My 11th Mom
Other name: Eleventh Mom, 열한번째 엄마
Jae Su leads a cruel life for an 11-year-old. His father is an abusive, gambling and jobless wreck of a guy, so the little boy has learned to survive on his own, carefully spending his food stamps and running a string of part-time jobs. One day, his father shows up with yet another woman, who once she removes her make-up and wig turns from a bar girl into a tired and disheveled woman that eats up all the food in the house when she’s not in deep hibernation. Jae Su seems to have dealt with all sorts of women, but this one is the worst by far. But even enemies join forces when a mutual opponent threatens, and Jae Su and the woman bond together against the violent abuse of Jae Su’s father. But, just when the two lonely souls begin to accept each other as kindred spirits and their deep empathy blooms into familial love, things change
Also known as: Eleventh Mom, 열한번째 엄마
Country: Korean
Release Year: 2007
Starring: Hwang Jeong Min (1970), Kim Hye Seon (1969), Ryu Soo Yeong (1979)
My 11th Mom full episodes
My 11th Mom Episode 1.2
5 years ago
Please get us English subtitles