Nevertheless (2021)
Other name: 알고있지만 알고 있지만 Algo Issjiman I Know But I Already Know
Park Jae Uhn, who finds dating a waste of time but likes to flirt. Even though he is friendly and cheerful toward all, he is actually uninterested in other people and has sworn off dating. He’s a master of the “push-and-pull” who doesn’t get swept up in emotions. He draws firm lines between himself and other people and doesn’t reveal how he feels, but when he meets Yoo Na Bi, he finds himself wanting to cross those lines. Yoo Na Bi, who doesn’t trust love but wants to date. After a cruel and bitter experience with her first love, she no longer believes in destiny and makes up her mind not to get swept up in love again. When she meets Park Jae Uhn, however, he has a magical effect on her that shakes up her determination to remain aloof.
Adapted from the webtoon of the same name.
Original Network: Netflix; jTBC;
Director: Kim Ka Ram [김가람]
Also known as: 알고있지만 알고 있지만 Algo Issjiman I Know But I Already Know
Country: Korean
Status: Completed
Release Year: 2021
Starring: Chae Jong Hyeop (1993), Han Eu Ddeum (1987), Han So Hee (1994), Jeong Jae Kwang (1990), Kim Min Kwi (1994), Lee Ho Jeong (1997), Lee Jeong Ha (1998), Lee Seung Hyeob (JDON - N.Flying) (1992), Lee Tae Hee (1989), Lee Yeol Eum (1996), Seo Hye Won (1993), Song Kang (1994), Yang Hye Ji (1996), Yoon Sa Bong (1980)
Nevertheless (2021) trailer:
Nevertheless (2021) full episodes
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 10
4 years ago -
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 9
4 years ago -
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 8
4 years ago -
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 7
4 years ago -
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 6
4 years ago -
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 5
4 years ago -
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 4
4 years ago -
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 3
4 years ago -
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 2
4 years ago -
Nevertheless (2021) Episode 1
4 years ago
I love these falling in love kdramas. But really, they move too slow, it’s frustrating. Holding my breath for a good 5 minutes. Nooooo. But it is a beautiful story.
It was a real treat for me. The drama made me think about my relationship in the past …not in a harsh way, but truly with love. It was beautifully made from the very beginning. The characters were scripted well and they were so different and bright, so it was such a pleasure to watch them.
The series was so beautiful and heart warming, it gave me a beautiful feel especially the first episode, it attracted me so much , and it’s actually tells a true story about love I absolutely recommend this series. ???
Just finished this! I loved the story and while it was a bit slow paced, I think this is the case with most Kdramas – I didn’t read the description and just watched it head on. I found the main girls insecurity to be a wake up call in my own life, since many people have confidence issues from previous relationships that prevent them from finding happiness even if love is right in front of them. Or some are in horrible relationships and don’t leave and wonder why they aren’t happy. This show just proves the importance of loving yourself first to find someone who can love you as you want. As much as this show is about love, there is a truth in it that I hope many focus on because it’s pretty relatable. In all of the relationships portrayed in this show, you get a sense of everyone’s own insecurities and how they conquer it as a relationship. Point is, it takes two to tango so if you want a relationship to work it, you both have to be in it to win it.
Ima watch this but someone pls tell a director to make more episodes of True Beauty
Does it have a happy ending
yes! you hane to watch this drama.It is interesting!
this kdrama was absolutely TERRIBLEEE
Well too bad for you You don‘t need to get mad about it you know?
Have a good day ?
yeah chill bro
This drama was so slow it was like watching grass grow. It was a 6 episode drama stretched into 10 by boring minutia and too much plot-stopping music. Sexual explicitness was excessive. I really like the ML and FL as actors, but the storyline and execution were yawners.
When I was on episode 10 I was thing, ‘please don’t let it be 16 episodes cos I can’t take no more of Nabi pain’.
Aah I feel soo good this is amazing drama ? ☺ ?
she chose redflag i am so happy finally he gets happy ending
Is this the last episode?
subs for ep 10 pleaseeeeee
I cant wait to the next episode
this film kinda similar to my previous love life.. obsessed with “Nevertheless”
Whar the actual fuck is this series. It all went to shit right after ep 3. I just dunno why I keep watching this.
Cant you just post this 2 times a day or any 2 days.. Is so much. Cant wait .??..
Hows this kdrama um gonna start to watch this drom todayy✨️♥️
Can someone tell me in which ep does hi was waited for sol and then ran to her and gave her flowers? Something like that. i saw clips but i couldnt remember that scene so can anyone tell me?
when will ep 9 n 10 will get released?
cant wait
its the best ongoing series
any suggestions what to watch??
watch penthouse, its the best! Even tho its very lengthy but its soo damn good!
me tooo
Saturday afternon
Waiting for next episode
Which day does the new episodes will come? Anyone know?
