True Beauty (2020)
Other name: 여신강림 여신강림 Yeoshinkangrim The Secret of Angel
Synopsis: ΤAfter binge-watching beauty videos online, a shy, comic book fan masters the art of make-up, then sees her social standing skyrocket as she becomes her school’s prettiest pretty girl literally overnight. But will her elite status be short-lived? How long can she keep her “real self” a secret? And what about that cute boy she likes? Could you imagine if he found out the truth?
Adapted from the webcomic “True Beauty” by Yaongyi.
Director: Kim Sang Hyeob [김상협]
Also known as: 여신강림 여신강림 Yeoshinkangrim The Secret of Angel
Country: Korean
Status: Completed
Release Year: 2020
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Starring: Cha Eun Woo (1997), Moon Ga Young (1996), Park Yoo Na (1997)
True Beauty (2020) trailer:
True Beauty (2020) full episodes
True Beauty (2020) Episode 16
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 15
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 14
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 13
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 12
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 11
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 10
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 9
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 8
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 7
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 6
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 5
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 4
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 3
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 2
4 years ago -
True Beauty (2020) Episode 1
4 years ago
Anyone watching this again in 2023. Highly recommended
I am!! I’m on episode 10 for some reason the app is not working
yes recently started watvhing. never had second lead syndrome but han seo jun has won my smpathies :’)
Me tooo
I am!! I’m on episode 6
and where is season 2
Fr I’m trynna look for it
I am
Yes I am watching ?☺
Dose it have a happy ending?
yes!!!! meeeee!!!!
I’m watching it for the first time now! Just about to start with episode 1 after seeing the “Okey dokey oh”-clip on TikTok xD
rewatching in 2024 haha <3
does anyone know what song they was playing in the kareoke in ep 6 after jugyeong gets kidnapped by seojuns haters??? pls i want i need anyone?
I think it’s jjiniya by young tak
The song name is maria and this is solo of hawasa kpop idol group name mamami
Young tak- why are you come out there
Gfriend ‘Yuju’ – ‘ I’m in the mood for dancing’???
Kim yonja – Amor fati
Favorite, Beautiful drama of all time.. Guys don’t go from her after seeing toxic comments..
Love to True Beauty from Bangladesh ????…
Saranghae Suho yaa
안태사 유너 만버괴 2선의 방넘 살 ㅋㅋㅋ.상반앤???
soo jin is being too much i liked her before this episode but now i hate this punk like why would she do that to the both of her friends waeeee???????????
nice post
visit for more
시즌2는 드물다….. 이런 드라마에서…..그러니까….울지마.
Season 2 is Rare In this type of drama so don’t cry
Yes please I am begging from the bottom of my heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ please let there be a season 2and3 of true beauty and let lee soo hoo and lime ju kyung be together and also soo ah and tae hoon continue with their relationship pleeeeeeeeease????????I love eso much that it’s like it should never end please i will look forward to your reply thanks
Please we want true beauty season 2 please please please release true beauty season 2 in 2022 please please but please please we never want any break up between suho and jukyung
We always want them together as lover please please please
And can Han Seo Jun get a girlfriend so that he can be loved and because we all feel really bad for him.
We are requesting to true beauty team please
Accept our request please please??
Plssssssssssssssssssssssssssss let there be a season 2 and so on.
제발 트루뷰티 시즌2 제발 2022년에 트루뷰티 시즌2 내놔 제발 근데 제발 제발 우리 수호랑 주경 절대 헤어지지 말자
우리는 항상 연인으로 함께 있기를 바랍니다 제발 제발
그리고 한서준이 사랑받을 수 있도록 여자친구를 사귈 수 있을까.
트루 뷰티팀에 부탁드립니다
우리의 요청을 수락하십시오??
Plssssssssssssssssssssssss 시즌 2 등등이 있게 해주세요.
Yessssssssssss we need are season 2
Your Name is surobi too And my name Is Surovi too What a Match Like Kdrama Too?
Best drama love you Jisoo
I love the drama but i am disappoint because they chang many things in this drama if you read the manhawa then you will get it there story was much better they chang the story completely but drama was good to watch but as a manga and manhawa reader i got disappoint
I read it. And I am glad that they changed it. I hate jugyeong in mnhwa for falling in love with the two bestfriends.
It is best drama and good website.
There should be season 2 for the lovestory of hwang in yeop?
Season 2 badly needed ??
Please we want true beauty season 2 please please please release true beauty season 2 in 2022 please please but please please we never want any break up between suho and jukyung
We always want them together as lover please please please
We are requesting to true beauty team please
Accept our request please please
We are waiting for true beauty team to accept our request ???
I think you said pls too much ?
Please we want true beauty season 2 please please please release true beauty season 2 in 2022 please please but please please we never want any break up between suho and jukyung
We always want them together as lover please please please
We are requesting to true beauty team please
Accept our request please please??
nice drama to watch
i love this kdrama
I know. It’s amazing
honestly, i’m team Suho and JuKyung, but there HAS to be another season where Seojun also finds love, you can’t just leave him heartbroken like that ?
