The On1y One (2024) Episode 2
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The On1y One (2024) full episodes
The On1y One (2024) Episode 12
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The On1y One (2024) Episode 11
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The On1y One (2024) Episode 10
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The On1y One (2024) Episode 9
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The On1y One (2024) Episode 8
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The On1y One (2024) Episode 7
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The On1y One (2024) Episode 6
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The On1y One (2024) Episode 5
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The On1y One (2024) Episode 4
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The On1y One (2024) Episode 3
7 months ago -
The On1y One (2024) Episode 2
7 months ago -
The On1y One (2024) Episode 1
7 months ago
ahhhh this is so so promising already!
Interesting. Mr. Grumpy is putting up facade and is clearly into Wang right from the start. That was a bit of a surprise, but a welcome one. I am intrigued.
This started off quite well…I’m hooked for now…the chemistry feels delish…:D
I have a hunch that Jiang Tian purposely walked in when the friends said Sheng Wang has to kiss the next person who walks in during the Truth-Dare game….in other words, even though Sheng seems to be following Jiang around, it is probably Jian who has the hots bad for Sheng…^-^
Btw, what is this with so many series from Taiwan/China having warring classmates (who are soon to be lovers ) whose parents marry each other, and they becoming ‘brothers’ …..I guess Addicted started off the trend/trope?
But….errmm…I couldn’t but notice that the actor playing Sheng Wang has a decidedly pronounced shave-lines…when the light is not reflecting on it during a close-up, he looks really cute and the age he is supposed to, but when the angle is wrong….well…:P
Why the cliffhanger? I want to know if he heard the dare and presented himself as a willing “sacrifice”.
It seems there’ll be another episode tomorrow. 🥳
Man, I love the Chinese teacher already. The way she called out Tian after saying she won’t name him was hilarious 🤣
These teenage boys are so frustratingly proud. Isn’t that the charm of enemies (step-bros) to lovers trope, lol. The kiss though, something gives me the feeling Tian deliberately walked there knowing very well what was going to happen.
I’ve noticed how they show us ‘Jiang Tian’s very moment’ at the end of each episode. It seems like the very moment he realizes Wang was the only one for him, and we’re going to get a progression of that through the episodes.
His subtle looks and actions give me the impression that he likes Wang already. It seems that way to me at least.
We have the first kiss out of the way…and the second?
I have a question for Tian..’What do you feel towards Wang? Confess!
I am liking this series more as each new scene introduces other characters who I instantly love because they are familiar with the protagonists. For example, the owners and workers at the snack shop next to their school. I have a feeling we’ll get to see more of the shop as a social area for students. Thanks to the owner’s strict store policy, Tain has to bail out Shen Wang. I love the set up.because that was then the beginning of their siblings obligations.
It was funny to know Miss Fortune first hand during class.
Anyone recognize Zack Lu of HIStory 2: Crossing The Line?
I thought it was random that they decided on playing the Truth or Dare game during free time in a physical education period. Whatever, it’s a good cause for the main characters to kiss. And we would not have a such sweet cliffhanger.
😆 I can guarantee that it’s not a dream (like Thai bl would do).
I’m loving this already this show is definitely a gem this season🤭‼️
I like how things are moving here so far.I feel like Tian already has feelings for wang He is always noticing him. and m sure he walked on porpus to get the kiss 🤭
i am more interested to know what has made Tian the way he is now whats his deal with his dad?! Wednesdays and Thursdays are gonna be joyful 🎉
Tian is so sneaky
The way my jaw dropped to the floor when Wang kissed Tian on the lips, I wasn’t expecting that at all, I was sure that he was going to kiss him on the cheek, but a kiss on the lips in school in front of everyone? I mean go for it!…And I’m loving the Jiang Tian very moment section at the end of the episodes, we can see that it’s all a facade, Tian is falling hard!
Taiwan BL is always no 1!!!
Okayyyyy Jiang Tian I see you 👀 😏………
And Teacher Wang with the big arms 💪🏾 ‘Hiiiiiiiii and call 📞 me’ 👅🫣🤭.
August 23, 2024 (5:55 AM)
☑️The On1y One, Episodes 1-2
Didn’t expect the kiss at all… But in front of the teachers??? Assuming they were still there, that’s pretty bold of Wang!!!
very good first 2 eps. I enjoyed my watch just now. I love how despite how cold JT acts he’s actually very sweet..
………nd a schemer 😏😌🤣
im not gonna lie in the gym when they showed the rain and Wang into the exercise.. I almost thought we were gonna get the fainting/sick troupe 🤣