My Superpowers Have No Sense of Existence (2022)

My Superpowers Have No Sense of Existence (2022)



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10 Comments to “My Superpowers Have No Sense of Existence (2022)

  1. الي اهل البلاد الحارة
    اقصي اماني ان يكون اللياقه البدنيه عندكم مرتفعة كان النادي لدي صغير مارست جميع الرياضات كنت ارقض عند الفجر يوميا
    كيف لكم بذالك
    وبلادكم شديده الحرارة ففكرت بهذا الاختراع ولاكن محتاج الي كثير من التطويرات

    ما رئيكم طوروها بحيث تكون جميعها مغطاه بخلايا الطاقه الشمسيه لتغذية الكميرات والاهم للتبريد باحدث الانظمه
    وبناء عليه لا تركبوا سواها كوسيلة مواصلات فترتفع اللياقة البدنيه والدراجة ? ذات كرسي مريح وسريعه و تؤجرون باذن الله ان نشرتموها

  2. She never truly damaged me it was a fight between sisters not brothers and i was extremely fragile
    And when i did gain some weight and got stronger that hit i hit her back was nothing but just i can defend my self not a serious ? hit and that was the end

    in all my childhood week time did she ever thought ? of her self as a savage
    According to the holy book سورة المطففين why had she never applied it it forbids you of having 2 Messieurs one for your own self different than how you judge the others
    May be GOD FATED this so i would hate violence and hate double standards
    Al hamed ALLAH never did i see someone do something wrong ? without messieuring how much am i as bad as he is
    I strongly believe
    Holly books ? r made so to scan my soul how much am I doing that which GOD say no for it and if i find an ounce i must work on stopping it

    I strongly believe if i want GOD company never cheat my self be the toughest on the self
    And what people do as normal r never the messier
    I shall try my best to be relevant i shall try my best to be as good as the holly books ? asked us to be

    ‎اقصي ما أتمناه ان يصلح لي الله نيتي وان يكون كل خير أفعله خالص لله والا اخدع نفسي ابدا وان يرزقني قلب ابيض كالحليب يري الباطل باطل ويتجنبه ويري الحق حق ويسعي اليه
    ‎وان يكون كل نصيحة حقًا نافعه وان تكون خالصة لوجهه
    ‎ارجوك وبي اصلح لي ديني ودنياي

  3. Manned Aerobatic RACING Drone
    ممكن ارجو ملوك العرب يصنعوا هذا المسابقات ويعمموها حتي تصل للمونديال علي اراضيهم
    برجوكم عرفوا العالم مدي نبوغكم في كل ما يرضي الله عرفوهم اننا مصر للتطويرهم فانفسنا نحرص علي ان نذكيها
    وعلي اراضينا مونديال الارتقاء بالبشريه بالقيم والعلم الذي يبني وذالك مونديال في كل افرع العلم علي مستوي العالم تذاع في كل جامعات العالم
    العرب هم من يطورون العالم

    1. محتاجين ننشيء المسرح العلمي
      We need to establish collective incentive to progression
      حيث احتفال بالملابس الرسميه للعائله { هكذا علمتني ام امام من الائمة حيث كانت تعطر ابنها و تلبسه اجمل الملابس حين يذهب للجامع لتلقي العلم لكي تذرع فيه حب العلم }
      ​في مدرسةاولادهم شهريه بها احدث الافلام الوثائيقيةالخاصه بموادهم الدراسية واخري في التنميهالبشريه والتباهي بما قدمه الشباب والاطفال منافكار تطويرية في ذاك الشهر ونتائج المسبقاتالعلميه في هذا الشهر علي مدار العام ففي انترنت حيث بصيفون
      لا للكسل في التنمية

      العرب هم منارات العالم و مكه هي ام القري اي مسؤله عن مساعدت كل العالم علي انشاء اليوتوبيا الربانية وارساء اعمدة التطوير والاحسان

      1. Prophet MOHAMED صلي الله عليه وسلم
        Used to keep him self in the mosk the last 10 days of ramadan once a person needed him for something he went to help him indicating to all Muslims
        To help is much more important than praying

  4. Manned Aerobatic RACING Drone
    I watched it on you tube
    Extremely wish all countries of EU ,Asia Africa Arab south and North America Australia
    children can you please do such a dream

    1. And we can establish international association of Manned Aerobatic Racing drone federation would be IN

      United Arab Emirates

      Since they spend billions of dollars to establish the first cheap flying taxi ?
      Ever known to human opening the knew era of flying cheaply
      And as Emirates r the most civilised will never deprive any nation what so ever even they permit LGBT from participating
      I hate LGBT and against any violence what so ever and sports ⚽️ progression R all human rights

      Those who deprive a nation that protects eternal life of its citizens r the RACIST

      1. Such kind of race in different aspects of progression each country in Africa Asia Arab and establish a federation for it make it in so much important field that all countries would be eager ? to join
        Just imagining a robot race for house? arranging and cleaning ? wish have most of the options and faster like ironing with steam and at the same time sterilising the roof and every corner walls and floor dishes carpet cutting vegetables ? fruits ? very fine thin garnish cooking ? informing you what the house needs help children ? teaching them healthy games help them to be fit save them like a child when teaching a child like elders when in need of advice the cheapest were every one can buy and so on you imagine

        Federation for investigation machine race which can truly know the crimnal the disease ? you imagine

        Application of nanotechnology nano biology etc biophysics biochemistry
        Etc the sky is your limit their r all kinds of federation than can cover each countries across the world

        1. In doctor who it shows how American ?? baseball might have been established

          When i was a child i was continuously sick
          And week when ever my elder hit me i would either scratch her or say i will revenge tomorrow which never came
          When i grew older some stronger and attended karate ? i hit her once she called me savages
          Never ? did it again

          Conclusion never let the others put the rules
          Be fair in putting the rules of the games were every one easily y know how is the winner not giving it to a judge ?‍⚖️ that can be corrupted