For real I feel bad for SUHO
i really wanted seojun and jukyung to happen, i honestly think he is better. if she does not want him i will take him!
yesss frr i agree with you
i would say seojin and kang soo jin like they are litarlly the perfeckt couple
At thw beginning i wanted her to end up with suho but literally now the end broke me i feel so fking bad for seojun frl
ok thanks for no spoiler aleryt
I think we shouldn’t look at the comments before u watch the drama anyways so plz shut up
This was such a good drama, season 2 pls
Yes this was a good I k drama and I will love two have season two
Loved the humour couldn’t stop laughing & it was so good to see that our girl found love ..
Is this worth to watch ?
Yes but the end broke my heart .
Mine also 3
what it to understand
Not me having the urge to rewatch this just to cry.. Bro first true beauty then love alarm istg
right ?
Seriously love alarm broke me forever
Am sorry dont call it trash just because you didn’t get your ending. Jukyung never like seojun so how do you think they could have ended up together???
Ys true everyone is saying it was very good it’s ok
Exactly, she has been with suho for practically the whole drama and suddenly you want her to end up with seojun? That doesn’t make the slightest sense. And have people even sat to think maybe jukyung doesn’t like seojun? Realistically speaking the ending is great and doesn’t look like it needs a season2.
Lol. This is exactly what I was trying to point out to other people. It just doesn’t make sense for her to end up with Seojun. Seojun is a great guy but Jugyeong never liked him more than a friend. You can’t force yourself to like someone else.
I want a seson 2 plssss ????
Me to ????
me to
Don’t forget the new episodes ?
Can you tell me who taehoon real name is I want to know him
His name is Lee il Jun.
Trash! She should have ended up with Seo jun
It’s like that even in webton. They can save it with season 2 tho. So let’s hope they make one.
you are a trash! not the drama! how can a well brained person can even expect something trashy ending like this?? after having a love story with suho in the entire drama who expects this shit to happen????
your trash byee!
Yessss i agree with you it was trash SEO JUN GOT A BAD ENDING i have not watched episode 15 and 16 but i heard he gets a bad ending i was only watching for seo jun but yuh know life is hard sometimes. 🙁
Seo jun endgame
just because she ended up with Suho you’ll call it a trash? bruh your attitude huh, i want also Seojun to be happy at the end and if needed i want him to find his own girl but dont call it trash just because you want someone for jugyeong, jugyeong loves suho and suho loves her too so what can we do? its jugyeong story tho
Exactly bro
They should gave them atleast a sweet scene(seojun and jugyeong) like in the webtoon 🙁 just sayin 🙁
You’re right! He was always there for her and at the she still goes running in his arms. Soo Ho was being so obsessive, it got me even more angry. Let’s just hope she ends up with him in season 2, because she really broke him. Poor Seo Jun I hope he gets better.
Bro what the fuck suho has absolutely nobody but her in his life he hates his dad his moms dead and he couldn’t even pick up a phone call to save his friend because of his family troubles then theres seojun who basically has every thing suho would ever need yet you feel bad for seojun at least let him have some love the only thing seojun doesnt have is a girls love and you feel bad for him cause he didnt get the girl did you even watch the drama
I mean okay I get you but I feel like everyone is lacking her feelings. If she is happy with Suho than there shouldn’t be a problem. Seojun will find love soon but he is achieving his dreams which is really important too:) Plus Seojun is the second male lead, in no kdrama I have watched had the female lead and second male lead together. It’s just a story anyway, so we can’t control it, it’s what the author/director wanted the ending to be and we should just appreciate that the story was introduced to us in the first place:)
What are you talking about? Even in the webtoon Suho & Jukyung ended. Seojun is just only the 2nd lead, perhaps you should be also happy for Seojun because he already become an idol which is his dream. So just go cry about it, thus don’t call the drama “trash” because seojun and jukyung didn’y end, if you want that to happen make your own movie lmfao.
Yo you are speaking like a real dummy now because if it’s not your first time watching dramas you would know that she would obviously end up with suho she was never meant to have a serious relationship with soejun because he is not the main lead, i also support their relationship but i always known that they would never end up together so please this is a public platform so learn how to filter your thoughts and get it together this comments acts as reviews of the movie and we don’t want people to get discouraged while choosing dramas ?
Bruh you’re trash. She literally loves him and he loves her AND he saved her f life ?
just because he saved her life does not mean she has to like him that has nothing to do that dont be fucking dumb and use your fucking brain for once you have it for a reason “i never said she has to like him” bitch i dont care its not a good ship i hate it it makes my blood boil “thats your opion (i forgot how to spell it)” i know its just a fucking bad ship he didnt have a chance to be with her like to be her bf so stfu im spreading facts and he took care of her and they would look amazing together dont lie to yourself bae
yes for me it would be better if they ended up together then it would be a happy ending for all
In the webtoon they broke up, the main lead is suho
how tf is it trash, how can she just end up with seo jun if she was with soo ho most of the drama
FInally and ya the k-drama is trash all of yall that are saying “oh your trash the drama is so good”. the drama fucking sucks its not even like the webtoon. i finally found a Team Seojun. <3
for realllll ://
she has been with suho for practically the whole drama and suddenly you want her to end up with seojun? That doesn’t make the slightest sense. And have people even sat to think maybe jukyung doesn’t like seojun? Realistically speaking the ending is great and doesn’t look like it needs a season2.
