Princess Silver Episode 53

Category: Princess Silver

Dear Dramacool users, you're watching Princess Silver Episode 53 with english subs.

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4 Comments to “Princess Silver Episode 53

  1. Man …pathetic when one spouse keeps the other in the DARK regarding her condition & effects on their baby. I mean. ..she said it was fate and wasnt keen on a treatment, but others have actually tried to keep her well, alive and safe. ..look at the conditions Fu went to to get that Raven Blood plant. ..
    Sure, they did her wrong. ..but its in the past and she should do her best for her own health & wellbeing …the poor healer is caught in between. ..she doesnt know what to say and what not to say. .

    Shes literally stuck in the MIDDLE and all the while …massive effects are happening to her body being consumed by this poison. Now shes carrying …its worse. I do not blame Prince Li. ..I feel its selfishness on Silvers end. ..try & cure yourself woman. ..enough with this fate rubbish cuz it will only kill your child ?

  2. Why its taking long for the eng sub for epi 53;, how long shall we wait. Give us the date you can release the eng sub. Were busy working we want to know to be able to follow the eng sub of every episode. Thank you.