LTNS (2024)
Other name: LTNS (Long Time No Sex) / Long Time No Sex / Давно без секса / لفترة طويلة لا جنس
Synopsis: Woo-jin and Samuel have experienced a decline in their physical and emotional relationship. Unexpectedly, they become a team of blackmailers specializing in exposing unfaithful couples, giving them a chance to improve their lives. The 6-episode series will be released on October 5, 2023 at a festival and is rated 18+ due to violence and profanity. It is 45 minutes long and will air on Fridays.
Country: Korean
Status: Completed
Release Year: 2024
Starring: Ahn Jae Hong (1986), Esom (1990), Jeong Jin Yeong (1964), Kim Sae Byeok (1986), Lee Hak Joo (1989), Ok Ja Yeon (1988), Ryoo Deok Hwan (1987)
LTNS (2024) trailer:
LTNS (2024) full episodes
LTNS (2024) Episode 6
1 year ago -
LTNS (2024) Episode 5
1 year ago -
LTNS (2024) Episode 4
1 year ago -
LTNS (2024) Episode 3
1 year ago -
LTNS (2024) Episode 2
1 year ago -
LTNS (2024) Episode 1
1 year ago
“months and months” makes at least 6 months, and many people say 2023 was just another peak year of kdramas. You must have woken up from coma recently.
Don’t you just love it when people who dislike a certain genre of drama go to watch that genre of drama, then complain on the page of that drama how they don’t like it
why its 7.7? is it boring?
Loving this!!!!!!
Wooww so now i have to wait for subs …this sucks
No, I think we are getting two episodes per week. However, on the episode guide, all of the release episodes have the same air date on the 19th which is wrong
Damn they look hot in photoshoot 🤩🤩
So is it going to be weekly?
Don’t know what to feel about 6 eps, on one hand great it won’t drag, one the other hand not another short drama for Esom 🥲
Finally it’s premiering soon! I love this concept of forming a blackmail team together with the husband lol
Looking foward to them investigation others’ dirty secrets 😂🕵️
Esom& bold comedy 🥰, ML is good even though the not traditionally attractive one he has wit if you’ve seen from Be Melodramatic, he suits comedy. 👍👍
Kdramas are getting bold, from fish kiss to sex…..
premise has good comic potential
the story Looks fui, adding to plan to Watch
will they air 2 eps every friday or 1 ep
the first sentence of the synopsis is taking me out ohmygosh 😲😂
The trailer that Esom put on her ig story caught me off guard 😭
The scenes are so shocking to see, didn’t expect Esom pick this role, this is giving 365 days icl
Definitely won’t watch this but would like to know people reaction when this get released
Esom, spicy dark comedy no need to tell me twice. I will be there no matter what
I’m acc so excited for this:)