well, true beauty ends HUHUHU dis has been a good drama so far hoping to have season 2 and I was so happy that all of them got a happy ending and yeah sooo happy for Seojun for finally achieving his dream and also happy for da relationship of Suho and Jukyung even tho I’m a Team Seojun still I’m very happy for all of them. gonna wait until season 2 happens tho HAHAHA see ya guys again in maybe a Season 2 True Beauty uwu
Truuue dear, hopely there’s a season 2.
I love all the cast from this movie
i did not even know there was a season 2.
feeling bad for seojun……….
aahhhhh……. waiting for 16
AAAAAA the new episode is still raw i cant wait for it to have English subs.
I just watched it!!! man, I am so excited for episode 16!! this is getting juicyyyyyy haha
I can’t believe this drama is going to end tonight ??
Please upload episode 16 with eng subs, I can’t wait anymore??…..
Me too !!!
Ayiee☺️ I’m eagerly waiting for subtitle of ep.15? btw thank u subbers?
im waiting for episode 15 omg im just sooo curious otteokaiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!
Please kindly upload the episode 15 and 16. As soon as possible. Thank you very much. Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh
They are 16 espode in true beauty but is there a season 2.?
I JUST realized that WE ARE ALL WAITING FOR EPISODE 15 BUT IN A LOT OF K-DRAMA’S A LOT OF THEM END ATT EPISODE 16…very few are 20 episodes..lets just hope there’s more then 16 episodesss
I think that it will end with just 16 episode 🙁 take a look to wikipedia true beauty’s page. I’m also very sad 🙁
I am waiting for Episode 14 to the last episode or episode finale i love True Beauty ❤️❤️❤️❤️
next episode 15 please? fast i can’t wait
me tooooo
Yaahh!! Still waiting to episode 15!!
True fans of true beauty can’t wait!
Please create episode15!!!
omg yas! How many episodes will there be?
I think it will be aired in India in 10:30 I am waiting!!!
Ikr its taking wayyyyyy to long!
wth iman hvad laver du
en masse
oppa stop
lorte unger i r frkn mærkelig spis en lort
Ep 13 subs not really nice sorry..
it has subtitles in my pc tho-
It’s okay now
there was subs in mine
i want episode 13 with subs plz. . .
Faster faster..looking forward for the subtitle
# don’t want to see raw on left side of the ep 13???
eng sub, please….
Still waiting for ep 13!? I really love this drama?
Guys- can’t y’all wait like bruh- he needs to put the subs and all so be patient-
Waiting for episode 3?❤
just waiting slowly for episode 13 to come out 🙂
Waiting for ep 13
It should come today!!
It should come today
sameee omg I can not wait anymore
what time is gonna release an ep 13
Waiting for ep 13
sameeeee T – T like they left us on a big cliff hanger
When they will upload the 13th episode and can’t wait for 13th episode ????
Waiting for 13th episode ????
waiting for ep 13
When are they going to release it?
Sameee OMG
the next ep will be on 27 and 28 the rest is on feb
when ep 13 release?
i loveeee thiissss draaammaaa❤️❤️❤️❤️????
Plz post 13 and 14 episode.
ep 13 is posted but no subtitles they will come out in a few hours and ep 14 comes out tomorrow
Seojun parin…
Can’t wait for the next episode (episode11)…..
Waiting for ep. 12 with subtitle?✊
Cómo le hacen para que esté en sub español ? solo me aparece en inglés
creo que solo esta en ingles ._.
When would sos 13 come out?
waiting for ep.13
When is it coming?Today?
jeg elsker ben
nej jeg gør ej
waiting for ep 11 can’t wait
when will ep 11 wil com out?
every Thursday and Friday
When will ep 11 will post ? Is any body know?
Hi were 11 in 12 :(((
Episode 11 please
Episode 11 please.
when will ep 11 will out….eagrly waiting for ep 11
it will be aired today korean standard time 22:30
it just aired on TVN so i think it will be uploaded on here soon
uggggg why is it not coming im not going to wait if it says a date that is going to come out then do it on that day its killing meeeeeeeeee stop with the bullshit
My too
Plz next episode needed before I die
How long they take to add English
I really love it❤️ it was fun Can’t wait for next episode
I really love it❤️ it was fun.
Can’t wait for next episode.
Can’t wait to episode 11
When is episode 12 is comingggg
If is it Raw it’s still korean sub because other korean will understand that what they’re Talking?
It’s still raw arghhh, i can’t wait hahhahah
There are missing subtitles. Can anyone pls fix this. ????
I was excited prior, but kinda throw me off because of the subtitle. Thank you
thats just cause they werent finished yet:) lmao
some titles in ep 9 are missing 🙁 can you please fix this??
u can watch on kissasian
English subtitles PLEASE!
