The Double (2024) Episode 40
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The Double (2024) full episodes
The Double (2024) Episode 40
9 months ago -
The Double (2024) Special Episode 40.5
8 months ago -
The Double (2024) Episode 39
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The Double (2024) Episode 38
8 months ago -
The Double (2024) Episode 37
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The Double (2024) Episode 36
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The Double (2024) Episode 35
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The Double (2024) Episode 34
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The Double (2024) Episode 33
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The Double (2024) Episode 32
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The Double (2024) Episode 31
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The Double (2024) Episode 30
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The Double (2024) Episode 29
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The Double (2024) Episode 28
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The Double (2024) Episode 27
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The Double (2024) Episode 26
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The Double (2024) Episode 25
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The Double (2024) Episode 24
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The Double (2024) Episode 23
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The Double (2024) Episode 22
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The Double (2024) Episode 21
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The Double (2024) Episode 20
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The Double (2024) Episode 19
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The Double (2024) Episode 18
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The Double (2024) Episode 17
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The Double (2024) Episode 16
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The Double (2024) Episode 15
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The Double (2024) Episode 14
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The Double (2024) Episode 13
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The Double (2024) Episode 12
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The Double (2024) Episode 11
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The Double (2024) Episode 10
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The Double (2024) Episode 9
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The Double (2024) Episode 8
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The Double (2024) Episode 7
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The Double (2024) Episode 6
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The Double (2024) Episode 5
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The Double (2024) Episode 4
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The Double (2024) Episode 3
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The Double (2024) Episode 2
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The Double (2024) Episode 1
9 months ago
They finally did us right after showing us that candle scene. Justice was most definitely served!
I was also prepared to cry if Xue Fangfei learns that Xiao Heng is dead, I was prepared to cry with her. But now it’s just tears of joy.
This is the best show I’ve watched this year. I don’t know if there’ll be another one that will beat this!! I’m yet to know.
It was a happy ending… but too abrupt. Best costume Cdrama I have seen this year in terms of story, acting, visuals, and cinematography (the face zooms cracked me up sometimes though lol). For our main couple which barely had 5-10 min of screen time every ep, I was very much invested. They really kept us waiting till the very very end to show some PDA. If there wasn’t the special (only 5 min), I would definitely say that the ending could’ve been better. But taking the special ep into consideration: I was somewhat satisfied but still left hoping for a bit more.
The casting was perfect. Xing Yue embodied his character with that screen presence. Something about his hooded siren eyes, costumes, and voice drew me into every scene with him. Iconic 🪭♥️. Definitely my top 3 costume drama ML’s who isn’t toxic and supportive to the FL. Jin Yan, as always revenge/investigation is her genre to shine. It was a slow burn and there is an age diff., but I personally didn’t even notice it during their scenes together & with the chemistry 🥰. The rest of the cast especially the various antagonists played their characters so well to that point that I was irritated by their faces every time they came up on screen.
My complaints: I didn’t understand why they had to kill Wen Ji & Lu Ji at the very last minute🥹. They accompanied Duke Su till the very end and I personally felt that it was cruel to loose both literally less than 5 minutes apart ❤️🩹 & for no reason (I’m just going to pretend it didn’t happen). Yurong and the princess had comparatively merciful deaths compared to all the pain they made others go through. But in a way, I guess the realization of being stranded alone from all the people you love and choosing to d*e in their own terms after giving up was their own retribution in a way. Both abandoned but he was a coward who cared about his status till the end. Her final twirl and his final song were oddly symbolic how neither really repented fully nor understood what they did wrong till the end.
