Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 15
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Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) full episodes
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 16
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 15
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 14
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 13
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 12
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 11
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 10
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 9
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 8
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 7
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 6
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 5
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 4
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 3
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 2
3 years ago -
Link: Eat, Love, Die (2022) Episode 1
3 years ago
this thing has me so confused
I don’t understand why why must this happen ??after long time I’m interested in a kdrama and it turns out this sad , I felt a if I’m living inside too, I rarely cry but seeing this I just hold up my tears so badly infront of my whole family too ?? and this is my first time commenting on dramacool because I feel this drama deserves a comment , plus I don’t understand why must the plots be this dumb even though the story is soo good and addictive ??
well she did not expect youngoon to follow her and they only broke up like once?
Last episode is gonna be pain ?
lowkey getting tired of dahyun. why is she always walking in these alleyways and not main streets. i understand she was really scared but she couldve escaped or called the police or help gyehoon when gyehoon was fighting instead of just sitting there. and why do they keep breaking up and getting back together its annoying
Has me crying and shit ???
You forgot shr lost her phone
i sorta agree with you, but you have to understand in a situation like this you can get frozen in fear
i hope his sister is alive but after seeing upcomin precape i dont think so , literally i was crying,
i know im being optimistic but it could be possible that his father died and his sister is still alive
I am so sad,I really loved this drama,but the ending is not really it.I mean there could be so many better endings.They also literally spoiled everything for the next episode (ending).
Waiting for the last ep..
damn i don’t easily cry but…
Ikr!!! Same here dude this shit hurt me hard
When the missing cop talked with the chief he said “I am drinking with Young-Hun, still it didn’t come to the chief’s mind to ask Young-Hun where he is?!
Dahyun is regularily jogging and is at least 20 years younger than the culprit, still he caught her. When he went upstairs in that shop, Dahyun didn’t try to escape from the open door, nor did she grap something from the shop to attack him, just waited there. The shopowner also didn’t call the police when the culprit went upstairs. And when the culprit attacked Gyehoon, Dahyun just sit there for minutes watching, not trying to hit him with bottles or sth.Jeeez….the sreenwriter really created figures, who are smart, but act stupid in many situations. Like Dahyun going into a basement of a house, in the middle of the night on her own, while her stalker was still alive.
I highly agree
I hoped his father and sister would appear alive…. Why do most korean dramas have these endings?
I understand that Hollywood is exaggerating with it’s happy ends, but korean dramas do it as well with their sad endings.
Korea is still the country with the 4th highest suicide rate in the world, so more happy ends at least in movies+dramas would be smarter. Real life is depressing enough.
Honestly, I think they go based on reality not what people wish for it to be. Sometimes people need to know that life isn’t always butterflies and flowers. We need to accept that everyone has difficulties and that we need to find ways to fix, accept and move on. Making people think that life is supposed to be easy with no hardships will make people more depressed and anxious.
People who wants reality, can watch rality shows. We are all living in the reality. There is a reason, why it is called “entertainment branche”. And you obviously didnt read my comment carefully, like there is not always a happy end, there is also not always a tragic end of every story. Making people think life is easy….jeeez give us a break, people are watching TV and movies to have a break from reality, thats what it is for. Korean dramas exaggerate when it comes to this….nearly every drama ends with a bad ending. It’s not good for the psychology of people.
I wouldn’t say nearly every drama
I totally agree with,that’s why I actually watch kdramas.To escape from reality,to escape from this depressing reality and to dive into new works and story’s.And what you say is really true, because recently all the dramas I watched have a bad ending,that’s why I always prepare myself,even when the protagonist is happy and having a good time.You automatically think something bad is gonna happen,because of what you already and mostly watched/absorbed. That’s also the same with good people,like you think they don’t really have good intentions,even when they are good.
Like give us a break ??.And I know I am not the only know who experience this,many fan community’s on social media,who write their predictions,always think there is going to happen something bad.So. yea it’s bad for us.
then dont fucking watch k-drama if you dont like the bad ending jeeez
how are they supposed to know what the ending is if they don’t watch it? idoit
Dramatic Part (Climax): He found out the long lost sister died and also, other people victims wherein buried on the mountain. After all of the family victims still unbelievable to what happen to their love ones and the long wait it’s over for those beloved family still missing and breaking their hearts into pieces when everytime remembering them.
Dramatic Part: He found out the long lost sister died and also, other people victims wherein buried on the mountain. After all of the family victims still unbelievable to what happen to their love ones and the long wait of their missing to them.
Dramatic Part: He found out the long lost sister died and also, other people victims wherein buried on the mountain. After all of the family victims still unbelievable to what happen to their love ones and the long wait of their missing to them.
Dramatic Part: He found out the long lost sister died and also, other people victims wherein buried on the mountain. After all of the family victims still unbelievable to what happen to their love ones and the long wait of their missing to them.