Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (2023) Episode 4

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10 Comments to “Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (2023) Episode 4

  1. Damn… finished?! Apparently I see other comments and there is gonna be a movie oml ? hmm…? idk man this series is good but its also really weird and gives off vibes such as “on cloud nine” series lol like,,, u think its gonna be really nice series because of the name or picture but its so confusing and weird that u understand but also don’t. My beautiful man is quite nice I.m.p but also I don’t think its gonna be my fav series at all. but still though its nice

  2. I can’t believe Season 2 is over and now I have to wait for more than a year for the movie to be subbed ??? someone send help or a time machine! I’m glad this didn’t end on a cliffhanger of them having broken up but I also feel that Kiyoi deserves better. Sure, he loves Hira and all relationships require work. But why does one partner have to always be more mature, more understanding, more willing to compromise. I don’t think Hira is bad per se, but I also feel like the photographer was on to something when he said Hira hates the world because he thinks he’s above it all deep down. I hope they have a proper happy ending in the movie with both of them being in a relationship as equals.

    1. Well said. I think this episode showed that’s the direction they’re headed in. Hira finally made a move. Although he still has a ways to go to show Kiyoi he does seem him as his equal not some deity. We have to remember they’re high school sweethearts and with that comes a lot of immaturity. I think the photographer is a foreshadowing of what Hira will/could become when he changes his view on the world and finds his own path. There’s always a more mature person in every relationship and I like that they show this although dramatized by Hira’s obsessive fan behavior. Couples don’t always walk at the same pace, but supporting each other will help them walk closer together. Can’t wait to see how this ends.

    2. Thats the point. the reason he hated the world and felt digsuted by it per se as himura said was because he wanted to be just like kiyoi, since he was a model in high school, and he did so much he felt like he wasnt enough for him or his love or even deserved to be with or near him. thats why he was obsessed with taking photos. because he knew that things went away from him and faded away so he took photos to capture them and he only kept photos that were dear to him thats also why he photographed every moment he had with kiyoi because he had a fear he would leave too since he left in high school and coincidentally enough they met at college. but the more he heard from kiyoi and started understanding him the more he understood his own self worth, and talent which hence why he decided to make a move and become so much better and loving himself, the world, his job and most importantly his relationship. I know how he feels and how he views the world because thats exactly how i am, i dont like people, i hate the world, but i love capturing moments that are dear to me. because in any moment they can fade away as its happened all my life. so dont judge him too hard yet we all evolve in our own ways.

      1. The way kiyoi said “huh?” Is so cuuuuuuuuuute…kawaiiiiiiii.love it….Season 3 onegaishimasu…..