Ep.9 is really painful for team Seojun .
Team Seojun here.
Ep.8 and 9 are really painful for team Seojun
Team Seojun here
here 🙁
hi Guys
Where New Ep9
im still waiting lmao patience is the key
it’s out now, but raw
Will Subtiltles be added or it will be raw forever
Waiting for ep 9!! ??❤️❤️
where ? omg im waiting epp 9 10 where na youuuuuuuuu
waiting for tomorrow episode 9
its jan 13 today and wheres ep 9?
It will probably be later in the day
maybe tomorrow
im sorry this has nothing to do with drama but the anime in your name is really cool???
if subbed, it comes around 3-5 pm so basically later on. depends on where u live.
Guys I’m not sure if it’s true but I did some research and episode 9 will come out today on 22:30 but I’m not sure tho
It will come out soon ahh Im so exited omg
Heyyy! Do u know what time it’s gonna come out? Because I’m not sure, but maybe afternoon?
ep 9 is out but without english sub
where is ep 9 ?????
Do you know what time it’s gonna start at ep 9
Potcha anong exactime ba sa pinas?
Can’t wait for episode 9
waiting to ep 9
I am waiting for eps 9 and 10
hello, if episode 9 and 10 were released, the subtitle will automatically appear?
When will episode 9 and 10 come out?????? Sssoooooo EXCITED!!!!!
Nxt week wednesday and thursday 🙂 new eps only publish at these days but if u want subtitles u have to wait for the day after the release of the new ep cuz its still raw
hello, if episode 9 and 10 were released, the subtitle will automatically
Patience is the key ?
For episode 9 and 10
I’m still waiting.
me too
Is this true? Noooooo????
where is ep 9??????????????
Where’s episode 9 I’m so excited
Because they have to shoot eps 9 and 10
I’m so excited for the next episode?
Who do u guys want ju kyung with??
i want her with han seo jun…i know it probs wont happen but stillll
After everything is still want her with soo and smth else Seo jun I love you a lot but I’d like it more if u found someone else ju kyung found her love already I honestly think doe and lying make a amazing couple but soo smth else makes her the happiest I’m happy that this drama didn’t break my heart bc I wouldn’t get over since I loved this drama even more than love alarm and that one has broke me forever so I’m happy for them
Suho !!!
the second lead
han seo jun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soo Ho
obviously han seo jun ??????????
tbh in webtoon to Suho then it became Seojun & now in this drama I’m more Team Seojun but I know she will end-up with Suho
tbh I’m Team Suho first then became Seojun then now I’m more Team Seojun on the drama b=even I know she will end-up with Suho but I understand now why
omg they kissed can’t wait to ep 9
you just ruined it for the people who need eng sub
why would u comment that
yes ughhhhhh you just spoiled
In episode nine suho will breaking up with ju kyung ?? because suho has care of soo jin i think soo jin make some thing to make ju kyung get jelous ??
ep 7 is so good can’t wait to ep 8
imagine being ju kyunggg wahh i can’t she’s so luckyy
Let support Cha Eun Woo guys please vote click lang ang link ?? https://poll.fm/10700187
I’ve been waiting.sa wakas meron na guys please vote for Cha Eun Woo https://poll.fm/10700187
Omgg i can’t wait until the episode comes with sub AAHH
hello everyone: eng sub on epi 7 is already available on ASIANTAXI. you can also check there regularly for the next episodes, they are few hrs in advance than the others.
They had to delay it because someone from the supporting cast contracted COVID-19. You can read more here: https://www.republicworld.com/entertainment-news/web-series/true-beauty-episode-7-release-date-and-time-know-all-details.html
Finally jan.6!!!! but still we can only watch it on jan 7 for the subtitles ughhh well guess we still have to wait for thusday for ep.7 with subtitles
Yea ur right:'(
How to released true beauty episode 7
you have to check on ASIANTAXI website, they are quite few hours in advance on eng subs if you can’t wait to watch it !
Watch on kissasain with subtitle its uploaded
What time will Ep 7 will be released?
It’s so late right….do we have to wait for 1 more year
Where is episode 7,, wahhh I can’t wait for the next episode
10pm lst
plzzz ep 7 and 8 com out
I’m waiting so long today is the day that ep 7 will release jan 4 Ayt tomorrow pa !!! I’m sad waiting for nothing
Where is the episode 7 they said it is on Jan 6
Yeah I thought so
It will be released at 10pm kst
it will be released tommorow for the english subtitle
it usually comes out at 3 pm with eng subs
Where is episode 7 na..i cant wait???
Guys tommorow will b the realese of episode 7….sooooo excited…
Yosh! very excited!!!!
When the episode 8 release?
Why the other Kdrama was able to release it every week, why the TRUE BEAUTY staff cannot do it? The fans might not be excited anymore to wait and look for other drama instead????
