The End of the Tiny World (2021)
Other name: Na mo naki sekai no endororu , Endless World Without a Name , Na mo Naki Sekai no End Roll , End Roll of the World Nameless , The Master Plan
Kida and Makoto have been friends since childhood. Later they befriend Yocchi a transfer student. No boy in this trio has parents. They spend time with each other daily, essentially growing up together. An incident occurs when they are twenty that tears their world apart. Years later, both boys are employed in the criminal underworld, with Kida as a negotiator and Makoto as a trading company’s CEO. It has now taken them ten years get revenge on the world that changed their fates, so many years ago.
Director: Sato Yuichi
Country: Japanese
Release Year: 2021
Starring: Iwata Takanori (1989), Mackenyu (1996), Yamada Anna (2001)
The End of the Tiny World (2021) full episodes
The End of the Tiny World (2021) Episode 1
4 years ago
great movie;
I higly recommand this movie. I cried
P.S: my english is bad