Why Her (2022)
Other name: 왜 오수재인가 Wae Osujaeinga?
Synopsis: A melodrama about the romance story between a professor and a student in law school.
Oh Soo Jae ( Seo Hyun Jin ) is an ambitious lawyer who became the youngest partner in TK Law Firm, the best law firm in Korea.She always wants to win, but at the same time she never backs down from her principles. Howver, a fatal mistake causes Oh Su Jae to lose her job and end up as an assistant professor at a law school. There she meets Gong Chan, a student who has faced many trials.
Gong Chan is a freshman at Seojun University School of Law and a bar owner. He met Oh Soo Jae in the past when he was accused of a crime he did not commit. After serving time in prison, he decides to study law in order to help others defend their innocence.
Also known as: Wae Osujaeinga? /Why Oh Soo Jae?
Airs: Jun 3, 2022 – Jul 23, 2022, Airs On: Friday, Saturday
Country: Korean
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2022
Air Date: Jun 3, 2022
Genres: Drama, melodrama, Romance
Starring: Bae Hae Seon (1974), Bae In Hyeok (1998), Cha Cheong Hwa (1980), Heo Joon Ho (1964), Hwang In Yeob (1991), Jeon Jin Ki (1966), Ji Joo Yeon (1986), Ji Seung Hyeon (1981), Jo Dal Hwan (1981), Kim Jae Hwa (1980), Kim Joong Don (1983), Lee Jin Hyeok (Wei - UP10TION) (1996), Lee Joo Woo (1990), Lee Kyu Seong (1992), Park Shin Woo (1988), Seo Hyeon Jin (1985), Seo Jin Won (1969), Son Ji Hyeon (1990)
Why Her (2022) full episodes
Why Her (2022) Episode 16
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 15
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 14
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 13
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 12
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 11
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 10
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 9
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 8
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 7
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 6
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 5
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 4
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 3
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 2
3 years ago -
Why Her (2022) Episode 1
3 years ago
Is it worth watching?
I want to watch this Drama because there is one guy that I saw in an other Drama and he’s like ahh ??✊
Woow you nailed it,,, thanks,, that was an amaizing reply to search kind of people
I have no expectations from this drama and I got hooked. Its very thrilling. Every episode u wanted more. Lol
Im so happy that In yeop finally getting the main lead male role. Deserved!
Pls how can I download it am finding it difficult to download movies
I am useing Video download helper in Firefox.
its quite good huh❤️❤️
Ahhh can’t wait for the last episode! I just want the story to continue!!! I hope its a happy ending for allll!!!!!✨
When the fucking hell is Friday be Saturday gonna come,
I really can’t wait till then
sameeee, so excited for the last ep after that cliffhanger
The story goes far away and i like it !!! fyi all , so jae is older than go chang, it is said on episode 6 i think when her mothe said that if go chang was at her age it would be the pefect groom for her
she said it coz she doesn’t know that chan was actually kim dong du and is practically the same age as soo jae
Maybe but to be frank I didn’t notice very well !!!let’s wait for the rest episodes to see what will happen!can’t wait ?
then dont lol and ur wrong they do have chemistry and most of the viewers enjoy it if u dont wanna watch then dont but dont post ridiculous comments saying they haave no chemistry
Its his opinion, they can post what they want
yeah, misleading opinions that it
I like you ???
shut up
if you dont want to watch it then dont also hwang in yeop is perfect
Then you get the fuck out
No one need your stupid opinion
Fyi in yeop doesn’t no who you are and he doesn’t care so get a life
He is making his money after all
You are wasting your life doing nothing but critisize people who has made it in life
I was actually going to believe you until I read… The leading man is not Good looking.
??? How?!!! Just How?!!!
okay then don’t fucking watch it, just because you don’t enjoy it doesn’t mean other viewers don’t, u might have noticed the chemistry but it’s there, and HWANG IN YEOP IS PERFECT STFU.
Lol u must be blind or something, go watch Hwang in yeop in true beauty you’ll be regretting your words after seeing him there
Bitch ?
you do know youre talking about a real person with feelings right? and the leading man being “not so goodlooking” is not a valid reason to not like the show
How can you call Hwang In Yeop ugly??? If he’s ugly, you probably look like an oyster.
