Strangers from Hell Episode 10
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Strangers from Hell full episodes
Strangers from Hell Episode 10
5 years ago -
Strangers from Hell Episode 9
5 years ago -
Strangers from Hell Episode 8
5 years ago -
Strangers from Hell Episode 7
5 years ago -
Strangers from Hell Episode 6
6 years ago -
Strangers from Hell Episode 5
6 years ago -
Strangers from Hell Episode 4
6 years ago -
Strangers from Hell Episode 3
6 years ago -
Strangers from Hell Episode 2
6 years ago -
Strangers from Hell Episode 1
6 years ago
i replayed 30:46 about a million times i need to personally thank production for keeping that scene in, lee dong wook supremacy fr!! LMAOO)()$”!£^&*
the ending was so satisfactory with everything revealing itself slowly and beinf approved of your predictions i really like how i was able to interact and have theories also so much funnier when you are delulu munjo is OBSESSED the lines he said at the end still make think abt them my standards for drama has raised since watching it the onky thing i didnt expect is for im siwan to turn out that way i fully gasped i remember when i ended it i went on and on abt it for weeks! it was THAT GOOD so many theories and the PLOT TWISTS and it acc had a Good scare factor all your question are answered one by one as you develop more just to get flykicked in the face mate overall my TOP drama 1000000/10
10/10 ?????amazing plot and acting. Definitely one of my favorites now.
10/10 would recommend watching this!!?
I wasn’t expecting this drama to be so good, definitely one of my favorite now
Bro this was such a good drama I hope there will be a season 2
Okay so that ending ruinef the series
bro the drama is so good
Lee dong wook oppa❤️
I loved every scene
Can someone explain the ending? Pls
the one with the bracelet, killed everyone, and took on lee dong wook’s persona probably. He took joy in killing them, and like sqizophrenia, he will probably see and hear lee dong wook, and be persuaided in killing in the future? like his inner evil self got out, and he became what he originally was. Just a thought though
what you initially were to think is that everyone died becuase of munjo this is also what the police thought as she was unconcious she could only hear, which was the jingling of the bracelet, the thing that didnt add up is that the {nonce} when he was murdered instead of the murder being clean it was messy, so it didnt line up with munjo who has murderd for time so he knows where to stab, unlike an amatuer, thats why it was messy. so beforehand we see munjo say “i create art, not just murdeur” hes refferring to the bracelet which controlled joongwoo where munjo says “you are the best masterpiece i ever created” and used it to live through joongwoo to get him to live “freely” as it “makes him more human”, to act upon his desires. and the “die, die,die” scene we saw at the start when joon first moved in to the room he opened a diary where it said the same thing “die die die,” this is baiscally saying it isnt the first time and has happend before, these people make him insane, like they did to the previous owner, and joon. the only difference is that they were caught/died.
JW la pembunuh yg sbnr..
please upload the rest
Really love the content of this mystery and crime inspired series!
Job well done to all the actors!
I am done ..with drama
This is so crazy masterpiece so damn good i like it the plot and the actors the end you self thinking if what happened next…. thanks to all producer and director…
This drama is one of the best thriller drama I ever watch. Start to watch this because of cute Im shi wan and Lee dong wook oppa. But I am very pissed off with irresponsible police attitude here. And the people around Jong Woo especially when he already cry for help. Especially his gf and his sunbae. His sunbae was actually nice and quite caring if him but however at the same time he seem to want to control him. And as his gf ji eun. She is most annoying as how can she keep been prejudice toward him. He already said that he scared to be in the studio why wouldn’t she calm himself. Instead she even scolded and force him to accept and been positive. When someone said that she/he was scared, it should never take lightly especially when you’re very close with that someone. Can’t they help him by financial and get a better rent place for him. How can they ignore his plead when they are the only people that he can trust. Lee dong wook oppa does looked very creepy here as psychopath human. But he was so cute when he was grim reaper in Goblin. It’s also looked like Mu jo here was actually obsessed with Jong Woo that he actually killed people which were his own partner in crime. They grown up with him but yet he didn’t hesitate to kill them even killed Jong woo’s sunbae when he saw how upset Jong woo was toward his sunbae. His obsession was almost like he have crush on him. Btw, Im shi wan was very small when he stand by Lee dong wook oppa side. Every episode make me annoyed with the detectives. Jung hwa officer ardy stated that the Eden Studio was suspicious but they still ignore everything she said. Damn it. Other that, I guessed that how society nowadays. They ignored when they cried for help. Just like Jong woo situation he was very pressure with office because of the stupid pervert colleague next to him. Yet whenever he wants to as for help from his gf and sunbae they only lecture him without thinking to bring him out from place he doesn’t like. The tugs uncle was lucky to be alive though but poor cute Jong woo housemate and his friend die on the spot there.
damn that’s a LONG ass paragraph
Great drama Shout out to all the team of strangers from the hell.Great show and great acting,action and thriller, it gives chills when you watch it .would watch if they make 2nd season as well . I think they should cast new show soon it would be hit .
Wauw what was this a great 10 ep drama!
The ending was such a great plot twist (to me it is a plot twist)
Although I couldn’t watch the cruelty of killing.. it was to much for me.
Literally the cast was amazing! They played the characters so great ! The story line was perfect the excitement, the thrilling I got from this movie was so fun!
The ost was calming and everything was just perfect.
It’s different from the normal kind of dramas.
Afcourse I have some little questions, but we can all answer them wit our own ideas.
wow..he make “him” as wife killer XD
people under 20 cannot watch this….
too dangerous .
but thumb up for hot shower scene
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100% Must Watch
Done!!!!… hmmm semo dlm ni siko.. HHAAHAH
Woah if no one seen this watch it it’s really good.
Can someone explain the ending? I am confused – the scene where JW choked himself and MJ at the hospital.
The end is how you thinking what happened next …