Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol Episode 16

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30 Comments to “Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol Episode 16

  1. The writer definitely did very well playing with our emotions. I loved the story line but I also agree with the ending being quite abrupt a\fter the fake death. However I loved all the actors and their performance. Very heartwarming story. The ending could have been very different. It could have been so that Jun’s mother was quite evil in such a way that she made it seemed like her son died so to get rid of RaRa. That would be have been more plausible. But it turned out it was a very cruel emotional torture for RaRa. Very “NOT NiCE!: of Jun. But over all I love it!

  2. The last few episodes are so unnesessary, what’s with using all of the worst tropes of kdramas? Their love story was cute enough without the “I loved you since I first met you and we talked for 1 minute” kind of stuff, also no couple would be together after 5 YEARS and one of them FAKING HIS DEATH, like wth is wrong with writers here? I wish I could erase last 5 episodes out of my mind

  3. This drama just melted in my heart. After each episode I would feel like crying my tears out but then again it’s not right . I tried to act tough as a man but I have to say this drama touched my heart ! Thank you dramacool
    Thank you IU and Lee Sun Gyun

  4. oh this drama is just whoaaa amazing! i thought that he was dead and i was like crying so hard at last he appears and finish this drama
    i wish there will be also Season 2 of this drama please make it,??
    whenever i see episode of this drama , it make my day and make freshh
    oh such a unbelievable drama!
    hope , season 2 apperars???
    i will wait either 1 year or 10 year for season 2 ??

  5. Este capitulo fue triste triste llore mucho pensé que Jun había muerto pero algo me decía que no, al final mis sospechas fueron ciertas. Me encanto felicitaciones por tan hermoso drama que nos presenta problemas que pueden sucedernos. Lo que tenemos que hacer es seguir adelante a pesar de los problemas que surjan, se que a veces es difícil pero hay que tratar.

  6. I cried a lot thingking he was dead! Like what!?plot twist he’s alive?so rara didnt ask further questions about he’s death etc! What a fool writer hahaha but anyway this is soo much fun watching this soo nuch sweetness!i like all the characters here,i like go ah ara shes pretty and portray the role with awesome talent!

    1. oooO are you talking about extraordinary you?? I hope you watched it! I watched it before I watched dodosolsollalasol and really liked his acting so I decided to watch this one as well. If you havent already watched extraordinary you yet you totally should ITS SO WORTH IT

  7. Honestly, This ending is idiotic and feels like a filler episode. The fake breakup is much better than the fake death. They should have left it that way. He is alive but in another country. What if she started dating again in that 5 years? I am happy he is alive, but its kind of mean what he did. Also, did rara not go to his burial site?

  8. This made me cry so much ??? I really thought he’s dead! ? My eyes are swollen and my heart still aches. ? So sad it ended. ?

  9. It was really a good drama. I sometimes cried, sometimes laugh. ıt was so absorbing that I had hard time while waiting next episodes. All of more than 100 korean drama I wacthed this is on my Top5.
    Also I fall in love with the male lead actor 🙂 Only thing I feel sad about it that I wish to see more happy time during the ending.

  10. What kind of an ending is this? I do like a happy ending but no one in their right mind would do a thing like that to another person. Letting them think he is dead for 5 years. Regardless of him trying to protect her from seeing him ill. Sorry now but the writers lack some credibility here. More creative writing wouldn’t go a miss.

  11. I still don’t understand some authors obsession with couples being apart for several years. 5 years, are you kidding me? Apart from that, such a beautiful story! Amazing characters, great plot!

  12. Great story of love…its so nice from the beginning till the end i was full of smiled even i cried a lot.
    Congrats for everyone, the best ever kdrama ever. Love u all.

  13. Whoa! Writer, you are so cruel! But, sooo glad he was alive after all, because I was thinking. Everyone is finding their happiness accept the our Rara who should be the one to find happiness, since she is so lovely and kind etc.

    Such a good drama and a brilliant ending.

    This has made me want to play the piano and right now, learning notes and nope, that I can play.

    1. I’m so sad. This drama is already over. I felt so many emotions, I smiled, I cried and a little bit scared. Every episode is full of bounces. I will watching again and again.

  14. That was a sad ending …..
    Not the usual happy ending trope.
    But i felt someone pushed off the cliff and it just ended there.
    Made me sad for both of them