The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 3
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The Judge from Hell (2024) full episodes
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 14
4 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 13
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The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 12
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The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 11
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The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 10
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The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 9
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The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 8
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 7
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 6
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 5
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 4
5 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 3
6 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 2
6 months ago -
The Judge from Hell (2024) Episode 1
6 months ago
Where is Episode 4?
So she will k*Il them the way they did to the victims?? I don’t want it to be a routine. Hoping for some twists
FL even for a demon she is too rash, I don’t mind her being evil because she is the demon. But even for evil things she just is too rash. Like punishing real FL in hell despite so many clues were given she is innocent which in turn made her sent to earth and stabbing ML just by listening to few words. It’s like she doesn’t understand human language.
Sassy Shin.Hye slays
m sure this family has everything to do with Kang Bit Na’s death….its either the father killed her because of a case which she probably didn’t want to handle as they wanted her to, or its one of the sons who killed her….and m going for her fiance, they tried to insinuate last week that the second son might be involved cz he’s an addict, but I think it’s the fiance….
Why do I feel this will be like Hotel de Luna or Hwarang ending wise? I maybe wrong but let’s see. Loving it so far.
m in love with her fashion, that leather skirt was 🔥 ❤️❤️
For sure you will find super glue when you investigate the car, what more evidence they need? I think blood related relative(in this case grandmother) always have the custody rights over the stepmother.
I’m so excited for the next episode!!!! Even though they’ve basically showed us a recap of the entire ep4 in the preview. Hahahaha. Let the punishment begin!!
I thought the grandmother was lying even when she was recounting the evidencebecause I couldn’t believe that someone who supposedly killed her first husband and orcahstrated the murder of her second would slip up at the funeral. You’ve almost gotten away with it but you hook up with another guy, with guests around? Then, leave the kid alone for days? And abuse him? She should have been cosplaying devoted wife for a few months. evil stepmother got away with her crimes due to shoddy police work.
If the last person the judge killed got off lightly due to shortcomings of the justice system, the
im afraid thaat this is her best role so far this drama was made for her!!!
loved how the criminals will feel the same pain as the victims before they dieee
Since her number increased from 10 to 20, shouldn’t they also increase the pace of case solving from 1 case per 2 episodes to 1 case per episode??
I mean they have to incorporate 20 cases, her love story, her original body owner’s story, and her demon’s story.
I don’t want them to half ass things in the end.
The serial killer who killed Da-on’s parents will be one of the serial killers(murderers) whom Bit-na is going to judge. So now she will have to kill 19 murderers and send them to hell🤣Stepmother’s turn!!!!
A demon faces a horrible end, more worst than death if she falls in love 🤔so Bit-na is going to fall for Da-on.
I’m always ready for the punishments the evil murderers will face >>>>>> The