You Raise Me Up (2021)
Other name: 유 레이즈 미 업 Yu Reijeu Mi Eob Yu Leijeu Mi Eob
A comedy drama that surrounds Do Yong Shik, who is experiencing decreased sex drive in his 30s, as he reunites with his first love Lee Ru Da, who is his urologist.
31-year-old Do Yong Shik, who is preparing for his civil service examination. Not only has he put on weight while studying for the exam, but he also has to get treated by a urologist. However, he despairs when he meets his doctor, who is his first love. Urologist Lee Ru Da has exceptional visuals and coming from an affluent family, the only problem she has is her overconfident boyfriend. In order to bring him down a notch, she bragged about her amazing first love. However, when Lee Ru Da reunites with him at the hospital, he is not the person he used to be. In order to save face, she starts a mission to help him raise his self-esteem. Lee Ru Da’s problematic boyfriend Do Ji Hyuk is a psychiatrist who runs a psychological counseling center in the same building as Lee Ru Da. He was born from a rich family, is a private practice physician, and has flawless visuals, making him a man who seems to have everything. The only problem is that he’s also too aware of these facts. Getting high on his charms, he has a talent for making his girlfriend angry.
Director: Kim Jang Han [김장한]
Also known as: 유 레이즈 미 업 Yu Reijeu Mi Eob Yu Leijeu Mi Eob
Country: Korean
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2021
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Starring: Ahn Hee Yeon (Hani - EXID) (1992), Park Ki Woong (1985), Yoon Shi Yoon (1986)
You Raise Me Up (2021) full episodes
You Raise Me Up (2021) Episode 8
3 years ago -
You Raise Me Up (2021) Episode 7
3 years ago -
You Raise Me Up (2021) Episode 6
3 years ago -
You Raise Me Up (2021) Episode 5
3 years ago -
You Raise Me Up (2021) Episode 4
4 years ago -
You Raise Me Up (2021) Episode 3
4 years ago -
You Raise Me Up (2021) Episode 2
4 years ago -
You Raise Me Up (2021) Episode 1
4 years ago
Where are other epsodes
Umm are there only 8 Episodes
i understand that it takes time to sub, but now its been a week since the raw version was uploaded and theres still no sub. disappointed.
Please add the subtitles. It has been more than a week.
I m very disappointed,no sub for epi 7 and 8 although
It has been released four days ago …such a beautiful drama…please sub for epi 7 and 8
subs pls TT.TT
Why is this drama completely ignored??/?
I mean like Hometown Cha cha gets subbed 30 minutes after its released while this one we can wait up to three days to have them subbed
exactly!! It’s the only drama i’m enjoying currently, and I have to wait for days n days to get a translated episode :((
probably because it’s on netflix and its already subbed on netflix
I heard there were some copyright issues in the last episodes so they probably had to Get rid of the issue, and sometimes translations take a while. Let’s be patient
Same here!????
sub for ep 7 & 8 please!!!
Thank you so much Sub Team! You’re the best!!! 🙂
Next episode plss. .
you guys please be patient and respectful. it’s already a blessing that this site provides the episodes FOR FREE, there’s no need to constantly ask them to do their job.
also the episodes are slowly coming out because there were some copyright issues with songs from the first 2 episodes, so vikitv had to pull out the drama and has re-scheduled the next airing episodes.
what i dont understand is in viki first i have watched 3 eps later to watch the 4 ep i have opend viki and to my suprise all the eps have been removed from there.
It’s so sad that the episode 3 and 4 are not subbed yet 🙁
please the sub team look at this yt channel it has all the episodes and its uploaded in the korean app wavve(웨이브)
here is episode 3:
and here is the channel:
can you please put eng sub on them, thank you
What’s going on???? We need new episodes!! Has the show been canceled?
Where is episode 3??
No more eps? Was so looking forward to this serie ?
Did the show stop? i can’t find any other eps…
Uhmm this is a good series. But it’s been 2 episode since the beginning of the month
why there is no more eps?
A drama worthy of watch. It has an unconventional storyline which is superb!
Please, new eps ?
Please sub episode 3?
it would be good if you guys start subbing it .the plot is really good. Fighting Sub team ,will wait for the subs
Why ther is no episode release the drama had nice story did they stop?
thats what i dont understand . in viki first i have watched 3 eps later to watch the 4 ep i have opend viki and to my suprise all the eps have been removed from there.