show is exactly my interest. i looking a head to enjoy the show. great job.

    1. Ikr but this is so bad cuz it won’t even let me watch it l was on season 1 19:11 and the screen went pitch black

  3. I am here bcz of my friend, who recommended this series to me. Don’t know what kind of story lie here but m sure that there will be something special otherwise she can’t chose it for me.

  4. Sheeeshhh when I heard background song it sounded weird at first but HOLY! while watching i realize how well it goes with each other! The songs grew on me already! Well done!

  5. She just had her first debut and she killed it?.
    And this drama reminds me of an old Chinese drama. Omo this is so good.
    I literally had a crush on the lead female!?❤️❤️