War of Y (2022) Episode 15
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War of Y (2022) full episodes
War of Y (2022) Episode 20
2 years ago -
War of Y (2022) Episode 19
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War of Y (2022) Episode 18
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War of Y (2022) Episode 17
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War of Y (2022) Episode 16
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War of Y (2022) Episode 15
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War of Y (2022) Episode 14
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War of Y (2022) Episode 13
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War of Y (2022) Episode 12
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War of Y (2022) Episode 11
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War of Y (2022) Episode 10
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War of Y (2022) Episode 9
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War of Y (2022) Episode 8
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War of Y (2022) Episode 7
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War of Y (2022) Episode 6
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War of Y (2022) Episode 5
2 years ago -
War of Y (2022) Episode 4
3 years ago -
War of Y (2022) Episode 3
3 years ago -
War of Y (2022) Episode 2
3 years ago -
War of Y (2022) Episode 1
3 years ago
I wished kla and peak have their own bl series…they looks so good together..
This series is too much drama. I dont like it. I don’t want this relationship to be destroyed. ::——((( plssssss!!!!!
I am soooo glad Achi punched Peek, sooo satisfying
Excuse me but Achi also created problems for Peek just to win !
what did he do exactly
In particular he tried to get peek disqualified in the previous episodes. Additionally he talked bad behind peeks back, tried to exclude him from the others and in general just gave peek a bad attitude. I get that he was jealous because peek tried to get close to most, but honestly most did the same so no reason to attack peek like that. Also I found it quite nasty that he went in in such a aggressive way right away and then got physical so fast. Especially because in that moment I perceived most went into it first while they were singing. For me the whole incident just showed again that achi has anger issues and gets jealous easily. I mean kla didn’t try to punch anyone or got aggressive. It is definitely an achi problem. But maybe I’m being biased here to be honest I didn’t like achi much from the start…
You are excused! Peek deserved that punch, he is manipulating and playing with emotions and feelings of everyone around him, having a low self-esteem doesn’t justify his behavior, Achi had had enough of Peek and he couldn’t keep together.
Achi was skeptical of Peek’s behavior, he was right, Peek was selling his self hatred and playing the victim to win over people’s votes, Achi did not create problems, he was vocal about his doubts of Peek’s behavior…. that punch is well deserved
He was not only vocal about his doubts but instead tried to get peek to punch him so he would get disqualified. For me that was the point my consideration for achi become 0 honestly. Also let’s not pretend like peek was the only one going into it. Most literally had the same intentions and even went in first while singing. Also most was the one bringing peek the beverage and being all touchy. So why only being mad at peek not his partner who switched sides…
peek went after achi when he first won instead of being happy like everyone else he was being salty and then he started manipulating everyone, its not achi’s fault he was the only one sensible enough to notice. the only thing achi did was draw his partner’s attention from peek which i don’t see a problem with since they are the ones with a fanclub
To be honest the past few episodes the comments went on about how bad peek was behaving, but I don’t quite see the problem. I agree that he is too selfcentered and pulled a few tricks to gain an advantage, especially when he kissed most or made korn insecure. To be fair other than that I don’t really blame him. Yes, his behaviour is far from perfect particularly because of his hot temper, but the way he is acting at the moment is actually the production teams fault. They are making peek believe that the only way to win is to go with most and draw a line to his original partner kla, whom he cherishes a lot. Also they are the ones twisting the show and scences as it suits them. Peek was not the one manipulating here. I feel kind of empathic with peek because he really needs to win this show because first of it is his dream of course, second his moms bet on him and most importantly he feels the need to make his mother proud and to prove himself to his father who does not accept him to begin with. So now that failing is just not an option, he gives his everything even while struggling with his self acceptance and starting to emotionally depend on kla, whom he was told to keep a distance from. Also in the end with them showing each other their answers to the question who they think should win, it shows that he did not really betray kla and most importantly he decided that it is more important to him to stay with kla than winning the show. So what I originally wanted to say is that I don’t see how peek was the manipulative one. If there were ones for me it would be archi who tried to get peek disqualified, nonstop provoking and showing very aggressive behaviour or the show that tried to manipulate peek and most to go against their partners and give the audience a biased view.
Really thank you <3