Saturday afternon
Someone plz sent me something when it arrive w sub
nevertheless usualy airs on saturday
cant wait anymore
any suggestion what to watch ??
Yei really love this drama ??????
I can’t for episode 8??
Where the epe 7
This is a reminder to be patient in waiting. The drama airs every Saturday and will usually be uploaded here a day after. As always, the staff and admins are doing their best to cater to the viewers’ demands.
Thank you
It comes every Sunday
Waiting for episode 7??
same and it hasnt come out yet
Next episode will be on the 11st of August so patience everyone plus im rooting for the too main characters the bestfriend should remain as he is
I mean 1st
ugh jesus im busy on 1st august like so busy
How many episod this drama have as i could watched till 6 only n after not able to fine next episod
I think the ending of this story (Kdrama) is different from the real story in the webtoon :'( It should be her bestfriend because that f*ck boy never change based in the story of webtoon..
Yeahhh, but from the look of things she’ll end up with d f*ck boy…. This isn’t our usual type of kdrama… They’re being only realistic..
In reality Girls usually make the dumbest, stupid choice while choosing a partner. They’re more into those who’ll break their heart.. They don’t pay attention wen real love comes knocking at d door… Nabi’s gonna end up with the cutie of course but that doesn’t that mean their love is guaranteed… She’ll be shattered in pieces worse than her first boyfriend, and yeah won’t include that on the movie, I mean wat comes next after being with that cutie boy
Wrong choice
The plot is ok. But if u’re a kdrama fan who loves the innocence of k-dramas, b sure not to watch it (pg 19+). The movie also requires a lot of patience, cuz from their conversations down to their movements are so slow
I can’t sleep because of this man Park Jeo yun?? Also the songs are so beautiful, I’m addicted to it….. And Nabi is also so beautiful !!! This is the best couple I have seen still now in K-drama
What’s the title of the song. Its really nice. Though I don’t understand Korea language. I really love the song
When ep 6 will come
Yall need to stop complaining that its late. Just enjoy the show DAMNNNN
When are the episodes actually posted?
Can you pls tell me?
Is it every Saturday or what?
every saturday , 11.00 pm
when will be the episode posted actually ?
like I m asking the day
I m starting to get dramasick
or at least when will be the 5 the episode be released??
People stop complaining!!!! The show is aired every Saturday Korean Time!!! They’ll be posting a day after.
when will be the episode posted actually ?
like I m asking the day
I m starting to get dramasick
Pleas let me know wer I can get every new ep.
Wer I can get every new episodes?
Why r u uploading episode…late?…
Seriously that’s not fair…
Please upload as fast as u can…
what is fair bitch they are doing it for free and your dumbass is still complaining?
Yes this bitch is right fr????????
ur watching for free
if ur gonna complain about them being slow, just pay and support the creators
beggars cant be choosers
bruh u fr? arent u greatful for te ppl who take their time to make subs and editing em?…and u being a 12yo complaining…gtfo bro…if u cant appreciate something then dont comment
We really appreciate a lot it’s just what we are just curious of what’s next,, please reconsider and forgive us
will u get ur small a$$ peanut brain out if u cant respect the people editing and making subs? gtfo if u cant
Wtf is going on unload the episode 5 damn
r u for real? from all the services they are posting the fastest! if it’s to slow for you maybe learn korean and help them to translate the episodes hmm?
are you even aware how much time it actually takes to translate and then put the subtitles on the video correctly?
and honestly i’m still amazed how fast they are actually doing it! we all should be thankful that we can not only access the series for free but also be able to watch it with subtitles FOR FREE!
when will episode 5 air?
Next Episode
2 days 23 hours
episode 5 is supposed to air today but it is not there :{
Maybe it will be out this afternoon
it’s already uploaded 🙂
When will be the other episodes uploaded?
When is the next episode ?I miss them so much
Where is episode 4 I’ve been waiting for 8 hours now-
its 10 July but its still not up, why?
I’m waiting for ep 4 with subs ?
Where is the ep 4? ? please upload it ??
We need episode 4!!!!
Please upload
We want ep 4
Episode 4 should be released already!!!!
I think this drama is somehow like – fifty shades of grey ….just a wild guess after watching the first 3 episodes
When the 4th episode will be uploaded pls ?
When the 4th episode will be uploaded ?
Pleaseee, upload 4th episode…..?
I am waiting for that too!!!
Yes please upload quickly
It’s out now !! ?
Are u dump or what I will it upload on Saturday and Sunday
Love episode 3, super hot and well done. Song Kang seductive moves and eyes wow.
This drama is a bomb ????????
