Love Affairs in the Afternoon Episode 9

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4 Comments to “Love Affairs in the Afternoon Episode 9

  1. i have never watched a series and felt this frustrated ,IM SO PISSED CHEATING WILL NEVER BE ACCEPTED!!. both the females should have broken up wayyyy before if they were unhappy in their marriage , ik its not easy and like a breakup. but if u will endup having an affair and hurt your kids! divorce is BETTER WTF IS THIS
    she was cool saying it out loud that she meets dudes from 3 to 5 but when she got caught she was scared! EXCUSE ME UGHHHHHHHHH
    im so pissed but ill continue watching to see the end of this.
    I also felt bad for the girls at first i still do but divorcing their husband was really the only good choice! aish

  2. I have never seen this much nonsense in my life. A man that he is a slave master, a man that after he never slept with his wife and loves the birds more than his wife. And a pathetic and a spoiled brat of a woman who wants a man who never loved her. And the victimised spouses that always ask for forgiveness. I don’t know if these situations really exist. But if they do OMG

  3. i know I should not shed tears watching these two..No, these four. but still my tears run like a river. why!!why!!is it true that an affair is not love? I think SOME can justify affairs, not ALL. They just need to not be a coward, they can leave their marriage if they r not happy. n be with the one they love.

  4. One husband treats his wife like a slave, another treats his wife like a child. A wife leaves for 3 years, does what SHE wants when she wants. And they wonder why their spouses cheat?