P.S. This couple seriously needed more screen time smh. Maybe a whole ep of them just chilling. It’s going to be really hard to find something to watch after this one since there never was a “slow” or boring ep in terms of the plot. I really liked reading the disses, theories, rants, and CP shipping in the comments. Like XH said at the end of 40.5… Until we meet again in the mountains.
last few episodes so intense made me sit on the edge of the seat! demon finally died in the wrong hands of the man she trusted! he died thinking he will be invincible if he had the army and finally the coward comitted suicide! brother got slit for betraying his master! finally my poor 2 loyal aides were wasted in the end! and the end itself is so abrupt! it was made to see like a happy ending but as the other chinese ending this is no different again an open ending!! she finally wears the red dress and he doesnt have one soldier in his side to come alive!! her sad eyes tells it all! and his return is left to us to figure out but looks like his soul returned to her in the promised place!!!! such a nice story after ages! Duke Su you shall be missed for a long time!!! Brilliant acting WXY 💕💕💕
what was the ending in the novel if anyone has read! am so displeased with this end!!
Overall the drama was good. It was a simple revenge plot but it was entertaining to watch. I’d appreciate it even more if it had ups and downs where team duke-Jiang Li loses once or twice to the other team, that would’ve made the drama more interesting but they kept winning which made the drama stagnant and sometimes boring. also, about of Wen Ji, Lu Ji & Tong, honestly speaking their death were meaningless and had no impact on the plot, their death could’ve been used in a much better manner to push the plot even further or influence the main characters actions… Anyways, this drama was alright! Now, we go back to being drama-less now that these production companies are taking the piss by not releasing good dramas -_-
The ending to a beautiful tragic story. Xue Li rushes to the aid of the duke and shows unwavering loyalty to him, even in the face of death. It’s truly heartwarming to see that the skills he imparted to her were instrumental in her triumph over Shen Yu Rong. Shen meets his demise through his hand, a fitting end for such a despicable character. Xue Li willingly entrusts her pendant to Xiao Heng, a symbol of the deep trust and connection that they share. Finally, she has found someone she can rely on to love, protect, and provide for her needs.
The show adeptly tied up all loose ends and provided necessary closure for each character. While it’s unfortunate that we lost both Lu Jin and Wen Jin, I will genuinely miss this drama. It delivered on its promises and successfully captivated us with emotion, intensity, a blend of humor, and a touch of flirtation, and a hot platter of revenge. Additionally, the cinematography and color schemes were truly stunning.
Just as their revenge comes to a close so to does this drama about revenge, living, justice, choice, sincerity, playfulness & loyalty. To be frank it’s just an okay series as it does have quite a few flaws w/in a rather intense series.
– A lot of the acting & actors really poured their very soul into this drama. When they cry, they cry hard & their eyes are full of emotion. When they flirt, they flirt masterfully. Quite a lot of the cast was good so to me none really stood out amongst them, bcuz they were quite good.
– The story was really intense & there were a lot of great moments that really elevated the quality of the drama. Serious praise to the director & writer.
– Filmography was pretty cool for the most part. It’s got a nice aesthetic to it & there are a lot of really good filming techniques throughout.
– The show’s costuming is also quite good. I really liked Duke Su’s whole look especially.
– This drama’s first 30 ep had a huge disconnect in terms of tone. We had way too funny scenes or things like the qin battle. It was weird.
– Certain characters & moments were too dramatic. A storm during Li & Yurong’s scenes or Wanning always twirling to emphasize her insane & cruel nature.
– Way too much panning in for a close up in early ep. Another example of too dramatic.
– The fact that half of the cast hates Jiang Li is also ridiculous.
– Some characters were really underutilized and just stopped being important.
All in all, it was a fun watch, but it could’ve really benefited from managing it’s tones & certain story points better.
Personal Score: 7/10 I did enjoy the series, but overall there were a couple things that didn’t really sit well w/ me. It could’ve been better if it managed itself well.
Objective Score: 7(maybe 8)/10 Judging everything all together, the show struggles w/ itself at times, yet it is still strong in several parts of the drama/story.
aww these past few eps got me bawling. I’m glad they didn’t kill any of the good guys and they got their revenge.
Oh man I spoke too soon. Ughh noo. I’ll just pretend I didn’t watch the last 15 mins
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s… KARMA!
Just like Wanning, he tried threats and treacherous intimidation to have his way. But knowing he was a trapped rat on a sinking ship, Xue refused to give him the easy exit he selfishly wanted and mockingly wished him well in his next life…
“Killing you would dirty my hands.”