It was delayed bcz one person was tested positive (principal)
I heard somebody from this drama detected covid 19 test positive dont get me wrong m not certain but maybe
because one of the staff actors got tested positive for covid
They we’re supposed to post it last week as scheduled but one of the casts in the drama caught covid so they have to postpone the airing of the drama
One of their casts tested positive in COVID so they had to delay the release of episode for a week
The man who acted as the vice principal of the school got positive and they had to test all of the casts to make sure. Well as a fan of True Beauty, I can consider it. lol
episode 7 plsssss?
Episodes 7 and 8 will be released on January 6th and 7th 🙂
awww another week, 🙁
OMG! I seriously need to wait another week I just want to watch it.
brooo i cant wait
If they will release episodes 7 and 8 on that date, I hope it includes episodes 9 and 10.
I was wondering what taking them so LOOOOOONG to release it? Not like the PHOENIX 2020, every week they have new episode.. Fans might not get excited because of this delay ::{ fans here from the Philippines….
So tommorow is the ep 7?
thanks for the info..cuz im waiting for it also
where is my seventh episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it’s not there, ahhh very frustrating!!! 🙁
ikr , where is it, it was suppose to come today right?!!!!
no, it is getting aired on the 6th and 7th of january there is no episode this week
Can’t wait for episode 7
Same here
even raw also not updated yeat
It will take 7 more days ?
It’s been 7 days already why is it not uploaded…atleast upload the RAW……????? can’t wait anymore…
I saw a post on Instagram that said the true beauty crew stop filming urgently because one of the supporting cast has been tested positive for coronavirus ??
Aww sad 🙁
Ahhh nooo I can’t wait more ????
Episode 7 huhuhuhuhhuhuhuhuhu!!!!!!!!!
We have to wait another 7 Days for episode 7 to come out. It says on Viki if you guys are wondering why it hasn’t came out.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa NO ANOTHER 7 DAYS TO WAIT
Ehhhh!!! Are you sure you saw it right????
Yeah i did, check it and it says 7 days left.
Sooo sad
yes but why the hell they r doing this ….. its really some thing killing by curosity
Seems it’s because one of the actor tested positive for covid-19.
Sorry for my bad english
Ep 7 & 8 won’t be air this week coz Korea had their end of the awards night.
7 days?? Amputek ang tagal?
Episode seven
ugh thanks for telling us!
hold on my sister just watched it, its probly a glitch
Whaaaaaat???? ????
No dramacool comes first before viki so viki is late maybe dramacool will release episode 7 tommorow then viki will post it later.
Ep. Original broadcast date Average audience share
(AGB Nielsen)[37]
Nationwide Seoul
1 December 9, 2020 3.573% (2nd) 4.056% (2nd)
2 December 10, 2020 3.626% (1st) 3.963% (1st)
3 December 16, 2020 3.813% (2nd) 4.711% (2nd)
4 December 17, 2020 3.586% (1st) 3.824% (1st)
5 December 23, 2020 3.859% (2nd) 4.293% (2nd)
6 December 24, 2020 3.333% (1st) 3.724% (1st)
7 January 6, 2021
8 January 7, 2021
I just saw it on Facebook someone posted that the Episode 7 and 8 will be aired on January 7 and 8 that’s why this website didn’t released it yet ^^
I just saw it on Facebook someone posted that the Episode 7 and 8 will be aired on January 7 and 8 that’s why this website didn’t released it yet
Episode 7 guys!! ?
Wahala dey. Where’s my episode 7. No,no,no,no,no. My eye must be tricking me. Where’s my episode 7 ooohhhhh!!!!
me too, i keep refreshing the page :p
Yeah I was waiting and wtf there’s nothing com on people plsssssssss 7
Episode 7 and 8 has been delayed until 6 January 2021.the reason being that all the crew are to participate in a covid-19 test, since one supporting actor has been reported with the case
I m also wondering why they have been not releasing the 7 episode ??????
I saw a post on Instagram that said the true beauty crew stop filming urgently because one of the supporting cast has been tested positive for coronavirus
just so you know eps 7 and 8 will be airing next week not this week. also the drama airs every wednesday and thursday night in korea. the subs are always up in less than 24 hours which is very fast. this is a streaming website and not an official source so begging for episodes sooner won’t do anything.
episode 7 is being postponed ;(((
ep 7 pleaseeeeeee
Where is the episode 7????
Postpone guys ang next ep wag na kayong magintay
Kelan realese ng ep 7
Episode 7 please☹️
Episode seveennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn?
ngayon po Decenber 30 irerelease kasi may nadownload akong listahan ng araw kung kailan irerelease yong mga episode ng true beauty tas bukas naman yong episode 8
when does new episode come out?
Hello. No new episodes this week. They will air episode 7 + 8 next week. 🙂
Next week
Am also waiting for episode 7 with subs pleaseeee
Plsss ep 7
Kailan po irerelease ang ep 7
Can’t wait!
oo nga kailan kaya irerelease yon kahit sa ibang website wala pa din
Jan 6-7 pa po
I heard it will be delayed kase yung vice principal daw sa drama na covid so the rest of the actors had to undergo some test, etc
Ep 7 plsssss
January 6
January 6 pa na postpone because of covid
january 6
please part 7
I can’t wait episode 7.!!?How many episodes True Beauty They are.??