Its on air every friday & saturday.but its don’t have the subtitles on the spot.you have to wait 24hr to watch it with english subtitles.just be patience.
OMG when are the episodes coming out ? Especially when is the 9th episode coming out pls im so frustrated
they come out friday and saturday
Its on air every friday & saturday.but its don’t have the subtitles on the spot.you have to wait 24hr to watch it with english subtitles.just be patience.
In a few hours
July 1 4pm(GMT) 🙂
This drama has so far kept me engaged; I’m usually skipping episodes because I can almost literally tell what’s going to happen next but this one has held my interest fast… This series is fire ?. Watch it if you’re not watching it already …
i can’t believe how awful the chairman of Tk law firm treated the fl
Why all of the comments here are so funny
ikr its fun reading them. 😉
I wonder why there are so many K-dramas which show age gap
The age gap is not really a problem in this bc the ml is over 20
I think they are in the same age rage because the first time they met was in jail as lawyer and jailmate.
I loved this, I dont care about age gap since love cannot be define. I love how she glow up and deal with thing <3
I think they are in the same age, they already showed that the first time they met was when he was in jail and she was his lawyer, it is more like experience gap idk, plus they wanted to make the actor fit in the university student character so the outfit and the make up are making him look younger and “modest”, while the main actress have a very strong character, let’s not also forget that she didn’t go to university, she is just a high school graduate, So, this all can justify that they can be in the same age.
when are they going to release epi 5 & 6? i want to watch them so i can know what happenedddddddddddddd oh mygod
on June 18 at 4pm :´(
damn thats so far but still going to wait
Wow this is a good one
Does anyone know the age of the character In yeop plays? We know the actor himself is 31 this year but what is the age of the character he plays?
27 years old in the drama
i cant watch this drama…. the age gap, weird but whatever, but the dynamic of the relationship, even weirder
age doesn’t matter especially when the actors can do it well duhh
just dont watch if youre not into it. thanks
She is 37 or 38 i think and he is 31 , what age gap?
Good question, I also wonder why we don’t ask this question when the man is older….
Well that’s completely your perspective but age gap doesn’t matter and anyway in this drama it has to have age gap. Haven’t you seen lee dohyun drama 18 again and melancholia there is more age gap but they did pulled it off. I just hope you enjoy the storyline if still you don’t like it then leave it cause we all watch drama for fun amd relaxing anyway??
Have a nice day?
It’s just 6yrs . I have seen a lot above 10yrs
Just say you don’t have enough intelligence to understand the story
im confused…so did gong chan get surgery or something? why do they look like different people?
i think its because a few years passed and he changed
No he got a surgery for sure. The difference is too huge to be a mere change. And when you look at his face you can see that it’s not his former face.
Are you crazy?? Do u think all the actors and actresses having plastic surgeries? Lmao
He/she doesn’t mean that the real actor got his face fixed, but the character did and I think the character did have a plastic surgery or He just simply lost weight I don’t know…… My
i think they’re referring to THE character
WHATS UP WITH THIS COMMENT, its a different actor. This actor plays Gong Chan as a 17y.o and Hwang In Yeop plays Gong Chan as 27 y.o
He just played his younger version nothing else. Haven’t you seen other dramas ?. No offense tho bro
He is still young by the time of his imprisonment ?
Just go with the flow..If your problem is why his face changed or whether he had plastic surgery,you got bigger problems sweetie??
He was Young and went through puberty ig yk
Growth change ??????
So excited to watch this!!
I’m so excited to watch this drama. Can’t wait!!!!
When is it going to air??? I am eager to watch it….
I need the exact timing so I don’t have to check drama cool every two minutes
It might come out in 35 mins or idk
Thanks ?
IM SO EXCITED , i just wish Hwang Inyeop will have a happy ending, he is now a main lead but they have said the drama has “a sad but beautiful story” . All i wish for is a kiss scene and a happy ending for the couple <3
story sounds interesting..i like this actress..cant wait to watch this..come on JUne…
When wl this drama start airing?
3 june
Definitely worth watching for!!
The only drama i am looking forward to,and waiting reckleslly from the start of the year??????????
The storyline looks good. I am up for it?