Princess Silver Episode 35

Category: Princess Silver

Dear Dramacool users, you're watching Princess Silver Episode 35 with english subs.

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4 Comments to “Princess Silver Episode 35

  1. Why does her hair turn SILVER? Was it the toxins? Cancer? My GOSH. dumb …doesnt show how the two were replaced. And her brother being a part of the plan. ..was he meeting the real Princess or the fake one? ?

  2. Have to say these so called Master of Disguise. good in a movie to a limit. However, when you have the Princess being a double and then the General being a double. …and we dont know whos who throughout the drama. becomes BORING. Is this all there is to the plot. Its being used as a ploy to drag the drama on and on …when it really should be quality over and quantity. ..☠. Killed the drama really. ..

  3. Hurry up ! Effin hell …which Princess are you?! Real or fake. Supposed to be fake but she trying to act like shes really hurt ..??????

  4. Now …its getting DUMB ? …seriously where is she when all this is happening …and she did write that she was willing to sacrifice herself for the GREATER GOOD. ..and everyone is believing this vile BS actress pretending to be the actual Princess. ..NOOOO !!!?