We have to wait till next week ….. 🙁
Plssss episode 7
How many episodes are there
16 episodes
16 episodes
ep 7 will be on dec 30
Most of the kdrama is 16 ep. But idk about true beauty
16 po
16 eps in all
why the subtitles in episode 5 don’t go in time with the episode??
i recommend kissasian.ai , the subs are on time 🙂
subtittles are a bit late, please fix thisss
Commenting this on behalf of everyone:
Ang episode lumalabas at 10:30PM KST (Korean Standard Time) , 9:30 yun sa’tin every Wednesday and Thursday.
Pagkalabas ng episode siyempre wala agad subtitle yun kaya kailangan pang gawan. Maproseso yun. Kaya kung realistic tayo, Thursday and Friday pa tayo makakanood.
Translators are trying their best para mahatiran tayo ng new episodes so wag kayong laging galit okay? Pasalamat na lang tayo at may free streaming sites gaya nito.
Thank you
so true
True.. ang dami ko talagang nababasa dito..
Minsan sana maisipan niyong pagka air ng new episode, hindi agad² yan magagawang ng sub title.. Kaya nga nilalagyan nila ng (Raw) to inform everyone na hindi pa full completed yung sub title.. please do appreciate po sa mga gumagawa at nag exert ng effort.. and learn how to say thank you..
uhm can’t understand anything you’re saying
ayaaa how long does it take to have it with SUB?
piste yawa wla jpon episode 5
Natatawa ko sainyo HAHHAHAHAH bat kayong nang hihingi ng eo5 eh wala pang 10:30 sa South Korea amp HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
Advance ng isang oras yung korea kesa sa Pilipinas kaya 9:40 palang sakanila mamayang 11:30 pa mare release???
Y is it taking you guys so long to upload the EP 5..
Shemay kelan ba ma release yung episode 5
Raw Episodes are uploaded after 2 hrs it was released 10pm Korea time then for us to watch it with English subs around 2am tayo mag aabang.
episode 5 plss
Episode 5 where na u
nandito ako dahil hinihintay ko si seo jun naka topless HAAHAHAHAHAHAAAH
10:30 NA WALA PA DEN!!!!!!
Episode 5 plzzzz…???
Kaninapakonaghihintay piste?
sa Korean 10:30 pm pinapalabas ung true beauty
every wed and thursday. yung episode ng Wednesday mapapanood natin ng thursday kasi nilalagyan pa ng subtitle . tapos ung episode ng thursday mapapanood mo po ng Friday kasi ginagawan pa po ng sub.
pero minsan naglalabas na sila ng video maaga kaso walang sub. fighting hintay lang tayo HAHA
Hahhaahhahaa ako rin ang tagal
Baka bukas pa po ata yng satin. Kase hindi naman yan basta-basta. Katulad po kase ata nung episode 3 at 4. Baka yng episode 5 ay bukas tapos yng episode 6 ay sa Dec. 25 pa po. In short late po talaga satin.. In my opinion ganon po kase sa akin sa episode 3 at 4..
wednesday na po pero wala parin eo.5
mamayang 11pm or exactly 12am in December 24 ilalabas…
I can’t wait
10:30 pm daw i post yung bagong episode sabi nila
bukas pa nga ata kasi wens and thurs baka bukas tagal naman masyado
When will episode 5 be released?? Its already 4:13 here in the philippines and yet no episode update.
A 22h30 normalement
Still waiting for episode 5. What time is it releasing?
22h30 normalement
Huhuhu.anong oras ba marelease yung episode 5
Sabi po ng pinsan ko ngayun po irerelease ung episode 5 pero bukas pa po ilalabas ung ep.5 sa mga kdrama sites so bukas pa ponyata niyo mapapanood
I have released dates of episodes of these drama…
May nabasa lang din po ako sa comment na ganyan every wed thurs daw. Di ko lam if totoo
tas sabi nila wed 2pm daw pero wala paden huhu
baka mamaya pang 5 yun
abangan nalang naten yung pag release nila ng ep 5 and 6
Ngayun po ung release ng kdrama pero tomorrow pa po ipopost sa mga kdrama sites kaya bukas pa po mapapanood
waiting today 10:30 pm kst
bakit wala pang ep 5?
What time will ep5 will released?
could u translate pls
sa Korean 10:30 pm pinapalabas ung true beauty
every wed and thursday. yung episode ng Wednesday mapapanood natin ng thursday kasi nilalagyan pa ng subtitle . tapos ung episode ng thursday mapapanood mo po ng Friday kasi ginagawan pa po ng sub.
pero minsan naglalabas na sila ng video maaga kaso walang sub. fighting hintay lang tayo HAHA
Kailan release ng new ep?
today is wednesday but the ep 5 is not in there… so when the releasee?? im still waiting tho
sorry but true beauty wil delay because one of main characters in true beauty are positive in covid so we just wait we wil pray that they are ok
You still cant watch it for now cuz the ep.5 will be released in korea every wednesday and thursday but the episode 5 will be posted on sites tomorrow thursday and the episode 6 that is going to be release tomorrow will be posted in kdrama sites in friday…so you can watch it the day after it release.
today is wednesday but the ep 5 is not in there… so when the releasee??
it doesnt come out in korea untill 20:50
I think 3 or 4 am KST…….
u stupid
Baka maya2 may episode 5 n haha wednesday ngayon
oh ok thanks
Ngayun po irerelease ung episode pero bukas pa po ipopost sa mga kdrama sites ung ep.5
Kailan po release ng new ep?