Love this ?
this drama is about toxic relationship
For everyone wondering:
The kdrama is still ongoing and only 1 Episode for week comes out!
I know, it’s a very long time of waiting, after all that happened, but unfortunately we have to wait. :c
Ok thank you and did you know which day the episode out ?
It takes forever to upload ep4. Pls make it faster.
It will be there by 10th July
im so excited
Its already 10th of July.?where is the episode?
???I can’t wait for the next episodes please post as soon as possible I’m so excited
how many eps will be there? r there only 3 eps,or is there more coming ….if there r more eps plz post them quickly
more coming
I think there will be 10 episodes
plz post all the eps …….!!!!! i cannot wait another sec ….!
Dude even in korea they have to wait, they are still releasing them every week lmao
Theirs only 10 episodes.
when are you gonna post the episode 3 i’ve been waiting for soooooo long pleaseeeeeee post it fast naaa
Umm if you are not on netflix, then you wouldn’t know that they post weekly so please have some patience
it’s a wrecker! I hate this kind of men who touch women’s bodies as if it’s his own.
I’m exactly like her^^
yoo the episode 3 should come today why isnt it there pleaseeeeeee
There are other websites the uploaded ep 3 with subs
do you know which websites?
which website??
Im waiting too??
I’ve been waiting since morning
Ikr I’ve been stalking this page and checking if the 3rd episode is uploaded.
Lmao not u waiting
Episode 3?????????
Please release episode 3 thank you ???
It’s almost July 4 in my country. Still waiting.
Every Saturday release one episode. Stay tuned for tonight’s episode 3?
Ep 3 when?
episode 3, pleaseeeeee
when will be the 3 episode???
3 de Julio, es decir, el sábado.
they post every saturday only:(
Episodes Release Dates:
2021-07-03 3
2021-07-10 4
2021-07-17 5
2021-07-24 6
2021-07-31 7
2021-08-07 8
2021-08-14 9
2021-08-21 10
yeah ep 5 is supposed to be released today but it is not there :{
Every Saturday one episode I think
Release episode 3, please ?
I hope they gonna end up together.DONT MAKE IT LIKE THE LOVE ALARM ONE PLS?
yea i agree T^T
Seriously, i wanted the lead to be paired in love alarm so bad.
YES OMG, i hated the love alarm ending?
hate to say it i dont think they will end up together after reading the webtoon unless they change it
How can they end up together when he’s an fboy and read the webtoon u will know the ending
I hated love alarm 2 story line ??
yesssss please god… love alarm had the worst story ever
Love it
Episode 3 plisssss
Episode 3 plis ?
Thank you so much for the upload! The Netflix in my country does not upload every weekend until the drama is done in South Korea. I don’t really understand why, but I am very thankful for the dramacool team. Please everyone be patient. Subbing team also takes time. Thank you again for your hardwork!
So agree.. Plus to think that this site is more generous than any other high paying site.. More updated than any other site… Kudos to all people behind…love and hugs
Where is episode two?
please upload episode 2
It’s literally 3:28 in the morning right now and I can’t wait for the second episode, so, please, I beg of you, deliver it to me. This instant. Thank you.
– The best person you could meet. Ever.
New episodes every Saturday on Netflix
how about here when they ganna upload? im here everday waiting for it omg!!!
Episode 2 will be today 11pm kst (korean standard time) you can search it up and see when it will be for you today
umm dm on my insta i just found one website which have system like kinda Netflix and have all the latest kdrams and all there idk this website is not letting me send the link of that website
insta- @shivangi_530
Please second episode
i cant its so good but we have to wait to long for more episodes.
Yea same ??????
hello pls anyone can tell me when the day and time they can upload the new episode???? GGRRHHHH i cant wait the next one!! im sooooo KILIG!!! but kinda sad this drama has 10 episode only 🙁
i believe friday and saturday!! idk what time 🙁
i think saturday and friday!! idk what time 😀
yes actually saturday. this drama is showed at11pm on JTPC so other website is going to play this at sunday but we can’t wait?how sad
Release episode 2 please ?
Update og episodes pls.
Ive never been this early and im not disappointed.
Han So Hee is suited in mature drama roles such as this, just like in The World of Married Couple where she nailed it. Unlike Song Kang who was known for his cutie roles and the boy next door school boy. They are totally opposite when it comes to characterizations. I wish and hope on this new kdrama together, they can both deliver as expected of them to bring us into a new genre of more matured roles. Let’s see what will happen in the next episodes, but I have this vibe they will make it through. Good luck to the great actors.
Where can I download dramas from beside this n kissasian I am unable to download dramas from here because there is no server doodostream
you cant?? I can dowload it. i am not sure where else you can download the dramas, have to tried to use the different websites of dramacool?
You will be able to do that from Website dramanice