The Good Man (2025)
Other name: 착한 사나이 / Chakhan Sanai / Chaghan Sanai / Kind Gentleman
Synopsis: A work that depicts with laughter and tears the tumultuous events that Seok Cheol, the eldest son of a three-generation gangster family, descends from to protect his family, work and love.
(Source: Korean = Naver)
Aired On: Monday, Tuesday
Country: Korean
Status: Upcoming
Release Year: 2025
Genres: Drama, Family, Gangster, Romance, Suspense, Thriller
Starring: Jo Woo Jin (1979), Lee Dong Wook (1981), Lee Seong Kyeong (1990), Ryoo Hye Yeong (1991), Yoo Jae Myeong (1973)
Good Day
when are you going to air this please? hope sooner
thank you
when will this start? cant wait to watch these series
thank you
dislike: a feeling of distaste or hostility
hate: intense dislike
Ppl are allowed to have an opinion. Everyone likes and dislikes someone (and in this case an actor).
I like both the ml and fl but ppl differ.
It’s ok for some ppl to not like them.
They have the right to express their opinion (just like everyone else does).
They didn’t even say anything rly hateful so no need to overreact.
If their were outright bullying anyone I’d understand but they just simply stated that they don’t like someone.
they did bully though,,,,,,, the actor will probably never see the comment so it’s all moot but here’s the thing,,,,the only thing you can hate or like about an artist is their work,,,,,he’s an actor,,,,do you think he does a great job or not? do you like him for the role? full stop,,,if you know them personally you might even comment on whether they are a good and kind person,,,,or smart,,,,going for someone’s looks, actor or not, commodifies them,,,,,,you don’t have to say everything you think, especially if it is uncharitable,,,keep it to yourself
what! did! you! sayyyy!!??? (I know I know, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but gurlllllll), HOW CAN YOU SAY THATTTT😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am SCREAMINGGG….THE CAST IS PURRRRFECTTTTT…now give me the dramaㅠㅠㅠㅠ
this thin skin on the bulging eyeball looks unnatural like an old man’s face. It’s been like this for a few years, it wasn’t so noticeable before
those eyes keep him booked and busy. stay mad!
love me a gangster wookie
she is great in reply 1988 too!
i dont like ML, he looks like he had a bad eye surgery
Lee Dong Wook is just suited for those darker roles. After watching A Shop For Killers, I’m happy to see him taking this roles for “The Good Man”.
P.S. Hoping for a S2 of A Shop for killers!
oh nara, dongwook, hye young siblings trio??¿??????? SIGN ME TF UP
The synopsis doesn’t sound like something I’ll be interested in buuuttt Lee Dong Wook and Lee Sung Kyung??? I’ll definitely be seated.
Okk the cast ✨✨✨
I love both my Wookie Daddys. Daddy Ji Chang Wookie and Daddy Lee Dong Wookie.
According to Lee Dong-Wook filming has just started. He mentioned it on the most recent Pingyego episode on YT.
The synopsis didn’t sound like anything that would interest me, but then I saw who the ML is and I know it has to be something amazing. Looking forward to it now.
i luv lee dong wook as a bad boy!!!! especially the HAIRSTYLES! like his role in goblin as grim reaper was obvi sooo hot but him in bad and crazy and tale of the nine tailed was… *chef’s kiss*
Lee Dong Wook & Lee Sung Kyung! I’m excited!!