When will episode 5 be released?!!!
Waiting for 5th episode…
EPs 5
where is epissde 5 uwu
when will ep.5 will be release?
When will you post the next episode
Waiting for ep.5?
I believe this drama is on Wed & Thurs?
Hello guys everyone is beautiful in their on way….i have a scar in face…n I feel embrassed
Me too but on my hand
You don’t have to feel embrassed.Love yourself.❤️
when was the ep 5 release?
it said it will be released today!
I always look here if there is episode 5?
december 23
They are released on wednesdays and thursdays, if i am not mistaken.
Now but I don’t know the time
it’ll be on air on 23 December 10:30 pm (KST)
it’ll be on air on 23 December at 10:30 pm (KST)
I think its today 10am
Why episode 5 hasn’t released.. ?
It hasn’t released tody
I love this drama bec i have the same story, when im in high school i experience bullying because i dont have a Eyebrow becauce i have a alopecia, But luckily i met someone who accept me for who i am. And i learn to use Make up for my eyebrow.
When I watch this drama it really touch me. It desame to my sittuation.do you know that i can’t even date anyone because of something I just want to hide?it really kill me inside. It so hard to live when you can’t dress the way you want. I was 2 years old when my cousin push me and I accidentally fell into a not boiling water while mu grandmother is cooking.I got a serious burn.around my body and hand.starting that day my life become mesirable its so hard living like this .every time I went to school all my classmates bullying me. I am shy around.I always want to be alone ..I always wearing jacket just to hide my scarsI can’t even work on a work that I want because of this.. Living like this is like Im in hell.
Hey you shouldn’t feel like this about your insucirites
Not only you everyone is insecure the way they look or how their body looks
Our imperfections make us special trust me no one is perfect and if someone bullies you for your imperfections you should think that they have a problem with their lame thinking and u need to be brave and think that no one is perfect in this world u have to learn to embrace your imperfections you have to accept those first yourself only then u will be able to not give a damn how people think u look like 🙂
I feel sorry for you.
If you could get plastic surgery for this reason,i guess it should be fine. No one will judge you since you have been through so many hard things due to that accident.
Well i do realize not everyone afford to get plastic/cosmetic surgery..
I’ve been thought about that but I cant really afford. I can’t push myself to gain confident. It so hard to bear buy there is no choice ..
Omg, I’m sorry~ if it makes you feel any better the classmates who bullied you can eat pure ass. I don’t know how you could go through this, personally, I’m a really confident and nice person but there have been dark times, if you’re ever having a hard time remember you are STILL beautiful despite everything you’ve been through. True beauty comes from the heart, and you are VERY beautiful
See the first thing you shoud do is to accept yourself the way you are. Physical appearance or outer beauty never matters. Make those burns your uniqueness and accept them. Don’t let others opinion affect you. Be confident and love yourself the way you are. I know its not easy to do that but its not impossible too, right?
I feel your pain and I’m with you on this one. It ok to feel that way. we all have some insecurities about ourselves in one way or the other but in all this we still gotta live on. I hope you get some comfort from this drama and live your life to the fullest without pleasing anyone but yourself.
Thank you for the comfort..
You are welcome love…..lets keep fighting ok
Girl I don’t know what to say…can I get your instagram or whatever to talk to you more?
Just remember that if someone loves you, they will love you for who you are despite the burn marks on your skin. And don’t let them burn marks consume you and stop you from doing anything, you can do whatever you want as long as you really want to, also those people that used to bully you only did that because they had problems themselves, and felt that by bullying people they would feel better, and don’t forget that your Beautiful and life is too short, live it the way you want to.
try to have confidence do not let other people define who you are dont let fear control you ….you have a whole life to leave …you never know what will happen in your life in the next 5 years….. people have different scars can be emotional scars or physical scars like yours people will treat the way you carry youself just walk head high …
I know how you feel. I have severe scars too, but fortunately, my scars are on my back so nobody can really see them.
I hope by me sharing this you can gain more confidence. I actually once couldn’t understand why I had these scars. Like why me out of all the people in this world. But then one day I came across a video of this person who said this “everybody has disabilities mine is just visible”. This completely changed my view on the world because for once I wasn’t the only one with problems anymore.
I really hope that this helps. Stay strong.
