The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 11
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The Judge from Hell (2024) full episodes
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 14
4 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 13
4 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 12
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 11
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 10
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The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 9
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The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 8
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The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 7
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 6
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 5
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 4
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 3
6 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 2
6 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 1
6 months ago
At first oh, it’s okay but why does the Venato girl needs to open her eyes soooooo wide. Like girl, even without it you can look menacing. hahaha.
It was fun watching the cleaners get surprised by Justitia thanking them after cleaning up, ‘’What did she say?’’ xD
I don’t think her ex-fiancé is J or satan. Their father is super sus, maybe he’s satan. Daon’s parents, church lady’s son were killed almost 20 years ago. His age timeline matches too. But my question is whoever satan is, why did he start to kill again after all these years?? Or did he kept killing this whole time…?
When will we get another brutal merciless killing from justitia?? I can’t wait director-nim!! You know todays murder wouldn’t satisfy me after watching those previous murders …💀😑
what if satan is the dad??
okay, it’s a good thing she got her power back within an episode. but my question is wont BAEL personally come to k*ll Satan and just let her do all the work?
well well now how the turntables 🔥
some of the world building really doesn’t make sense.
1. angel halmoni saves innocent and poor but then why didn’t she save satan’s victims? satan only targets the really pure and innocent ones.
2. bael said justitia can’t kill da on in the beginning coz he didn’t do anything wrong. so, how come veneto can kill innocents (that girl threatening to kill the gf of other demon) but again paimon said he can’t kill daon without him commiting any crime and bael again threatened killing daon. kinda contradictory.
3. why would deomns punish the bad humans. Doesn’t that make them ‘good’? and technically they are doing god’s job.
there are more but i can’t remember now.
I actually thought that something big, something huge and highly dangerous would happen cz she lost all her powers, something that would have a huge impact on the plot, I mean, Justitia, a Demon of such a high rank, lost her powers, what would happen now???
and pffftttt!!! nothing happened….I had this thought when she came on earth that there might come a time when she lose her powers, and it came and I was so excited that what would happen, what would she do, and it was just a balloon that popped and it didn’t even make a sound…..and there she got her powers back….
same goes for her….was waiting and waiting and waiting for what she would do to Justitia, how is she gonna do her “job” when Justitia is so powerful, and there goes another balloon 🎈…..almost 6-7 episodes of foreplay with absolutely no action in the end…, what just happened to her that she just gave up her job, her duty that she was made for to do???
such sterilised and sensitised conclusions for two such important and “could’ve been” impactful events…..
I think the father is the Satan, his dialogue to the son “if he wants to go back to how things were?” made me think that he’s the one…..but it could be the son as well, may be he’s dependent on the father for something, cz he did drop the honorifics while talking to the father…..
but y did Justitia kill him??? is he really dead or safe somewhere???
even in the 1st episode and today, this scene always reminds me of Goblin, when Ji Eun tak’s mother was lying on the snow after her accident…..
wow they covered a lot of the plot in just one episode…
“Why are you in the rain? Are you filming a music video?” … Then the wet tissues to bring down the fever! 🤣🤣
Halmoeni is taking a day off today, recuperating from a fruitful hike on Mount Euak 🤑😊😁
will my couple get together officially or are they just gonna start acting as a married couple keke
Justitia is back !
The body parts scene really freaked me out…I cant help but feel like there is one more plot twist cause right now, everything is pointing to the elder son but something feels off
although I’m looking forward to The Fiery Priest 2, I cut bear for this to end…😭😭😭
If you want to describe arong role in 1 word : Stalker
told ya 😆 This scene was so funny
with the preview I feel like it’s definitely the father and taegyu is just a b*stard
@32:06 The mother crying her eyes out, begging for justice, imploring for the soul of her loss, craving for the punishment of the murderer. A standing ovation for this actress !
That’s one sick ass family, got the brother hooked on drugs, killed the mother, and have a trophy room to display all their wrong doings. The arrogance of these ppl
So Bael punished her to kill evil doers on Earth but at the same time instructed Vanato to kill an innocent? While the angel can pick and choose who to save while they can divert a car but suddenly can’t save the guy they’ve been protecting since little?
Now the prophecy says that one of them must die but technically FL are not alive, meaning the prophecy already happened?
Can someone call Constantine to kick all their arses?