The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 3
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The Hidden Moon (2024) full episodes
The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 10
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The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 9
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The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 8
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The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 7
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The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 6
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The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 5
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The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 4
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The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 3
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The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 2
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The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 1
7 months ago
I’m glad we finally got to meet the ghost woman today and I’m intrigued by the mystery and background details behind her actions that we saw her commit against both Khen and Namwa in today’s episode. I also want to know why Mas hates her so much. I am also glad we are getting to learn more about why and how Mas and Khen are being able to interact with each other even though neither one exists in each other’s timeline.
I need Mas to stop wearing that ascot/scarf thing because it makes me feel suffocated for him.
My hair stands on end whenever Bing approaches Khen; it signifies fewer moments with SIR COLERIDGE. 😆 Moving beyond that: Khen and Sir Coleridge managed to converse despite the incessant interruptions from Mister Bing. From this episode, I gather that Khen hails from the future, though not in the conventional manner such as through a time machine or wormhole. Rather, he arrives through dreams with the intent of warning Sir Coleridge about certain events, although no specific details were provided (once again, Bing “the interrupter” did not miss his opportunity). There has been some progress between the two, and their relationship deepens despite the supernatural occurrences and dark secrets surrounding the house.
However, the woman with the golden nails also possesses other tricks, such as vines, and it appears she and Sir Coleridge share a history; not the happiest one!
GODDD, this is the first time I’m alarmed seeing a nail lying on the floor 😂
PS: I might be the only one, but I find the manner in which Mas approaches Khen so warm, and it has a slightly exciting, strange, and frightening effect. lmao
Great episode!
Okay than…..I REALLY hope that the next episode IS spicier than this…….LIKE there’s NO horror theme here{NOT} that Im complaining……and WHERE IS this going to????? Like are Mas and Khen going on the romantic route??? Like they spoke of Toh and Tan being kidnapped BUTT Mas didn’t do that……SO WHERE are we going here……..
I loved the place where Mas drove to and where he and Khen had the conversation…with the lake and the Bougainvillea in full bloom…seemed like a perfect place for a date….🥰…I am guessing they might end up kissing in the same place in due time…they are already talking about Mas falling for Khen in the next episode’s glimpses…
They are still setting the context and unraveling the characters from the house’s past…and there is still a lot more clarity that is needed….
I think that nail lady was murdered and buried under the tree where she brought Khen..I vaguely remember there was some kind of a shrine with flowers and incense that Khen looked at, the first time they came to the house…and the place/room where she took Nam Wah, was probably where she might have been murdered…
I still feel that she probably was an actress/dancer and a mistress of someone in Mas’s family (maybe his father’s,and that’s why he hates her so much?)…I think she is the one who is stopping Khen and friends from leaving the house because she wants them to find out about the ugly past and what was done to her by people in that house?…
But that young boy that Khen saw and his toy are a part of a puzzle I am yet to understand…and also what exactly does Mas feel about Khen? He was smiling mischievously when he sniffed him out the first time and all the other times he seemed really pissed at him….it kinda baffles me, unless they both had some shared history (maybe Khen used to be in Mas’s world and time as another person?)
In short, many many loose ends that are yet to be tied up…oOverall, this episode seemed a tad slow and low on intrigue than the the first two..I hope the next episode picks up again…
I have high expectation since the story is by Violet Rain, the same author who wrote ‘I feel you Linger in the Air’….
I love Mas’s period look…I’m a sucker for old world stuff….but he seems so attached to his scarves….they look good on him for sure, but wouldn’t he want to dress down and relax when he is at home and playing the piano or sniffing out strangers that he mysteriously both smiles and scowls at? 😋
I think they are all dead. The way they keep finding themselves back in the mansion. And repeating daily events. And not being able to use social media.
I can’t watch it for some reason
I checked other places too, I can’t watch it anywhere.
Is my wifi the problem?
It’s normal again!
This is an interesting series