Im so sorry this happend to u but i just want to say that id doesn’t matter if u have a scar or u don’t. Is about how u act and if ur a good person and i think ur a really nice person so don’t be afraid to show ur scar be brave and show people that u love ur self for who u are and if somebody makes fun of u it tells u what kind of person they are. ❤️
oh my fuck, stop being dramatic like theres no need to spill ur whole life story on fucking dramacool. it’s literally a fake, cringey show that 8 year olds scream at. um if ur burns bother u that much, u can always just get plastic surgery and if no mf will date u, theres always omegle <33
What do you think will happen in episode 5 cause a think i have list written down
[email protected]
Kilig be
Cannot wait for the next episode?❤❤
I love them?????❤❤❤
go on kissasian ep 5 is there with sub
every wenesday thhursday release of every episode
Ye ur right I’m bout to say that but u already did before me bc some people don’t know it and like why it takes so long to post
Ou so every wensday and thursday comes a new episode i didnt know that i thought we can just watch 4 episodes thank you for the information guys:))
Please update episode 4eng sub….
Love this drama! It’s cheesy but that’s exactly what I need right now lol! Can’t wait for ep. 4 to be released! I’m looking forward to the jealousy 😉
Waiting for ep 4. An amazing drama, love it.
Episode 4 plss ?
Waiting for ep. 4
Eps.4 please
I love it btw for those people who r waiting let me just sy something/advice True beauty episode are always release on Wednesday or Thursday for the next ep and now it’s Thursday so there is ep 3 now
Ep. 4 waiting?
Episode 4 is coming out tomorrow I believe.
Me too
Same here!
Waiting for Ep. 4?
I can’t wait cause I’m so Bored
pakibilisan yung episode 4
who else read the webtoon? (☆▽☆)
Yes episode 3 is here. Been waiting like forever lol. Love this. Follow me on ig thou kdrama_Jamaica
English sub please
ep 3 english sub please
Episode 3 where are you?
where’s the episode 3?
San na ep 3 ?
San na ep 3 kala ko ngayon
I think ep 3 is gonna be post in 12 o clock koreans usually do that
N ep 4 is tommorow
the drama is way more different than the webtoon, actually I am very shocked when Sua is Soojin’s bestfriend, Sua also had a boyfriend but I’m happy though, I waited for this but I’m not reading webtoon since our summer vacation started, lol its just because I am so bored waiting for them to update another ep cause I don’t have a coins so I need to wait for weeks just to read another one, anyway for those who are asking when will ep.3 air here, its tomorrow.
Waiting for ep 3
tagal ng next episode
Please I’m waiting for ep.3
It’s already 16th
Please I’m waiting for ep.3
Its already 16th
Can’t wait for ep 3!!❤️✨
3rd ep gonna come tomorrow i guess
exactly but I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!1
lets hope
Waiting for ep 3…..
What’s taking so long hurry up and post
i want to watch ep 3 can you post it plssssss
pleasee post the 3rd episodee..
when is episode 3 coming out???? It already 12/16 : ( but I’m thankful for the providers and dramacool its just I’m impatient I can’t wait anymore and I don’t want to watch it anywhere else.
diba nakaka bwiset ang bitin
When will you release episode 3
paghuwat mo oy mga chanak. every wednesday and thursday na mag air aymog atat. unsay gusto ninyo mag una mos tvn? ??♀️
Isn’t episode 3 release today?its already december 16,2020
for all to know every episode has one day delay if the air of an episode is wednesday they will post it on thursday here on dramacool. I think it goes the same on other websites. Let’s wait…
Inca nu a fost episodul 3 difuzat.Pe Viki scrie ca apare peste 1 zi
I’m also still waiting:((
When is the 3rd episode coming?
grabe!!! excited na ko sa next episode…excited na kong makita c Seojun (Hwang in-yeop) ???
Can’t wait for ep 3❤️❤️
third episode now!!.. cant wait!!!!
its been the best webtoon and now the best movie!
episode 3 po plssss
Waiting for ep. 3 please???
really love it, can’t wait for the next episode 🙂
nice one.. waiting for ep 3..
Please post the 3rd episode…. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ?
when does episode 3 come out?
does someone know, who is the guy that helping an hyun kyu the (spectacles boy) arranging the flower on the floor for sooA and tae hoon 100th anniversary .EPISODE 2
does someone know, who is the guy that helping an hyun kyu the (spectacles boy) arranging the flower on the floor for sooA and tae hoon 100th anniversary . EPISODE 2
new episodes come out Wednesdays and Thursdays
waiting for episode 3
Still waiting for episdoe 3:>
Me too o
does someone know, who is the guy that helping an hyun kyu the (spectacles boy) arranging the flower on the floor for sooA and tae hoon 100th anniversary .EPISODE 2
Still waiting for episode 3:>
the episode 3 will air every wed
Waiting for episode 3and4
can’t wait for episode 3!
Waiting for ep 3.
when does it come out??
release ep 3 please
I love, love, lovee this drama. The main characters are so beautiful and talented too
Cant waitnfor episode 3
Can i watch dot movie plssss
Cu ce frecventa se difuzeaza?1 episod pe saptamana?Este tare dragut.
grabe can’t wait sa mga susunod na episodesss augh asan naaaa huhuhu kabitin abang abang nlng hehe :’>
oo nga po eh huhu
huhu oo nga po e
OMG….. ?????