She hears his body thud on the ground and doesn’t even waste a glance to look back💃 . He lived as a coward and also died as one.
And imagine Cheng having the shameless to plead for his life with Xiao Heng that he should not kill him because he was his father’s last disciple, as if it was not far worse for a disciple to premeditatively murder how own mentor and 99 other men…
“I am not my father. The sword in my hand doesn’t know you.”
Now that’s a killer line if I ever heard one… the Duke slayed, both ways 🪭🪭🪭
Revenge has been served in this finale… and I am content with it.
The plot became “conveniently orchestrated” in these last episodes, but it was not too bad overall. Some arcs dragged way longer than intended while others felt rushed to get it wrapped up… that would be my only complaint. But I enjoyed the ride, the suspense, the payback, the comradery and the romance tremendously. Well done !! 👏👏👏💐💐💐
can i ask you guys , why did actually Shen yurong killed xue fangfei in the beginning and then wanted her back ?i didnt get a correct reason for it.
In my opinion the chemistry of shen yurong and xue fang fei overshadows xue fang fei’s chemistry with duke su, very less screentime and no proper strong emotions, Until the end i felt like shen yurong as a pityfull obsessive intense husband and xue fangfei as a sad nostalgic wife who couldnt move on who always says yes i was killed by someone whom i loved the most.its like until the end of shen yurong’s death she was more like his wife than duke su’s lover.
plus they intertwined situ princess in the story with duke su which again made xue fangfei and duke su’s chemistry go dull.
(i skipped the last unecessary war and killings tho)
anyways its over guys and everything ended well,lets hope that duke su and xue fangfei would enjoy their life offscreen.
WJ n LJ die for no reason.. Why?? Why?? Just for the last 5mins… Unnecessary plot ==!
This the best custom drama this year!! All the actors done a good job..
I rather they make it into 2 season each insist 25 episode so the ending not so absurd like this. Lu Ji and Wen Ji in the novel are the one who can escape the battle and bring news to capital that our Xiao Heng MIA which make the Emperor play his card to make A’Li stay in the capital (all minister want to relinquish Xiao Heng’s duke state by said Jiang Li can remarried and pass it into another man) which she said “Will not marry anyone beside Xiao Heng.
Meanwhile Xiao Heng’s MIA because he was stranded, hurt and blind. Emperor do find Xiao Heng and make bet if Jiang Li stayed in Capital or not. Emperor wary of Jiang Li because she is smart, so if she stay out capital the Emperor will kill her to silent all her info about Emperor and Xiao Heng involvement to weed out Wanning.
The Plot Wise: Not so good since they butcher tons to evade censorship
The Acting: All praise Xiao Wang acting as Duke Su spectacular but in my eyes Liang Yong Qi acting as Shen Yurong more captivating the duality of Shen Yurong display so perfectly. If the actor bad it will blunder and Shen Yurong just a msg of Jiang Li and Xiao Heng. In here he could make us feel pity of him and angry about his shamelessness
“I am not my father, the sword in my hand does not recognize you!” 💪
The Li’s in prison was a great scene. It was short, but I enjoyed it.
XFF/JL’s reunion with her family…
The Xiao men are so cute. Duke Su in the yard with Wen Ji and his gramps was so cute.
It’s about time we got to see the most anticipated scene… the wedding!! The kiss!! I’m no perv, but that scene was too short! We waited 40 eps for that!! Haha
The scene where XFF comes clean to JL’s father was expected. I am betting he knew it a few eps back when the princess exposed her. He pieced it together. He should have that guilt. That load is for him to carry. It is only right. At least he is owning that shizz…
The cousins get one last koala hug haha love that 🐨
Lu Ji and Wen Ji’s death… seriously!!! 💔 The visual of them side by side… but seriously, was that necessary?! No!! The same result would have occurred. With them by his side, it would have made more sense for the ending to happen… like I know he’s good at fighting, but 1 vs army is….
Oh my, the Shen Yurong actor is doing his work so well. I think the sex appeal he oozes while being such a bad guy is crazy good (or is it me being Stockholm delusional?) Anyway, he stole the the show this episode.