Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022)
Other name: 유 아 킬러 링크: 먹고 사랑하라, 죽이게 링크 : 먹고 사랑하라, 죽이게 Lingkeu: Meoggo Salanghala, Jugige Lingkeu: Meokgo Saranghara, Jukige Link: Eat and Love, Kill Me Link: Eat and Love, to Kill Link: Eat and Love to Kill You Are a Killer You Are My Killer
Synopsis: The story of a man and woman who share the same emotional state.
Chef Eun Kye Hoon (Yeo Jin Goo) opens a restaurant in the city where his twin sister went missing 20 years ago. One day, he finds himself experiencing random emotions, spontaneously crying and laughing, and it turns out that these are the emotions of a woman named Roh Da Hyun (Moon Ga Young).
Also known as: Link: Eat and Love, Kill Me / Link: Eat and Love, to Kill / Link: Eat and Love to Kill / You Are a Killer / You Are My Killer
Airs from 06/06/2022 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 22:30
Country: Korean
Status: Completed
Release Year: 2022
Air Date: Jun 06, 2022
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, investigation, melodrama, Mystery, Romance
Starring: Kim Ji Yeong (1974), Lee Bom (1993), Lee Bom So Ri (1992), Lee Seok Hyeong, Moon Ga Yeong (1996), Shin Jae Hwi (1994), Song Deok Ho (1993), Yeo Jin Goo (1997), Yoo Jeong Ho (1979)
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) trailer:
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) full episodes
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 16
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 15
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 14
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 13
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 12
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 11
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 10
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 9
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Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 8
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Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 7
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Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 6
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Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 5
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 4
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 3
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 2
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 1
3 years ago
I hope this will be not a waste of time like ” The Interest of Love ” <- It was so annoying to watch but I can't drop something if I am in the process.
It’s not a waste
the interest of love was a waste smh.
Right, it wasn’t a waste!!
You don’t have a taste in dramas!!ㅅㅅ.
I’m here after watching so many reviews. Any Bangladeshi friend here?
achi ami from Rajshahi..
oh hey dear nice to meet you
Yeah.. from dhaka
Kpop obsessed girl .
Super !! a great drama !
how much ep is there???
When is ep16 coming
Link eat love kill is so underrated, it’s one of the best kdramas i’ve ever seen
How is this getting low ratings in South Korea, it’s so good
Agreed !!!!! It’s realy good.
I really like this drama it’s so unique, the mixing of the genres is so good. And the casting is great I think that the main leads portrayed their characters perfectly.
when is ep 13 comingggg ?
where is episode 13
when is ep 13 coming out ???
When is ep 13 coming?
When is ep 12 coming out cuz its time has passed
When is ep 12 coming cuz its time has passed
Can’t wait foe ep12
Me neither
??I just found out episode 11 is coming out on the 11 of July
Posted, 18 minutes ago
Im losing my mind waiting for Episode 11 I’m curious to know what happens next
When is ep 9 gonna release ????
When ep 11??…. Pls pls pls hurry up…..I’m losing my braincells!
i have a theory that maybe dahyuns father kidnapped and/or murdered gyehoons sister, because think about it 1 hes not in the picture and we know nothing about her father, so i think thats why dahyuns grandma and mom have experience about killing, cause they found out dahyuns father kidnapped gyehoons sister and then you know killed him. Also explains why theyre weary about dahyuns memory during that time cause they dont want her to know. This theory could also explain why stalker guy told gyehoon that he really doesnt want to know about who killed his sister because of gyehoons ‘relationship’ with dahyun and wont be able to look at her the same. This is just my theory and i think it makes sense. Reply with what you think
That can be true or not something else like them finding the child dead already using part of her to save they child
That follows the “it’s okay to not be okay” thing as well, so it’s quite believable!
Okay I was thinking that maybe something of Gye-young’s was placed inside Dahyun? So Dahyun had like a surgery of sorts and Gye-young was used (maybe killed) to help Dahyun out…that could explain the missing pieces in Dahyun’s memory of that time if something happened during the surgery. Plus, that could also explain how Dahyun’s emotions are connected to Gye-hoon (and it seemed like in the sneak peak for Ep.9 that she may be able to feel Gye-hoon’s emotions, which I infer that Gye-young would have been able to do that too if she got the chance to grow up with her brother..) As for Dahyun’s father, I agree that he probably had something to do with it, but because of the police investigation, he either fled or Dahyun’s mom and grandma did kill him off because of what happened. Either way, it is suspicious on how the whole town may have known what actually happened to Gye-young back then, so I’m excited to see how the story progresses!
Bruh that is such a good theory you’re a good thinks but mostly thanks for spoiling the future episode if you’re theory is right?
the poster reminds me of disney animated movie “lady and the tramp”
Ok.So here I’m totally speechless .This series is full of curiosity, mystery, Comedy and Romance.I’m so in love with Main leads,like the chemistry and the bond they make together is just wow!!
I think I’m losing myself, this is gonna be my Comfort Drama so Far>>>
And I am so into Fantasy and this drama is just perfect for me?
I can’t wait but I also don’t want to end this drama .Idk what to do.Somebody help ..Aishhhh Jinjjaa micchigaene༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Somebody alert me when it completes I don’t love anticipating what the next episode brings
I might die ???
Watching it ?
… waiting for 9th ep
This drama is so interesting, not boring at all! ?
need ep.9!
So much late for ep 7
when is the next episode? i need to watch ep 7 now
Ep 7 WHENN!!!!
I am still waiting ?
I love the way this show forever keeps you guessing. Like you’ll think you figured something out, next episode something new gets revealed. Anyways, reply with your therories, i love reading them
When ep 7
ep 5 when?
It said today at 8:30 AM but it hasn’t come out? ☹️
ep 5 is going come tomorrow
i NEED to see ep 5 nowwwwwww!
when is it coming out?
this dramas plot is so interesting love the actor and actoress
I need a episode 3 nowwwww I cant wait!!!!!
when is ep3
June 14 at 8:40 I think
I think so
My theory is that Roh Da Hyun (Moon Ga Young) has a weak heart as a child, and she needed a heart transplant. Maybe Eun Kye Hoon’s (Yeo Jin Goo) sister was the donor, and when she died her heart was transplanted to Roh Da Hyun. This must be the reason why he felt the connection he and his sister had with mc.
The question is why after so many years he is feeling it?
can you give an answer to that my friend ???
my theory is that Roh Da Hyun has a weak heart as a child and she needed a heart transplant. Maybe Eun Kye Hoon’s sister was the donor and when she died, her heart was transplanted to Roh Da Hyun. That’s why he felt the connection he and his sister had, with the mc.
So watching this
My theory is that Roh Da Hyun (Moon Ga Young) has a weak heart as a child, and she needed a heart transplant. Maybe Eun Kye Hoon’s (Yeo Jin Goo) sister was the donor, and when she died her heart was transplanted to Roh Da Hyun. This must be the reason why he felt the connection he and his sister had with mc.
i actually like this theory
I am waiting for this drama cause the trailer is amazing ♥️
This is giving off true beauty vibes
plese realese ep1!
its giving me True Beauty goosebumps vibes already!
Me too omg
Cant wait