Vincenzo (2021) Episode 16

Category: Vincenzo (2021)

Dear Dramacool users, you're watching Vincenzo (2021) Episode 16 with english subs.

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33 Comments to “Vincenzo (2021) Episode 16

  1. ok but is it just me but when vincenzo agreed to held jang han seo,seos smile after and agreement was so cute

    [p.s i didnt finish the episode so if he does something bad after i didnt know]

  2. Miss Choi is sooooo annoying. Like just bc she gained some poer shes treating herself like shes the best. Like im pretty sure the chairman will get rid of u once ur nt needed so mam chill please or i hope u die.
    Although i am lovingg the plot, characters and especially the cast. Everyone is so handsome

  3. Really they woke up the devil killing his mother wasn’t a good idea what did they expect me personally a bullet to each of their heads.. Mafia have code of honor when to they mother’s children wives.m

  4. the best feeling to watch some dominant character, heroic protagonists villain what ever you called it. i just love this vincenzo dirt when others play dirt to you…

  5. Wrong move! No, you don’t kill the Lion’s mother!!! Jeez!??? Can’t wait for the remaining episodes.

  6. At the end of every episode, it’s someone holding a gun at someone’s face… I’ve never seen such a intriguing series ever… All the weekdays I’m just craving for the next episodes…

  7. Un épisode trop bien, vraiment hâte de voir le prochain Drama trop bien 10/10 je conseille de ouf 😀 n’hésitez pas deux semaines d’attentes c trop long!!!!!!!! y a même pas de preview :(((

  8. I almost cried when i finished this episode because i can’t wait till next one .Literly the best drama i ever watched.